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new Mn anti gun law proposal™™™™


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The most disappointing part of this discussion is our uneducated public and our politicians. Our politicians that will be discussing the proposed changes to put into Minnesota law are not considering these changes because it is going to make Minnesota safer rather they do it to get re-elected "At the least the candidate trying to take my seat next fall won't be able to say that I did nothing regarding gun control". Most will be re-elected because the overwhelming majority of our neighbors believe the same rhetoric we hear too often "Why do you need a gun like that for hunting?". I just can't believe we forgot what we came from and how freaking stupid we have become. I'm sick to my stomach and have got to go vomit!

I'm personally done wasting my time trying to explain this. Stupid is just stupid!

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Like it or not, what MuskyBuck is saying is for the most part the truth. Were becoming outnumbered as gun owners and the left knows it. Ole doesnt care about protecting himself from the government HE TRUSTS THEM! As do the growing number of sheep who pay no attention or educate themselves on the constitution and why the 2nd is there in the first place.

The majority does TRUST the Gov't, whether it be the Right, Left, or Middle everyone puts trust in our Gov't overall. There may be some certain issues or laws that bug factions in our society but if we get to the point of complete distrust or paranoia....that's when "Revolution" becomes the buzz word....and my guess is we won't see that in our life time. It won't be too long the way things are going it will be the Left that is complaining about us moving too far to the Right vs the Right complaining about moving too far to the Left IMO. Just remember...Majority Rules...Every Person has a Vote...No Legislator has a Lifetime Seat....people vote them in...and.... Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.

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bbfenatic, I'm not trying to stir the pot but we have seen revolution in our lifetime, Somalia, Eritrea, Iraq, Haiti, Colombia, Cambodia, Ethiopia and what is happening right now in Syria. I'm not a historian so I'm sure there are several others I'm failing to mention but unless you are very young these occured in most of our lifetimes.Not to mention Germany where Hitler basically collapsed the government in six short weeks. Trusting our government because majority rules feels a bit like wishing in one hand and crapping in the other, we know which one will fill up first, right? I'm not smart enough to offer up the solution but I like to think I can tell when I do need to be concerned. When I read these proposals it's disturbing to me.

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Someone want to develop a formal letter that we can copy and email to our leaders again that will help them understand how this/these proposals effect each and all of our lives, especially the firearms commonly owned that would make us criminals, reasons why we want our firearms, etc.

The more we can contact our government officials, and educate them in the process the better

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The most disappointing part of this discussion is our uneducated public and our politicians. Our politicians that will be discussing the proposed changes to put into Minnesota law are not considering these changes because it is going to make Minnesota safer rather they do it to get re-elected "At the least the candidate trying to take my seat next fall won't be able to say that I did nothing regarding gun control". Most will be re-elected because the overwhelming majority of our neighbors believe the same rhetoric we hear too often "Why do you need a gun like that for hunting?". I just can't believe we forgot what we came from and how freaking stupid we have become. I'm sick to my stomach and have got to go vomit!

I'm personally done wasting my time trying to explain this. Stupid is just stupid!

How stupid we've become huh? Same could be said for those who think they might need to fight the us government with guns. Here's the bottom line, if it keeps people from going into schools and murdering children, then so be it. I don't need a big clip, even to "protect myself", my father taught me to be a good shot. There is no need for a civilian to own an assault weapon. Some hunting guns will be categorized as assault, big deal. Use the weapons/guns that are legal. Again, if it keeps assault rifles out of evil peoples hands who shoot innocent children, I am all for it as long as I can still own a weapon/gun. People are so worried about certain rights, that it blinds them from the bigger picture. Also, I could care less about what target shooters want. I care more about the talk we've seen with many innocent citizens murdered by nut jobs or pure evil people who easily obtain an assult rifle. Bash all you want, safety of our children and citizens in more important than owning an assault weapon. Is it going to eliminate the shootings, probably not entirely, but we have to do something.

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Ole, I know what the govt's definition of "Assault weapon" is, do you?

Please describe to me what "your" definition of an "assault weapon is!

Are we talking fully automatic guns, where one pulls the trigger 1 time, and all the bullets come out?

Are we talking a semi automatic?

Are we talking a thumb grip?

Are we talking a gun that has a shield around the barrel?

Are we talking about a gun with a silencer?

A grenade launcher?

A pistol grip handle?

A painted black gun?

Let me know which of these items on a gun makes it an assualt weapon, and why they are more dangerous?

Do you realize an AK-47 is a proposed banned gun, even though it really doesnt have any of those scary features, but since they make a magazine for it that can hold more then 7 bullets, it is an assault weapon.

The asinine part of the ban, is there isnt any one of those, other then a fully auto gun, and the grenade launcher, that is any more dangerous, then any other semi auto rifle. That is the reason for most people concern. If they are going to ban guns for cosmetic features, but the basic function part of the gun is the same as a Remington 740 30-06 deer hunting rifle, what will stop them from continuing the ban.

I can take my Remington 740 deer hunting rifle that is legal in this ban, drill a hole into the stock so my thumb fits into it, then it is illegal. Does that make sense?

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Well, Ole1, when they pass the next gun law to remove all semi automatic shotguns, we'll see how optimistic you are.

I don't own an AR15, and I don't plan to ever own one, nor do I or will I own a 100 round magazine...not my thing, but where are they going to stop with the bans? Every time they ban something it gets closer and closer to my stuff, and I'll be darned if I will support it now or ever!

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I posted this before, but i don't know how many people caught on to it. Every long gun, shotgun or rifle has a pistol grip, the buttstock is conected to, molded into or carved into, the pistol grip, you can call it just a grip, but it's a pistol grip, cover up the buttstock that's connected to it and you'll see a clear defined pistolgrip, why is this a big deal? they want to ban all guns with a pistol grip, their intention is for military and tactical style rifles and shotguns but wording it pistol grip opens the door for a new "loophole" for all long guns since all guns have a pistol grip. So in my opinion technically every gun can be taken.

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Don't worry guys... Senator Latz, the chair of the senate judiciary committee has assured me not once, not twice, but THREE times in the last couple days, neither so called "assault" weapons or what everyone calls "high cap" magazines will be brought up in this session.

Do we believe it? Dunno... We've been lied to before.

Currently, the committee is concentrating on the mental health issues, and back ground checks.

You folks seem quite passionate about any possibility of an AWB here in Minnesota. Maybe I saw some of you down at the capital. I was the guy in the black H-K jacket.

Two quick points...

1st: It's true... Assault weapons are for the military. By definition, these are FULL autos. The civi AR-15 is SEMI auto. Thus, just another semi auto rifle.

2nd: For those of you who have bought a AR new. What size magazine did it come with? 5 round? 7 round? 10 round maybe? My guess it came with a 30 round mag. Am I right? Seems to me that makes that mag a STANDARD capacity magazine for that VERY popular, VERY common model of rifle. Semantics? Not if you do the research.

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I would disagree with you Scott on some assualt weapons. I do not believe many deer hunting semi auto's can fire near as fast as some assualt rifles.

I know many coyote hunters who have gone to the assualt weapons in semi auto as they fire at a faster rate than thier semi auto Remington or other brands, that is why they have changed to the assualt rifles.

Maybe not all fire at a faster rate than a Remington style semi auto, but, many are faster.

Much more to some of the assualt rifles than just the mag capacity.

The gun owners have done such a fantastic job fighting these proposed bans that I do honestly believe in this state, you will NOT see any guns banned during this session.

Now, I will not as sure with the FederaL proposed bans but I do feel good about the ban not going through on the weapons. yes, maybe more stricter regristration and a few more items but I do not see weapons being banned no matter what Fienstien trys to pull off.

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Well, Ole1, when they pass the next gun law to remove all semi automatic shotguns, we'll see how optimistic you are.

I don't own an AR15, and I don't plan to ever own one, nor do I or will I own a 100 round magazine...not my thing, but where are they going to stop with the bans? Every time they ban something it gets closer and closer to my stuff, and I'll be darned if I will support it now or ever! [/quote

I do not believe Mn will ban any type weapons at leats this session. I really never see them taking away the shotguns one hunts with. NEVER. This state along with others have to many who hunt.

Look at the support there has been for the fight against the Mn proposed gun bans. I agree one has to stay up on these proposed bans but I also believe alot of this is going way overboard.

We all have our beliefs on these bans and that's fine but, I do have more faith in gun owners and some of our politicans to not go along with a few others who want to remove guns from society.

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I dont know Tom, if you are comparing apples to apples, they all will only fire as fast as the guy pulling the trigger.

If you want to get picky, sure, a short action 5.56 Nato will fire faster then a long action 30-06. But if you compare a .223 short action semi automatic, to a 5.56 Nato, they will fire at the same rate, as fast as you can pull the trigger.

I can bump fire a 30-06 and make it unload 5 bullets in about 1 second, but I dont becuae it kicks. I guy could bump fire a .223 with out much kick.

I do yote hunt, to me, an AR15 advantage is it is more portable, it can get dirty and still work, and it doesnt kick much, therefore you can regain your aim much faster.

But to be honest, I wont something with a little longer barrel, that is a little more accurate at a little further distance. I personally thing 1 precisely placed shot, is more deadly then 10 rapid bullets sprayed at the general area, a pray and spray. But that is just more my style, not everyones. I personally yote hunt with a bolt action, but I also use a mini 14. I prefer the bolt action myself.

When I coon hunt, I use a bolt action .22, even though I have a semi auto .22. It is all in preference. But when I am target shooting, it is much more fun, to shoot the semi autos. My holy grail is a full auto AK-47, I have shot one a couple different times, and it is a blast, really!

The semi auto version of the AK-47, I am not even sure why is is considered an assault weapon. There is nothing in it that makes it any different then any other semi auto rife.

Maybe I am wrong, but need has nothing to do with the second amendment, a guy doesnt need a boat with bigger then a 15 horse on it, anything more is dangerous, and just a waste of gas. A guy doesnt need a truck with more then 85hp, anything more and it is dangerous, and just a waste of gas. No body needs a car that goes over 65mph, since it is dangerous to go faster then that.

Nobody needs a race car, it is dangerous, and just a waste of gas. I am sure more people die from race cars then from "assault weapons"

I guess I dont understand your justification, that because you dont have a need for one, means, no one else needs one either.

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Nothing about the need at all, not sure where you got that.

I was saying that some assualt rifles do fire faster than hunting rifles.

Guess that is why so many yote hunters I know use them and that is what they tell me.

you state

"Nobody needs a race car, it is dangerous, and just a waste of gas. I am sure more people die from race cars then from "assault weapons"

I guess I dont understand your justification, that because you dont have a need for one, means, no one else needs one either."

Where in the world did I say since I do not find a need for one that noone else should have one?

I highly doubt the more die from race cars than assualt weapons. I rarely here of a death from race cars and lately hear about gun deaths all the time.

Not quite sure where you are coming from on the majority of your last reply. You can use a bolt over a semi all you want, noone said you could not, that is your choise.

I thought my reply was about some assualt rifles having the capabillity of shooting more rounds than your average semi auto hunting rifle. Least that is what I get out of it when I reread the post I made.

I will also say that people who believe they have to carry a weapon on them at all times and need to own assualt weapons do scare me some.

I have never felt that need for safety. I know, it is thier right.

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You hear about every gun death today, because the media has a goal. The percentage of shootings with "assault weapons" is a very very low percentage of all the shootings.

Like I said, a bolt action fits my style of yote hunting, I use a call, and call them in, they are usually coming towards me, and arent running, and most of the time, they will stop every 20 yards or so to try to figure out where the call was coming from.

Now others, who drive with dogs, or just push a woods, the yotes come out wide open, and of course, a bolt action isnt the best gun for this style, but I dont usually hunt that way. An AR15 is a short action, with very minimal recoil, so yes, it is ideal for a moving target. But if we are talking about just the speed of how quick it can shoot, just seems like a dumb excuse. I will gauantee I can pull the trigger faster then I can accurately aim on any gun.

I will also say that people who believe they have to carry a weapon on them at all times and need to own assualt weapons do scare me some.

If you are refering to me, I do carry, but over all, about 5% of the time. As far as "assault weapons" in my definition of an assault weapon, I dont have any. In some of the govts definitions, I have several.

From a quote from another member, a gun is no more a weapon then a stick is, a baseball bat, or your fists. A gun is a tool, it is the nut behind the tool, that turns it into a weapon. Should fists be banned? Baseball bats? I have several guns, none of them are weapons. They are tools.

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This is what i am disappointed about. Harvey Lee, and ole. I can just about guarantee, That neither of you know someone who own an actual ASSAULT weapon. It is a full automatic weapon and while you can get a permit it is extremely hard to aquire one. I may be wrong about you knowing someone, but i know a lot of shooters and know of only three people that have a permit and two are collector's with a museum size collection for education.

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From a quote from another member, a gun is no more a weapon then a stick is, a baseball bat, or your fists. A gun is a tool, it is the nut behind the tool, that turns it into a weapon. Should fists be banned? Baseball bats? I have several guns, none of them are weapons. They are tools.

would you plz give me an example when 15 people were murdered in cold blood by a single individual with fists or a baseball bat in less than 20 minutes? these also would considered "hand to hand" items i would assume if your argument carried any merit which it does not, guns are not hand to hand combat and can spray bullets in seconds by one individual.

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    • Aw, man, sorry to hear that.  Shed some tears and remember her well.  They all take a piece of our hearts with them; some more than others.
    • yes sorry for your loss..  our dogs are always special...
    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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