muskybuck Posted November 15, 2004 Author Share Posted November 15, 2004 Jeez, Where's the Love??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted November 15, 2004 Share Posted November 15, 2004 If I were a Packer fan and my team was known as America's team, I would jump off the wagon! Who wants to be a part of that? P.S. The Chmura quote was great! Perfect timing! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barebackjack Posted November 15, 2004 Share Posted November 15, 2004 I hear all this about backing into the playoffs and if I remember right I believe the Vikes helped us "back" into the playoffs as well, thank you, if Im mistaken Im sure someone will soon point it point it out. I did see a vikings camper headed west down the highway today, musta been coming from the promise land, must have been a die hard fan which leads me to the MJR's comment about sainted players, thats what real fans think of their players, they idolize their team and its players whether they watch the game or not, they dont bash their team when they are on a bad run. Otto man, good call on the 5 year old, couldnta said it better myself, and genegodawg had a valid point as well. As far as us "cheeseheads" wanting the whole world to be wisconsin, thatd be great cause then we wouldnt have any MN drivers to complain about or disgruntled fans to listen to after a Vikings loss,oh yeah, and I like being called a cheesehead, sounds better than mud duck or swampy I think. Just some more "healthy" banter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 Quote:If you want to know why the whole world loves the pack its because of things like Bubba Franks going to hand the football to a child in the stands after a touch down instead of doing the chicken dance or doing cheerleader type things (Culpepper) after their actions.Muskybuck,I know some of these are repeats but lets review class acts.Farve runs around in a circle with his finger in the air and Daunte does his roll.Moss hands the ball to a special needs fan - Bubba Franks hands the ball to a fan.Vikes criminals are Mixon, Kramer, Walsh, etc...Pack criminals are Chumura, Cade, Davenport, those who shot Devine's dog, etc...Seems to me that there are good and bad guys all over. Get off your high horse and get some perspective. Lastly, my group has been to over 20 different road stadiums and we are in agreement that the best fans in the nation are in Houston. They are passionate about their team, they are respectful of the visiting fans and they act with class. Green Bay was not close to the worst but they are not the best. They are like the extreme political groups. They only seem like the majority because they are always in your face. Sorry, I don't usually like to add to unconstructive threads but I can't stand a statement that is clearly made with blinders on or through green and gold colored glasses. Congrats to the Pack, they won. I hope the rest of the season is as exciting as last nights game. With ref's like last nights it should be (I had to get that one in) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 A shot and a goal for Fishyguy!!!!!! Question for Wisconsinites: Why don't you back the Brewers or Bucks????It seems like almost every packer and Badger football fan says "I don't follow Basketball or baseball" Why is this I ask? The only conclusion that I come to is that you are the ultimate bandwagon fans or that all of your Blatz beer swillin' parents of the 60's brainwashed you as children.... help me and my other fellow "Mud Ducks" understand whats up with you people who love to love yourselves so much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chris-Neises Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 We like winners. Bye the way, the Badgers basket ball team will have to be added this year as they will most likely smoke the gophers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barebackjack Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 Ya see buzzsaw, maybe the fanbase is not as large for our sports other than football as it might be in MN, whicj would make you wrong about your attempted guess at a conclusion. Also wrong would have been the brand of beer that you have chosen, the correct answer would have been "Old Milwaukee", but hey good try, you get a "E" for effort and keep up the good work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 Why wouldn't your fanbase be as large?? Both states have over five million people living within their borders... I just can't see it any other way than "bandwagon" because you never hear a Wisconsinite talk about the Brewers or Bucks. Like I said earlier... if this is not true, please explain. I just said Blatz because I figured it was cheaper than Old Swill... as a matter of fact every time my friend from Luck, Wisconsin had me over to fish Big Round lake he'd have a 12 pack of Old Swill. I think it takes him back to his teenage years routing for John Brockington, Chester Marcol and Lynn (short) Dickey. ( : Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
muskybuck Posted November 16, 2004 Author Share Posted November 16, 2004 Buzzsaw, I love the bucks but I could never support a team that was owned by Zelleck (sp). Especially after that attempt by him to get rid of the twins. Who the he-- could root for a team owned by him? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nolte Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 BuzzsawThe reason we don't talk about the Bucks and Brewers is there isn't a border state rivalry for those teams. They see each other maybe a few times a season. Why would we get in heated discussion about it. I guess us classless cheeseheads realize its a non-issue. Its funny you bring up jumping on the bandwagon. Check out the attendence for the Brewers and Twins. To me it looks like the twins went from 12,000 fans a game in 2000 when you weren't any good to about 23,000 the next four years when you were winning. Which is still less than 26,000 the Brewers got in the door in the same time period. And the Brewers haven't been any good for awhile. If they were three time defending central champs you couldn't keep the fans out of the door in Milwaukee. Now you tell me who is jumpin on the bandwagon.Now for basketball, I don't really care for it or follow it cause I'm a hockey guy but by looking at playoff appearances the Bucks have made it to the playoffs 5 out of the last six years. That isn't too bad. I also think it's funny you bring up basketball since your organization won its first playoff series last year. The wolves do look to be pretty good this year though.MJR You are right, Moss shouldn't play with a torn Hamstring, if the vikes want to make a run anytime later in the season. Nothing like a little river jumpin sports ribbin to keep things interesting Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 Buzzsaw,I have to snicker about your approach....changing the subject to other sports-good one.I always say if you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance, baffle 'em with bull****!Your comments above remind me alot of my buddy Windy talking about the Cubs/ChiSox earlier this year - just talking to get a rise out of someone. Well it doesn't work with me because I feel you have every "right" to be "wrong".You root for your loser and I'll root for mine.And as far as bandwagon jumping goes....the more the merrier OR misery loves company. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MNice Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 I just can't beleive how much people get into sports. Don't get me wrong I like sports but when it comes to living & dying with any team I just don't get it. I consider myself a vikings fan, but I also couldn't care less if they win every game including the superbowl or don't win a game all year, I just enjoy the game. I think most fans care more about wins and losses than most players do. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bearfish Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 I agree with MNice analysis. I believe most of the above comments are just for fun. But, feel sorry for fans who actually live/believe the hype. I admit, it's taken me years to see the light...its like a disease! Get help - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
genegodawa Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 Yeah, I agree. Sports like fishing and hunting are much better - now those you can really live and die for. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
otto_man Posted November 16, 2004 Share Posted November 16, 2004 i would agree, i don't know how anyone could like the vikings... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
barebackjack Posted November 18, 2004 Share Posted November 18, 2004 The only thing I care about when it comes to football is being able to scream with a beer in my hand, I do like my team but Im not sick with it. I was simply saying about fan base not in reference to population but who is actually interested in it, might just not be as popular here, or so it seems to me, and im probably wrong. And I never did get corrected about the vikes helpin us back into the playoffs last year so i will assume I was right???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MJR Posted November 22, 2004 Share Posted November 22, 2004 Barback like you were saying about how a "real fan" backs his team or player no matter what, I think that is a GB thing. Most people see the players as players and if they don't play well it would seem obvious to all non GB people that they are not good players. Most of them are a bunch of thugs also and not someone that should be a role model for anyone or be held in some higher regard than anyone else, they do have a special talent but they are no better than you or I. So in lines with the GB "real fan" philosophy, I like the Indiana Pacers, Ron Artest did nothing wrong, I support him in everything he does, he is a model for professional athletes. I see the pack snuck away with another one at the is definately getting interesting in the north. Except for with the bears and lions, they still stink. I also would take a day fishing or hunting over football anyday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
setterguy Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 I find it humorous "Packers fans, that means funny" how everyone praises Favre for his "toughness" and they can't stop talking about the consecutive games streak, but what they fail to realize is that he was hopped up on pain killers for half the games. It doesn't seem all that tough to me to just numb everything and go play, I could play with broken fingers too if I couldn't feel them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mnvikingsfreak Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 I agree with setter guy favre is an overrated baby that cries at press confrences when he chokes on big games or when he cant get enough of those painkillers I hate the packers and their fans been to lambeau field to watch them play the vikes and they are really rude and dont care for vikings fans at all which is fine when I see packer fans at the dome I let them know they are not welcome too so do everyone else in my section "I have season tix" look out favre peyton manning will break your streak for Qb's later down the road and favre will be another has been retire already!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mnvikingsfreak Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 muskybuck wrote this...."If you want to know why the whole world loves the pack its because of things like Bubba Franks going to hand the football to a child in the stands after a touch down instead of doing the chicken dance or doing cheerleader type things (Culpepper) after their actions. Thats why the world loves the pack" what do you mean moss does this everytime he scores at touchdown? he gives it to a kid or a person in a wheelchair everytime he scores {which is a heck more than bubba franks} he doesnt dance and etc.. like you say it will be the 1st quarter and favre will throw a 20 yard td and he will jump into his linemans arms and put his finger in the air like he won the superbowl its the 1st quarter!! he has Martin Gramatica syndrome p.s. as you claim the world loves the pack.....I dont!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 Martin Gramatica syndrome!!! I LOVE THAT ONE!! You are right on brotha!P.S.Did Ahman Green just fumble gain? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bottomfeeder Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 mnqueenfreak,You are the classic example of 'everybody hates on the winner'. Will it make you feel better if I promise that the vikes will someday win something meaningful? However, it most likely will not be in yours or mine lifetime.Farve is a shoe-in for the hall of fame on his first eligable ballot. Someday you will have to come to terms with that, therapy may help. Also, look for his name on the ring of honor at Lambeau, next to the other greats of the NFL.Oh yea, I almost forgot, the Packers are in first and once again #1. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nolte Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 I have no problem with a player showing emotion when they do something good, in a big situation. Although Randy has gotten more humble, he still likes to do his little flex and was pretty bad when he first came in the league. To compare his good will actions to Bubba Franks is a real joke. One thing about Favre, he might jump around and celebrate with his teammates but I bet you won't see him go into Chicken Dance Fever like Dante. Buzzsaw, I was wondering if you were still checking out this forum, you didn't really have much to say after my response on the Brewers and Bucs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
buzzsaw Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 Nolte: here is your quote... The reason we don't talk about the Bucks and Brewers is there isn't a border state rivalry for those teams. They see each other maybe a few times a season. Why would we get in heated discussion about it.I guess all I can say to that is that there is not a rivalry between them because the Wisconson teams mentioned always stink it up.... but thank god for your boy Bud Selig saving the Brewers temporarily. I'm also a bigger college hockey fan... you can safely assume I am a huge Gopher rube. It was nice watching the Gophers sweep the Badgers in hockey a few weeks ago! It looks like the Badgers have a few more games played than the "recent" two time national champion gophers, I think your Badgers are decent... I look for a top 4 finish in the WCHA from them. Go to the hockey forum and we can continue this topic under "Gopher Hockey" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishyguy Posted November 24, 2004 Share Posted November 24, 2004 Quote:Buzzsaw The reason we don't talk about the Bucks and Brewers is there isn't a border state rivalry for those teams. They see each other maybe a few times a season. Why would we get in heated discussion about it. I guess us classless cheeseheads realize its a non-issue. Nolte, If I was to understand correctly, you need a border rivalry to have a passionate discussion about your teams. I know part of what drives the Vikes/Pack discussions is the border rivalry but it also has to do with the almost dead heat in head to head matchups, the countless season changing matchups, and the consistent playoff appearances by each. Success breeds rivalries as much as borders do. I boil it down differently. I have a sneaky suspicion that if the Bucks and Brewers had the success that the Wolves and Twins have lately, you would be more than happy to include them in your discussions. I am looking forward to a post Christmas discussion of the next game. PS...To respond to those who idolize Farve talk like we are nuts for not worshipping him. While most Vikes fans agree, he is a sure fire Hall of Fame candidate and respect his abilities, we do not have to like him and can take issue with his Gramatica Syndrome. Great player...yes, everybodies Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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