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Expected worst Deer harvest in 20 years!

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But shouldn't every hunter be allowed the same opportunity you are expecting no matter where they live? I am kinda coming around to that type of thinking and want to know how many deer I should demand in the back 40 in order to make sure I get a whack at a wallhanger every year.

Every hunter, including myself, are currently "allowed" that opportunity. If more hunters used that opportunity, the hunting for bucks over 1.5 years old would improve exponentially. However, that is up to each hunter to decide...isn't it P.F.?

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Where did wallhangers for all come from?

How about focus on the fact that deer hunting in MN could be much better and everyone would benefit.

I am not saying that 100% success is needed, but things are much different now.

Whats wrong with hunters getting to see a few deer?

The people that want to shoot anything get a better opp to shoot anything. The people that like to shoot bucks might get to shoot the bucks of choice. The people that want bigger bucks might get chances at more bigger bucks. Is there something wrong with that?

Oh now I see my flaw.... I said, "deer hunting in MN could be much better and everyone would benefit."

PF will then say,,,

who is everyone? Does everyone agree with you? bla bla.....

Why cant there be some happy medium? Lou Cornicelli has said a number of times that 200k-220k is the sweet spot for harvest... Well lets work to get there and stop the madness that every year we shoot less deer because of wind/rain/corn.

Exactly. When we have a reasonable deer herd, every type of hunter benefits.

P.F. is just feeling lonely and needs some negative interactions. Must be an early case of holiday depression.

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Predicted this on another site...there will be more Managed units in 2015 than there were in 2013.

Hope I'm wrong

My hope is that the zone I hunt - 277 - goes managed, I've been seeing lots of does and fawns. The problem is that this is a big zone, good deer habitat in the northern part and big black farmland in the southern part, they must be doing some sort of 'average' when they calculate doe permits.

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My hope is that the zone I hunt - 277 - goes managed, I've been seeing lots of does and fawns. The problem is that this is a big zone, good deer habitat in the northern part and big black farmland in the southern part, they must be doing some sort of 'average' when they calculate doe permits.

One way, in my opinion, for the DNR to be able to have a better handle on the herd, would be to redraw the areas to take into account habitat changes over the years. Areas like that where there's a lot of deer in one part but very few in another.

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The problem is that this is a big zone, good deer habitat in the northern part and big black farmland in the southern part, they must be doing some sort of 'average' when they calculate doe permits.

I believe they calculate the percentage of each unit that is considered deer habitat, multiply that times the established density goal, and then allocate permits based on (nothing) what the model tells them. That process may work well when the established methodology of doing aerial surveys every 4-5 years and recalibrating the model is done.

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A good quality hunt or being able to go hunting every year with a less than desirable deer herd. I'll take the quality every time. Like you said though...plenty of others will opt for "choice B"

Be careful what you wish for.

I want to be able to deer hunt every year. Its easy to say "I'll just hunt with a camera or I'll do more duck/pheasant/squirrel hunting" but when push comes to shove, it would really suck not being able to go sit in a deer stand, watch the sunrise, speculate whether that black object is a deer or a bush, etc.

The DNR can manage the deer herd with the doe lottery, its just a matter of managing to to an acceptable number (which is the big debate here, what is the number), no need for a buck lottery!!!

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Every hunter, including myself, are currently "allowed" that opportunity. If more hunters used that opportunity, the hunting for bucks over 1.5 years old would improve exponentially. However, that is up to each hunter to decide...isn't it P.F.?

Not according to you and the group you are advocating for.you are asking the DNR to decide for us.

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Be careful what you wish for.

I want to be able to deer hunt every year. Its easy to say "I'll just hunt with a camera or I'll do more duck/pheasant/squirrel hunting" but when push comes to shove, it would really suck not being able to go sit in a deer stand, watch the sunrise, speculate whether that black object is a deer or a bush, etc.

The DNR can manage the deer herd with the doe lottery, its just a matter of managing to to an acceptable number (which is the big debate here, what is the number), no need for a buck lottery!!!

I understand what you're saying and going to a full lottery system that may make it impossible for a hunter to go out each year certainly isn't at the top of my "want" list. However, if that led to a quality experience, I (just my personal opinion fellas" wouldn't mind.

I agree that our herd should be able to be managed to reasonable levels with our existing tools and season structures.

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We have a hard enough time getting youth and family into the woods as it is. I'd hate to make it a tougher job by having young or new hunters having to sit out for one or more years at a time due to not getting drawn. By the same token kids and new hunters like to see some deer when they are out in the woods. Been through that with turkey hunting and needing to go out of state to get our spring hunting fix.

Very good point!!!

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Not according to you and the group you are advocating for.you are asking the DNR to decide for us.

How is that P.F.? Pretty sure the DNR already decides for us what the season is going to look like, right? All I want (personally) is more deer on the landscape. I fail to see how that is going to negatively impact your deer hunting, but I'm sure you'll find something to argue about.

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Exactly. When we have a reasonable deer herd, every type of hunter benefits.

P.F. is just feeling lonely and needs some negative interactions. Must be an early case of holiday depression.

I'm not in a bad mood, actually very happy and satisfied with the season that just ended. You, OTOH have been the one crying about the DNR and how terrible your hunting has been. You are just upset that other hunters are seeing and harvesting enough deer to be perfectly happy.

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How is that P.F.? Pretty sure the DNR already decides for us what the season is going to look like, right? All I want (personally) is more deer on the landscape. I fail to see how that is going to negatively impact your deer hunting, but I'm sure you'll find something to argue about.

Pretty simple concept. I am for the DNR and the rest of government being less restrictive while the big government liberal types feel that only government can protect us from ourselves. You are asking for more intervention than has been historically done and I am not going to support more government. I am more of a personal responsibility type.

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Is this still one of the worst deer harvests in the past 20 yrs? Pretty much everyone I know got a deer, it has been one of the best yrs I can remember for activity and people harvesting. Even some of the guys that have been skunked the past 2-3 yrs got one this season.

Apparently you don't know that many people...


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Pretty simple concept. I am for the DNR and the rest of government being less restrictive while the big government liberal types feel that only government can protect us from ourselves. You are asking for more intervention than has been historically done and I am not going to support more government. I am more of a personal responsibility type.

Okay, so using your model if I personally want more deer on the landscape what is my responsibility to achieve that goal?

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Where did wallhangers for all come from?

How about focus on the fact that deer hunting in MN could be much better and everyone would benefit.

I am not saying that 100% success is needed, but things are much different now.

Whats wrong with hunters getting to see a few deer?

The people that want to shoot anything get a better opp to shoot anything. The people that like to shoot bucks might get to shoot the bucks of choice. The people that want bigger bucks might get chances at more bigger bucks. Is there something wrong with that?

Oh now I see my flaw.... I said, "deer hunting in MN could be much better and everyone would benefit."

PF will then say,,,

who is everyone? Does everyone agree with you? bla bla.....

Why cant there be some happy medium? Lou Cornicelli has said a number of times that 200k-220k is the sweet spot for harvest... Well lets work to get there and stop the madness that every year we shoot less deer because of wind/rain/corn.

The wallhanger comment comes from those who over the season have stated that they saw deer,even bucks, but didn't harvest one because it didn't meet their standards. If you are hunting and a deer presents itself then what the h e double hockeysticks is the problem?

If you want bigger bucks, they are out there and there are massive deer pictures posted all over this forum.

If smsmith posts that he has had multiple deer pass his stand every year yet he has chosen not to harvest one because it doesn't meet his standards then I don't have a lot of sympathy. And to me the DNR has given him his opportunity. For those in areas where they saw zero deer, them I understand.

But I am amazed how you jump on anyone who says their particular area is fine and doesn't need more restrictions or government intervention.

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geez. Landscape is referred to as an in general descriptive word, doesn't mean zone, permit area, back forty etc.

Here's a question and I'm not a big fan of most hunting shows. Why do they rarely show a Minnesota hunt? It's all Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Dakotas, Canada... "Here we are a XYZ hunting productions, we're heading to Minnesota for a chance at a nice buck." I bet I could watch the three outdoor channels we get for the next month and see zero filmed in Minnesota.

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If smsmith posts that he has had multiple deer pass his stand every year yet he has chosen not to harvest one because it doesn't meet his standards then I don't have a lot of sympathy. And to me the DNR has given him his opportunity. For those in areas where they saw zero deer, them I understand.

That's good, because I'm not looking for any sympathy. I haven't undertaken involvement in MDDI for me, I did so because I think deer hunting in MN could and should be better for everybody here.

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Here's a question and I'm not a big fan of most hunting shows. Why do they rarely show a Minnesota hunt? It's all Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, Ohio, Dakotas, Canada... "Here we are a XYZ hunting productions, we're heading to Minnesota for a chance at a nice buck." I bet I could watch the three outdoor channels we get for the next month and see zero filmed in Minnesota.

Because we don't have many "ranches." Wait until the credits roll. I bet more than 75% of the time they thank a particular outfitter. Then visit that outfitters site and see how many thousands of dollars you would need to pay to harvest a buck from that property - typically based on how big the rack is.

Most hunting shows have as much to do with "reality" as the junk on prime time TV.

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Because we don't have many "ranches." Wait until the credits roll. I bet more than 75% of the time they thank a particular outfitter. Then visit that outfitters site and see how many thousands of dollars you would need to pay to harvest a buck from that property - typically based on how big the rack is.

Most hunting shows have as much to do with "reality" as the junk on prime time TV.

We don't? I think I saw something awhile back that MN has more deer farms than just about any other state.

Heck, I've got two "ranches" within a 20 minute drive of my place.

I'll agree that a good number of shows are filmed behind a high fence, but certainly not all of them. Plenty of those hunts are filmed on privately managed ground with no fences. Hunting can be just that good in states where DNR's work and communicate with landowners who are interested in managing their parcels differently than public lands are managed.

MO Dept. of Conservation is working with QDMA on developing plans for interested landowners. It is a jointly paid effort between MDC and QDMA.

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Because we don't have many "ranches." Wait until the credits roll. I bet more than 75% of the time they thank a particular outfitter. Then visit that outfitters site and see how many thousands of dollars you would need to pay to harvest a buck from that property - typically based on how big the rack is.

Most hunting shows have as much to do with "reality" as the junk on prime time TV.

And because we don't bait. There's a LOT of those shows that just off camera there's a feeder that buck has been coming to for years, same time, every day.

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