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Possible Shooter????

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Ummm, I really hate to question folks and there knowledge of wildlife but are you sure that's a "wolf", it sure looks like a coyote to me..............just my observation. Just don't want egg on your face if you present this to the DNR complaining about wolves in your territory that's all.


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Ummm, I really hate to question folks and there knowledge of wildlife but are you sure that's a "wolf", it sure looks like a coyote to me..............just my observation. Just don't want egg on your face if you present this to the DNR complaining about wolves in your territory that's all.


MR, I wasn't going to say it, but you're not alone in wondering if that's a wolf. I'm not certain it's not, but I'm definitely not sure that it is. If I had to guess, I'd say it's a yote too. I'll definitely admit I'm not sure and I'd love for an expert to clear up our confusion.

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About halfway between gary and ada few miles north of Co Hwy 19, I am sure you have an idea of the general area.

Meat Run- yes its a wolf, I have seen them a fair number of times and we shoot tons of coyotes every year. He is in my foodplot before I mowed it the other day and its a little over a foot tall in the pic.


This is a coyote.

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No pics of deer on the block as I just cleared it out and put it back in the camera to be checked in another month or so. I guess its a tad more clear to me after seeing coyotes all the time.

The camera is set roughly 4 ft off the ground and the block is about 15yds away. The grass on me was high shin on me so i would say around 2 ft to his belly, he has the wolf head. I also have heard them howling there off and on all winter.

I will try to put up a pic from the block when i pull the card but it won't be for a while. Nothing on my cards that would make a good comparison as I have nothing for pics off this plot saved.

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Sometimes, you just need a few references to judge size correctly. If that grass is nearly 2' tall and that block is 45' away, I could see that being a wolf. It's the same when a young deer comes out into a field by itself. It can be darn tough distinguishing between a buck fawn or a young doe sometimes, unless it's right underneath you.

Cool pic irregardless and definite shooter come November!

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Its a Wolf - His large head and muscular shoulders and hunches. That looks to be a 50 lb salt block he towers over.

Picture that salt block in that yote picture. He would almost be scraping his belly.

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Sounds to me like it's a wolf. I thought the bone structure of the animal looked a lot "beefier" than a yote, but it didn't seem big enough. Given the reference info, it sounds like it's a bigger critter than I initially thought.

Interestingly, that pic is about nine miles from where I hunt near Ada (given your description). Hunter, my mo-in-law's place is just North of the Ada airport along the river. I'd have never guessed a wolf would even be close to that area.

To answer your original question (title of the thread)-- yes, shoot! smile

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Ummm, I really hate to question folks and there knowledge of wildlife but are you sure that's a "wolf", it sure looks like a coyote to me..............just my observation. Just don't want egg on your face if you present this to the DNR complaining about wolves in your territory that's all.


That picture screams wolf, leg length, head and neck proportion to body and head/ear characteristics.

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There are a fair plenty of them in the general area. I have seen a mom and 6 pups a couple years ago. Had 3 howling at me this year while coyote hunting, ran into tracks many times, called in a group of 6 this year, seen a pair a couple times and few singles here and there.

Its also very common to hear them howling from the farm in two directions in two groups.

I have seen tracks as far south as the river, and seen them just a mile so north of 200.

Most people don't even know when they see one around here they figure its just a big coyote. I spend a great deal of time out in the winter and am lucky to see them once or twice a year. My dad and uncle first seen one roughly 15 years ago but the last 5 we have see them few times a year. This is in our general hunting area.

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I have seen tracks as far south as the river, and seen them just a mile so north of 200.

Given what you're saying, there's no doubt they've been on my mo-in-law's land too. Very interesting and a bit disappointing...

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thanks for giving more details, I am in agreement now that it's a wolf but initially it looked like a large yote OR a wolf with a bad hair day.

To the person who sent me a pm giving me the "right-act" on yote/wolf description please take a chill pill, please note that I put "just my observation" and HunterLee did follow up with more details. Others on here thought the same thing (yote) that have seen a million yotes and wolves so this picture w/o details is a little bit more difficult to decifer.

HunterLee thanks for sharing your picture.


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Coyotes in the summer look like little scraggly rats.. This is definitely a wolf. Even with it's winter hair gone you can tell it has decent muscle size. It could be a wolf/dog. I know people on the north end of st. cloud that have dogs that are half wolf half dog, but look just like wolves, and they roam like wolves.

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