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For the cholesterol information, try a non bias google search so you dont filter for your own opinion. (Crazy what you'll can learn when reading something you didnt previously know-shocker, I know).

Commercialized medicine and exercise industry, preventing you from receiving the truth.  (Do you not think that happens?)

Because theres a belt and the ground doesnt move and as humans, we have been created over 100s of 1000s of years (unless your one of the posters here believing it was 5000 years ago) honing our walking gate on ground that doesnt move, not a treadmill.  Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend and why do you need evidence beyond the relationship between quads and hamstrings?  Sounds like you are really trying to find something to hold onto here Del.  Maybe take the defeat and walk away, or go do some homework on what you dont know. WOW....



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5 hours ago, DrJuice1980 said:

For the cholesterol information, try a non bias google search so you dont filter for your own opinion. (Crazy what you'll can learn when reading something you didnt previously know-shocker, I know).

Commercialized medicine and exercise industry, preventing you from receiving the truth.  (Do you not think that happens?)

Because theres a belt and the ground doesnt move and as humans, we have been created over 100s of 1000s of years (unless your one of the posters here believing it was 5000 years ago) honing our walking gate on ground that doesnt move, not a treadmill.  Why is this so difficult for you to comprehend and why do you need evidence beyond the relationship between quads and hamstrings?  Sounds like you are really trying to find something to hold onto here Del.  Maybe take the defeat and walk away, or go do some homework on what you dont know. WOW....



So you don't have a link on the cholesterol thing?   Conspiracy theory?     Seriously?    Come on, post a link that you think is telling the real story.  Remember the internet is the net of a billion lies.  So who do you trust, juice?   Post the link. 

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Del, i think a majority of your links and quotations are junk so what does it matter what i throw up for a link? You think im looney and i think youre a programmed robot trained to trust everything commercial medicine and performance training and chosen celebrity endorsed product, dangles in front of you, as long as its backed by some study to further blind you from reality.  


Gave up on the treadmill arguement huh? You just ran out of steam there, almost like you pulled a hammy...

Edited by DrJuice1980
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Thats pretty recent, but this is not something new.  Your body is often played with for continual profit, coming at you from a lot of different angles.

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8 hours ago, DrJuice1980 said:

Del, i think a majority of your links and quotations are junk so what does it matter what i throw up for a link? You think im looney and i think youre a programmed robot trained to trust everything commercial medicine and performance training and chosen celebrity endorsed product, dangles in front of you, as long as its backed by some study to further blind you from reality.  


Gave up on the treadmill arguement huh? You just ran out of steam there, almost like you pulled a hammy...

Nope.  I'm still waiting for you to post  a mainstream source of information that says treadmills are bad.  

You are the one with the "unusual" claims so that puts some obligation on you to provide data to support your contention.  

So far, all there is is your assertion. 

Edited by delcecchi
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as for statins... Just one study that happened to show up on the same page as the abstract for one of your "conscious evolution" links where the guys were doing chemistry... "in vitro" 


An overview of clinical trials can reveal a class effect on mortality that is not apparent from individual trials. Most large trials of lipid pharmacotherapy are not powered to detect differences in mortality and instead assess efficacy with composite cardiovascular endpoints. We illustrate the importance of all‐cause mortality data by comparing survival in three different sets of the larger controlled lipid trials that underpin meta‐analyses ....

In secondary prevention, statin treatment increased survival in all five of the main trials, absolute mean increase ranged from 0.43% to 3.33%, the median change was 1.75%, which occurred in the largest trial. In primary prevention, statin treatment increased survival in six of the seven main trials, absolute mean change in survival ranged from −0.09% to 0.89%, median 0.49%.

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"Mainstream"=Sheep mentality 

"Unusual"=Not mainstream

You're brainwashed into believing treadmills, ultimately, are beneficial and common sense says no, but the common sense approach is forgotten due to the heavy influence of somebody trying to make a buck off of you for what? Convenience.  Yup Del, convenience, remember that word today when you observe how people live, make choices-subconsciously, look at how many convenient choices are made compared to logical and then you can begin to understand why treadmills are manufactured, why they sell a bunch of them, why a bunch of people use them, and why you were foolish to think they had any value.  Now what is happening is you are defending a purchase you have made or time you have invested on one instead of absorb any information for why you were wrong to do so.  Hey man, we all make mistakes, owning up to them shouldn't be this tough for you unless you're one of those guys that is never wrong ;)

No time looking up any information to back my view would be worth it, I dont need to reinforce my belief as it is regarding how the human body has become what we are today and treadmills being introduced very recently and it going against how we are designed to move-The ground dont move under you, you move on top of it-NEWS FLASH!!!


Im sure pfizer and merck dont get mixed up in any studies and trials, they are 100% ethical and accurate....


Del's "Boys" of trust for personal well being:

Merck: Revenue: 39.5 billion USD (2015)

Pfizer: Revenue: 52.82 billion USD (2016)

but but mayo clinic in Rochester, my home town.....


Most of you arent even human, just a walking mass of sugar, preservatives, syrups, roundup, pharmaceuticals, minimum neurological communication due to your unhealthy lifestyle creating demyelination-probably drag your feet often, movie quotes, generic thought, pre-programmed robot of convenience, just waiting for somebody to make a mistake so they can make fun of them for the underlining reason of poor self-image because the mirror dont lie.


Move along now mouth breathers



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So you got nothing on treadmills being bad for you, except your own deluded opinion.

And nothing much against statins either except hatred and paranoia about modern medicine and the pharmaceutical industry.  

Most of us aren't even human?    You are losing it.  Too bad you won't take meds for it.   I am sure they would help your symptoms. 

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For treadmills, I have 100's of 1000s of years of evidence for how Man is suppose to move and guess what Del, I aint the dupe thinking they're good by believing a manufacture funded study.... baahhh baahhhh, join the herd at the gym, at the Doctors office, the pharmacy, PT, OR waiting room, post surgical PT, support group that cant figure out why they cant walk down stairs without extreme pain... Go join them, I will be the different one who understands reason and purpose while you listen to what somebody else told you to think.  

Statins... well, see ya later memory..but you have already shown signs of that fading quickly.  No worries though, I dont expect you to care too much as flouride and other chemicals have crystallized your Pineal gland.  Rendering you a pretty useless human as your ability to absorb new information is thwarted, but dont worry, a high percentage are probably a stone like anybody who drank public water for a large portion of your life.  But you can at least be aware of this and dont suck down melatonin like a vast majority of the public, further shutting it downby  you drinking city water and you can take supplements to attempt to reverse the damage that trusting the system created.


Call me crazy....  I guess I need a shrink and a bottle of pills, always Del's go to. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

aahh hhhaaa, ahhhh hhhhaaa, aaahhhh hhhhaaa, aaaaaaaaa ha ha a (weeze) ........ ......  hhhaaaa   **mouth breathing w/ a little hold at the end for effect.

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Ah, so you are in the "flouride is poisoning our precious bodily fluids" camp as well.   You from Bemidji?

You really need to get that paranoia under control before you are wrapping yourself in tinfoil and watching for the black helicopters.   

Getting back to treadmill, so you can't find a single scientific measurement to support your beliefs?   Isn't this the kind of thing a grad student in exercise physiology would be all over?   Get some students, pay them with an organic kale salad and some extra credit, stick electrodes on their quads and glutes and all that and put them on a treadmill.   Get a publication and a thesis out of it....

Come on, if it were true, there would be some proof somewhere.  


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On 8/22/2017 at 2:39 PM, Big Dave2 said:

I'm no expert on this stuff but I'm guessing this is what Dr. Juice is alluding to in his own condescending way.....



I was thinking more along the lines of this




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Im just going to leave it at this:

22 hours ago, delcecchi said:

You are losing it.  Too bad you won't take meds for it.   I am sure they would help your symptoms. 


Merck: Revenue: 39.5 billion USD (2015)

Pfizer: Revenue: 52.82 billion USD (2016) 

No mention of a treadmill with the info above, it is not needed as the example shows how deeply brainwashed people have become.  Why is the answer to swallow something? Because he has been told to believe that logic.  This is very sad as it reflects an individual who hasnt learned anything in a very long time, they have just heard people who they view as smarter than themselves speak the information.  No fact checking because the individual went to school for longer and wears a white coat, as long as the information is in line with our opinion, not fact, opinion.  Unlike us being born with hamstrings-thats a fact.  This individual is so dense he cant get past the common sense bit and tries to make things challenging by inserting physics as a lifeline in his struggle to see commercialism has completely blinded him.

Show me a study..... cause those are accurate, a strict set of guidelines ALL studies follow... Ok

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To start with, you are the one that introduced statins into the thread....

There are many areas where common sense has turned out to be incorrect..   If one believes in science then one would want some evidence that an assertion is true, rather than some random guy saying it is only common sense.   

Remember it was only common sense to believe that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object, until experiment showed it not to be true.   It was only common sense to believe the sun went around the earth, until observation showed it to be the earth that orbits the sun (in the solar system center of mass frame of reference).   It was only common sense to believe that an atom was an indivisible object.... well, you get the idea.  

If you had taken an elementary physics course you would be able to  understand that a person standing still while walking on a moving surface is identical to a person moving while walking on a stationary surface.  

Common sense can be a poor guide to the truth.   Measurements and experiments are much better.

It is hard to give up your preconceived notions that anything that doctors and pharmaceutical companies tell you is a lie since they charge for their product, and they charge a lot sometimes.  

Do you think there is a cure for cancer that has been suppressed by the establishment? 

If you walk or run on a tread mill do your hamstrings and glutes get tired?  Mine do.  

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2 hours ago, delcecchi said:


Remember it was only common sense to believe that a heavier object falls faster than a lighter object, until experiment showed it not to be true.  

If you remove the air from the environment, this is true.....  Seriously?


If you had taken an elementary physics course you would be able to  understand that a person standing still while walking on a moving surface is identical to a person moving while walking on a stationary surface.  

Huh, how do body mechanics and movement patterns remain the same?  Wow.....  Have fun living life, "going through the motions" ignorantly throwing one foot in front of the other and think its the same pattern as Usain Bolt walking, you cant be serious here. 


2 hours ago, delcecchi said:

Do you think there is a cure for cancer that has been suppressed by the establishment? 

If you walk or run on a tread mill do your hamstrings and glutes get tired?  Mine do.  

There is a LOT of information out there that a medical provider wont tell you as they are not informed either.  If you have cancer, you are your best healthcare advocate, PERIOD.  Walking would not produce soreness, its takes much more stress to create soreness for me but that is because I train to positively manage stress and my workouts are much more stressful then what I would encounter day to day.  You get sore from the treadmill because you have conditioned yourself to be only able to handle minimum stress, sad, very sad because you are getting on that treadmill probably for some sort of performance benefit.  Sorry nancy-boy but that aint happening, you are deconditioning yourself and your hamstrings probably hurt due to spite for me and so you go into your treadmill session thinking, oh I better use my hamstrings here... Can you bend forward and touch the ground without bending your knees? Do you feel your hamstrings or just the back of your knee?

2 hours ago, delcecchi said:

Common sense can be a poor guide to the truth.  

I agree, if you are Del Cecci and you have little common sense, as shown in the examples above, you will guide yourself to the wrong answer.


2 hours ago, delcecchi said:

To start with, you are the one that introduced statins into the thread.... 

Do you need to be told that another thing you engage in is detrimental to your health or something?  What do you need to know about statins and health risks?


You are a reason why our healthcare system is so messed up.

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Your gen is so lost though it isnt even funny.  And no longer can you guys manage your emotions.  I have witnessed so many baby boomers become soft and unable to express their feelings responsibly.  You have reverted to kids, you want to be like the millennials, you want to be trendy as if thats still "cool", you have bought whatever some good-looking celebrity has told you to buy for all that you can remember.  You watched the Kennedy's get murdered and did nothing about it but believe lies, you let corporations destroy humanity, the same stuff that is happening today happened in the 60s and you did nothing to stop it but watch TV.  You tried to shove that down your kids throats as normal and now, they are all messed up too, probably prescribed a bunch of unnecessary pills.  There was always tomorrow, the sun will come up and as long as I see it I am happy, regardless how many wont.  You were breed to be selfish a-holes, only worry about self but that back fired and all you care about is what other people are doing and what they think about what and how you are doing something, you have mostly become self-righteous thinkers-thanks church for installing that one-falsely.  A nation of nervous nelly's and so much is controlled by our diets and what had been authorized "safe" for consumption.  Del, do I think big Gov and big Pharm and the FDA are all against you? Absolutely, and if you dont then we are going to look back in 50 years from now and say, "Gee wiz, this all happened 50 years ago."  Am I making any sense to you?  Probably not, went on a rant there but man, you are blinded if you dont remotely understand.  Maybe in 50 years after your long gone, I'll scratch my head and say, "I wonder if theyre going to make a cure for cancer"  Na, I would have beaten it 3-4 times by then and been called a "medical miracle" cause my body was different than everyone elses when in reality I just took a bunch of broken cell Chlorella and other natural stuff that cant be lab made and marketed, like using weed as a pain killer....  What, you think heroin, I mean opioids were a better choice?

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4 hours ago, DrJuice1980 said:

Your gen is so lost though it isnt even funny.  And no longer can you guys manage your emotions.  I have witnessed so many baby boomers become soft and unable to express their feelings responsibly.  You have reverted to kids, you want to be like the millennials, you want to be trendy as if thats still "cool", you have bought whatever some good-looking celebrity has told you to buy for all that you can remember.  You watched the Kennedy's get murdered and did nothing about it but believe lies, you let corporations destroy humanity, the same stuff that is happening today happened in the 60s and you did nothing to stop it but watch TV.  You tried to shove that down your kids throats as normal and now, they are all messed up too, probably prescribed a bunch of unnecessary pills.  There was always tomorrow, the sun will come up and as long as I see it I am happy, regardless how many wont.  You were breed to be selfish a-holes, only worry about self but that back fired and all you care about is what other people are doing and what they think about what and how you are doing something, you have mostly become self-righteous thinkers-thanks church for installing that one-falsely.  A nation of nervous nelly's and so much is controlled by our diets and what had been authorized "safe" for consumption.  Del, do I think big Gov and big Pharm and the FDA are all against you? Absolutely, and if you dont then we are going to look back in 50 years from now and say, "Gee wiz, this all happened 50 years ago."  Am I making any sense to you?  Probably not, went on a rant there but man, you are blinded if you dont remotely understand.  Maybe in 50 years after your long gone, I'll scratch my head and say, "I wonder if theyre going to make a cure for cancer"  Na, I would have beaten it 3-4 times by then and been called a "medical miracle" cause my body was different than everyone elses when in reality I just took a bunch of broken cell Chlorella and other natural stuff that cant be lab made and marketed, like using weed as a pain killer....  What, you think heroin, I mean opioids were a better choice?

Seriously? You really believe all this stuff?  Algae to cure cancer?  The Kennedy assassination? Conspiracies by doctors and government to suppress info? 

You are really out there.   Must be more than weed you are using.  And weed was around before you were, man.  


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18 hours ago, delcecchi said:

Seriously? You really believe all this stuff?  Algae to cure cancer?  The Kennedy assassination? Conspiracies by doctors and government to suppress info? 

You are really out there.   Must be more than weed you are using.  And weed was around before you were, man.  


Your not actually buying the Kennedy story are you Del? As for the rest who knows, corporations are in bed with the FDA/Gov agencies and we are the guinea pigs that is for sure. Corporate sponsored science isn't really science, and big pharma kills how many a year? The weed you are referring to is actually medicine going on 5000 years now.  It doesn't kill anyone but has been schedule 1 above cocaine for how long? I mean it's getting harder and harder to say we are not living in a complete backwards society ruled by money and greed with everything else coming in 2nd.

My one friend knows a Dr who says medical mary jane is bogus but he has less experience with the stuff than the average college student, so why listen to people who speak from zero experience? My wife works in a hospital, some Dr's are good, some order procedures in excessive amounts and sometimes they order things that are just plain old unnecessary. Maybe incompetence, maybe they are over careful, maybe they are doing for the $$$.  She also says they are on the phones constantly looking up symptoms, a lot of good those degrees are doing them if we can all do the same thing. Let's not give these people too much credit, they are human after all. 

Also its not totally outlandish to say a treadmill takes the work load off the hamstrings, it just makes a simple and free walk down the road the more well rounded leg work. Simple, free and effective but it doesn't sell treadmills that is for sure. Now that isn't to say 30 minutes on the treadmill won't beat sitting on the couch but hopefully you get my point. 

Juice, you are a horrible communicator, that is all. 

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Bear, I am sorry I dont choose to so eloquently express myself as well as you.  Glad to see you got my point though, do you think there is a communication method that would work better to drive a point home to these "sugar slaves of commercialism?"  I think the brainwashing is so deep that whatever communication method I choose, whether it be brash/harsh filled with grammar errors or typed as if I was some studious english lad, will fail as the information inside is the same and goes against every bit of influence they have bought into their entire life, is it the communication method or the message?  

13 hours ago, PurpleFloyd said:

Does all this make more sense wearing a tinfoil hat?

Id rather be made fun of assuming I wear a tinfoil hat then be lead on a life-long Auschwitz march down Commercial Ave, depriving you of an actual existence with free will.  Have fun with that, slaves.


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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
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