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Breaking Bad....?


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Really? Found one single thread from over 2 years ago.. No one in here watches this show? I came into it late.. I was spoiled for awhile because I was able to just watch 4 seasons in a matter of months with no waiting for the next episode and now I gotta wait til 2013 for the final season to end!?!?! And as with any show they leave it hanging with Hank finally putting the final piece of the puzzle in place.... GAAAAAAH

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Wife and I started watching older shows on netflix and we started watching BB after everybody says I should watch it.

Made it episode three i think... when the guy is bike locked in the basement is killed... then she says, "you are gonna have to watch this on your own after I go to bed"

This is the same girl that has to watch the disney channel after a scary movie before she can go to bed.


I like it though smile

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