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Packers VS Vikings: Playoff Game


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Well, let's get it rolling.

Going to be a tough go in Green Bay to pull off two in a row. Without Winfield...even tougher.

I think the Vikes will find a way to pull another one out.

Vikes win a close one as we benefit from a terrible day from Mason.


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I would bet Winfield will play. Leslie said the swelling in his hand has gone down a bit and he will practice tomorrow.

I hope the Vikings can pull it off, I think the cold weather definitely favors the Purple and their style of play. Both QB's have one thing in common, they have never won a playoff game at Lambeau Field. wink

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I just don't see the vikes being able to pull it off on the grass. Inside and at home the defense is always tough but for whatever reason, they aren't the same in games like this upcoming one. Rodgers needs to be harrassed to be made less effective and I just don't see enough of that happening this upcoming weekend. Only way is if vikes can come up big on turnovers and/or special teams.

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Vikings have the MVP, the coach of the yr, O rookie of the yr, D rookie of the yr a promising young qb, the best owner in the NFL, the best fans in the league....how can they lose. I learned all this on the PA show.

Duckies and bunnies....Pack will win, probably in a close game.

Hats off to the Vikes, good season for sure.

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I'm a toss up with this game. Although I'd love to see the Vikings win, its going to be tough. If AP can run, run and run some more, keeping Rodgers off the field, things look good. Need to score points early like the last game. Rodgers will have all of his receivers back this week, so he has plenty of weapons, but if the pass rush can get to him and not give him a ton of time, who knows. Packers don't have a running game to speak of, so pressure is key. The Vikings sack Rodgers 5 or more times, they win. AP already has over 400 yards rushing in two games against them, so I say he goes for at least 2 bills. Either way, its gonna be a fun game to watch!!

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If you all think the conditions are going to favor the purple, your sadley mistaken. Peterson will not be able to cut and bounce it outside like he does on turf or grass when its above 40 degrees. This is Lambeau, in the cold, something a lot of these guys dont have experience with, the Packers do. This is the playoffs, a whole different ballgame. Ponder has proven to be bad in GB, or any outdoor stadium for that matter. I dont see him throwing those 3rd down passes like he did this past wkend, I see him getting rattled early if Peterson isn't producing like he has been. Rodgers has all his weapons this week, and see him picking apart the secondary in all aspects. Along with a healthy packers defense, I don't see this one being close. Pack 34-Vikes 13.

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Big bad lambeau is going to eat the players alive... I can't stand how they talk up how hard it is to play on that field. Unless it's below zero or a white out blizzard I don't see it giving GB that much of an advantage. The field is heated, and the players all have heaters on the sideline, which most won't need considering they are playing football and will be warm anyways. The Pack play 8 games there in the reg season and it's usually not until the end of the season that it gets real cold. Plus a lot of the GB players have said that they'd rather play indoors.

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schmitty - you been there? Have you been there even in Novemeber in the rain/snow/cold? Thats what I'm saying - Packer players have experience with this, the queens don't. Who cares if some of the GB players would rather play indoors. I was at the December 2nd game, it was 35-40 degrees and Ponder still looked horrible. Playing against half a starting packer defense and half a packer starting offense.Only reason peterson had so many yards was cause he busted a couple big ones. One of which was 82 yards. What did he have, 24 carries? Pack will wins this one, easily. If they dont, the vikings are as hot as the packers were on there superbowl run.

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So since its cold Peterson will run slower? Man look at the eyes of GB defensive players when they played inside. Its going to be cold right? Peterson hits are going to hurt even more. Arm talking all over the place Sunday. 200 yards easy.

Since Rodgers or Ponder have yet to win a playoff game in lambeau, Peterson breaks the tie.

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I have been to Lambeau many times. I have been to games when it was below 0. With the heated floor, and the fans packed in like sardines, it wasnt cold at all.

Ponder may have played like junk on the early December game, but he still almost beat the Packers on their field. On average, the Packers play 1-2 games a year at Lambeau, when the outside temps are below freezing, this hardly gives them much of an advantage.

The entire game is going to depend on if the Vikings can contain Rodgers early on, if they can, Peterson will have a big game, and control the tempo. If the Vikings allow the Packers to get up on them early, by more then 1 score, you might as well blow the final whistle then, because the Vikings wont stand a chance playing catch up on the road.

Here's to hoping the Hillbilly gets 5 sacks on Saturday!

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Since Rodgers or Ponder have yet to win a playoff game in lambeau, Peterson breaks the tie.

Hmmm really? So Ponder and Rogers are on par ability wise? HA! I think all that Honolulu Blue kool-aid has rotted out the common sense part of your brain!

Packers eek it out. Peterson will be held to under 150 (sheesh!) ponder will blow in the cold... Rogers will pass for 3 Tds, Missin' Crosby will have two missed FGs making the game even closer, McCarthy will put on at least 20 more pounds by games end (dang brats!) and continue to say Crosby is 'his' guy...

Good Luck!


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Only reason peterson had so many yards was cause he busted a couple big ones. One of which was 82 yards.

And your point is? That is what the man does. What happend last week? Don't remember him with any real long runs and he still had 200.

The green kool-aid is mixed strong this week, sounds like a few have their panties in a bunch after the last game.......

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And your point is? That is what the man does. What happend last week? Don't remember him with any real long runs and he still had 200.

The green kool-aid is mixed strong this week, sounds like a few have their panties in a bunch after the last game.......

My point is, half of his yards were on one run, thats all. I like Peterson, I think he is the best ever to play the position and would love to have him on my team. If we can tackle at the second level, this game isn't going to be close. The hits may hurt more, but he isnt going to be able to bounce them outside like he does, thats my opinion.

Ya I am a little bitter about last sunday, truth be told!

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