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Beat the bugs?


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Was just out placing trail cameras and the bugs were INSANE, to say the least! I was just wondering what everyone is going to do early season to keep the bugs away. Personally, I am going to use my Thermacell and a bug proof head net but they always seem to bite through my gloves!

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Thermacell, thermacell, thermacell!!! smile About 20 years ago I quit hunting before we got a good, hard frost. In the last five years I've used either just a thermacell or the combo of a thermacell and groundblind and it's been great. My only regret is missing the early season for 15 years...

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Thermacell, thermacell, thermacell!!! smile About 20 years ago I quit hunting before we got a good, hard frost. In the last five years I've used either just a thermacell or the combo of a thermacell and groundblind and it's been great. My only regret is missing the early season for 15 years...

What Scoot said.

Wife and I have been using them for some time now and have had no ill effects on the nose of a deer as far as we can tell.

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I use the headnead with the rim to keep it away from my face. Use mud on my face as they cant bite through it and its good camo. Use the uninsulated leather gloves so the bugs can't bite through them. Mud the gloves too.

I need to try a theremocell again. All i hear is good things but ive used them twice with NO luck at all. Something must have been wrong?

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I need to try a theremocell again. All i hear is good things but ive used them twice with NO luck at all. Something must have been wrong?

I must have gotten a lemon too, it kind of worked but not really.

I dont' care for headnets so I just take a bath in bug spray. I pay extremely close attention to the wind and thermals and don't bother with any form of scent control so it really doesn't change anything for me.

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Thermacell has worked wonders for me. If there's a slight, I mean very slight, breeze, I set it up accordingly. Very slight breeze from right, then I set it to the right of me. From left, I set it to the left and so forth. Always keep the refill pad fresh and I've found it to be most effective if you can keep the vent facing up.

Now my question is... How in the heck does a guy keep the mosquitoes off of himself while walking to and fro. Between the car and the stand is where I'm pretty much helpless as I don't want to use bugspray when bowhunting.

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I keep a jar of "clean mud"grin in the back of my truck from the same springs I hunt next to. Its camo, its scent free (or a good cover), it washs off easy, the bugs cant bite through it. I paste it on my hands, face, clothes, etc. before I go out early season. It helps a ton! AND I think it REALLY helps my complection!


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I used to wear a head net but started using a bug lotion from Ultrathon a few years back and that's solved all my issues. I put it on my face and ears and neck.. i.e anything not covered by clothing and it keeps the bugs away.

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I’ve got a ThermaCell and IMO it doesn’t help. I bought it 3 years ago thinking it was going to prevent the bugs and it hasn’t. Maybe where I hunt I have extreme amount of mosquito’s I don’t know but they still find me. I’ve tried all the different pads, maybe it’s something I’ve been doing wrong I don’t know. Im not sold on it

I've also got a bug tamer hat and gloves, I don’t like those either. I lose hearing ability with it on and the gloves misquotes seem to be able to bite through the gloves if its touching your skin.

I’ve resorted to hunting only when I had wind and then applying the strongest DEET% I can buy. These past 3 years have been brutal for mosquito’s. The one landowner I hunt on has said the same thing about how bad they are. He has to wear a net all day long no matter what time of day in his mowed yard, it doesn’t matter even in the mid-day sun.

Slim, how thick do you need it on before they can’t bite through or is it that it gets too hard for them to bite ya? I imagine if you sweat at all it loses its effectiveness. I might have to give it a try.

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Try hog huntin in TX around creek bottoms when it's 95*.

You will get at' up.

I've tried No Stinkin Bugs spray {unscented}, Thermocell regular pad,

Red Head and Tamer bug suits, and an earth scented bug spray from Repel.

The only one that didn't work was Repel's spray, It had 50% deet.

I've had no problems with the Thermacell and deer grazing point blank right under my stand on any bow opener. That was using a 15' ladder stand. So what I use is Thermacell and bug suit. I love the bugsiut because it's extreme light weight and I just wear the black... light weight base layer under to capture my scent. For footwear I wear a sock liner and use non scented foot powder to capture foot oder. Then I throw on a pair of redhead snakeboots that let me truck right on through the thick stuff.

I got another idea from my neighbor. He walks for excercise daily. I noticed he had a piece of fly paper attached to his cap. Cut into a square and he used a rubbber band to hold it on there.I hate those deer flys {mad bees} flying in my eyes so I'm trying that this year. Surprisingly it works great for him, so we'll see eh?

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Like others, I have a bug suit. Not sure what brand or anything, bought from cabels. Wear the base layers and the bug suit and thats it. Since its a mesh you also stay very comfortable body temp wise. I have a thermocell but never use it...just another thing to worry about and clunk around during the moment of truth.

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Thermocell for me too. I was skeptical too and was hunting over a swamp with tons of squitos around. I turned it on and didn't get touched by them the rest of the night. Had 2 bucks at 10 yds in front of me and a fawn behind me all night and none got spooked. Sold me on it.

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Slim, how thick do you need it on before they can’t bite through or is it that it gets too hard for them to bite ya? I imagine if you sweat at all it loses its effectiveness. I might have to give it a try.

Im not saying its the best ever, but it IS effective and its scentless and its FREE. I just rub it all over my face and ears and it hardends so they cant bite through it. It may come off with sweat...some will rub off. It covers the oils on your face so the bugs seem less intersted as well. Go home and it washes right out, no scubbing like facepaint. I love using mud.

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My thermocell has sat in the hunting closet for the past few years. I know I was operating it correctly and in low to no wind conditions often and got bit up terribly. To each their own, it works for some and not so much for others, I guess. I have this very special technique where I spray down with Deep Woods Off and then play the wind. : ) I figure my odds are better that way than staying home and I've seen plenty of early season deer - does and bucks- in bow range doing it that way. I hunt fairly suburban areas and farmsteads. The deer are used to a certain level of manmade scents. And in some respects, I figure the Off could actually act as a cover scent!!!

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