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News from Ripley


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Being as I work here, I took the time to wonder over to the registration station and see what was going on. There were a couple of bucks being weighed in. Been getting text messages from some other guys who are down range sitting in the stands. RBS said he had a wall mounter run past him, but couldn't get a shot cause it would not stop. But every guy that I have talked to said the same thing. All the bucks have been chasing does. DNR said that there was a very nice 12 point shot and two really big 10 pointers taken as well.

Hope some of the hunters themselves will chime in, but it sounds like the deer were really moving this morning.


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2 years ago when I was up they were chasing does also. I sure hope he comes past again, he was a stud! Still got Friday! We are seeing tons of does and fawns. We will have to wake up extra early in the morning since our camper is a mile away from our pickup lol. That's what happens wwhen you hunt till dark. Good luck to all in the morning!

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Well here's my report. We got to our spot and half hour later 12 other guys had same plan, did see one basket 6ptr. Started to rain at 10:30, scouted from 11-2:30 sat along river saw 7 deer with one monster 8 in the pack. We tried to get away from crowds and then saw more natural movement AND deer....;)

Came home last night w a monster migrain, glad I did its pooring out today. FYI the oaks we were in didn't have much of any acorn batch.

Good luck next week hunters!


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Do they open the rail road gate at 6am the day before for the line up or is it you can start lining up outside the camp and they open the rail road gate when they want i cant remember?

Opened at 5am and ppl were lining up down 76 N and S before. Anyone on the other road(115 i think) were sent to the back of the lines. They would alternate back and forth between the north and south side

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I hunted. Saw the most deer I have seen ever at ripley. The rain sucked bug the hunt was good. Next week should be better if the wdather cooperates. I was 2 seconds slow on a big 8 pointer. Could have slung an arrow. But just wasnt ethical so I guess I will have to wait for anothef year. Had a blast as usual though.

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I saw the least amount of deer that I have ever seen in all the years that I have hunted Ripley. We hunted the north end on the first morning and saw nothing but lots of hunters. Then we moved to an area along the river that we had seen deer on a previous hunt, but saw nothing there as well.

On the 2nd morning we hunted an area near Lake Alott Road and my son saw one young buck, that was it. The second afternoon we hunted an area near Cty Rd 1 that had some fields of corn and alfalfa on the other side of the fence, but saw nothing that afternoon either.

On the way out the 2nd morning, the sign on the side of the road said 125 deer registered. I'm not sure how that compares to previous years.

That being said, we will still apply next year. grin


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I would like to add I saw all my deer between 10:30 and 2:30 on Thursday. I talked with a few people and they were not hunting during those times because of the rain. The first small buck I saw was right at 10:30. The Biggest one that I almsot flung a arrow at was right at 1pm. And there were several does around in range throughout those times on Thursday. I don't think there was as much natural movement as usual though. So Next weekend I think will be better. Good luck to those that will be going!

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Im so ready for next weekend, thanks for the reports guys, it will only be my 2nd time there so still feeling lost as far as where all the roads are, very hopeful though as i didnt spend as much time in the woods last time and still had deer in range.....hope to harvest my first deer with a bow , are maps available on site? Hope to maybe meet up with some other guys and talk some, i should be up there by around noon friday, drive a goldish jeep grand cherokee and have glasses and beard , could use some info if your willing to chat , thanks and hope everyone has a safe and fun hunt!

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Maps ars available at mdha food shack. It is left side of road,just before the dnr booth for $10. My advice is find a nice funnel area. And stay put. If u stay in your stand all day u will have your chances. Good luck.

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