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Black Ops 2, info released...

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So does Elite not mean anything anymore? I got it in the summer and from what I hear I now need some other talk for Black Ops. Getting sick of the greed.

Its still good dude I think they even extended memberships for free, at least I know for me I got a email saying that I got an extension till March

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My initial thoughts after my first 10 or so games...

lots of clutter in the maps. Every time you come around a corner there seem to be 5 places you have to check for someone posted up. I found it very hard to run and gun effectively. every level seems to consist of a bunch of two story buildings with several windows overlooking main ground level routes.

Bullets do noticeably less damage. The knifing is broken like when mw3 came out.

Everyone and their mother are using the mp7. I only found one Ar I kind of like. The Swat is a waste of time, 2 burst minimum. It takes too long to unlock the silencer on a gun.

The white trails behind grenades and sniper rounds is cheesy.

The "pick 10" create a class is a nice new addition.

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Initial impression: it's ok but needs work. Ditto most everything tutf said. Hardcore mode sucks, takes forever to join a game and it says "need more players to balance teams" when the lobby is full. Looks like a much better sniping and ar platform than mw3. Smgs seem perfect, not overpowered at range like mw3. Once they fix the little things I think this is gonna be a keeper! Zombies doesn't seem as fun (yet) as bo1.

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I will say I am NOT a fan of the Paper Airplane that goes BOOM.....hehe boy that thing is a pain. Seriously though, a fun game. I think we have a keeper, of course in a month I may be screaming "FIX THE GAME"

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A bit laggy at times but can be expected on launch day. Was not always against me like mw3 so think it's probably new/overwhelmed servers vs lag compensation. Definitly a run and gun series with the maps that are out. I was probably averaging 30+ contacts per match and my play style is pretty slow. Snipers will most likely find a niche though. They were sure trying hard last night. Even got quick scoped a couple times. White tracer trail making it hard for them to get really dug in. Gun battles are pretty one sided when you get the first shot in. Saw it go both ways so it is wired into the game. Throwing grenades hopefully gets fixed. To get any distance you have to take your eyes completely off the map. Way too long to add silencer to weapon. Think I leveled up to 18 and still haven't earned it. Have your classes set up. When things are flowing smoothly, there is hardly any time between matches to add/subtract equipment.

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Fun game with the first day troubles, the silencer does help alot. Kinda like the exploding paper airplane, maybe cuz it's new. RC XD appears to be one at a time... miss running three in a row. Runner gunners are hard to deal with in such tight maps.

Did the midnite madness with my sil, had a good time playing til the following afternoon, tho the numbers were poor at the end. Fun game enjoying it.

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As someone that hardly ever uses tactical equipment except a trophy system in S&D, I like the fact you can swap it out for an extra perk

I agree that the lobby times are short. I was caught multiple times trying to change equipment.

Remember there are scorestreaks now instead of killstreaks. That threw me off too at first wondering why I didn't get a uav after 3 kills in whatever it was I was playing.

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Ditto that I didn't realize what was going on at first! I play a lot of kill confirmed and I noticed I got a uav & then a care package without a single kill. Another game I got 8 kills with a sentry gun and didn't get my next killstreak. Btw, the sentry gun is incredible in this game. I love that you can control it remotely or leave it automated. It seems like every time I get one up I get at least 4-5 kills. Seems like when I'm on the receiving end of one it takes very few hits by a sentry to kill me. Same tgat way with all the helo support as well. Oh, and lightning strikes are ridiculous. Good for at least 2 kills every time, usually 3-4.

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Okay, serious. Put in another 2 hours tonight so far.


I play split screen with my 10 year old.

We can now both play under our own screen name.


No more LwnmwrMan22(2) or JackAttack0214(2) and playing with crappy equipment.

The sound effects, the graphics, TOP NOTCH.

Nothing at all, IMO for LMIT to complain about, but I'm sure there will be something soon.

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Just set it down and hold square at any time to control sentries.

Got a warning message last night for quitting too many games in mid-game. I never quit, I just got booted that much!!! It was really, really bad around 3am. Good to see they're cutting down on the rage quitters though!

For some reason it won't let me play tonight. Definitely disappointed.

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You guys must be playing a different game then me. I can't even tolerate this game anymore. Multiplayer is so buggy for me, constant lag compensation issues. I am getting killed before I even see guys round the corner. Way worse than previous cod games. I struggle to get a 1.0 k/d and I am a better player than that.

The maps are mediocre at best. Each map seems littered with places to head glitch and second story windows. The gun selection is not that great either. Seems to be a very sniper friendly game too which I hate. I would probably enjoy the multiplayer if the lag issues were figured out for me. As it sits, I don't enjoy multiplayer at all.

And zombies...for those of you who are crazy about zombies like I am you will be severely disappointed. They really took away from the excitement in previous call of duty zombie modes. Tranzit is huge which is cool, but it's not really big in a good way.

I am a call of duty fan boy, but this game has left me seriously disappointed. The only thing I can say that is good about the game is the sound effects. That's about it for now. Glad I didn't spend $50 on the season pass.

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I stink at this game, but wow.. I think its a blast.. Though i did have my best game last night in a Free For All.. 21-12.. which those who know how bad I stink.. thats incredible.. LOL..

I think its my fave game ever.. though ask me again tonight when I am dieing like crazy..

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Dang game froze my PS3 and I had to restore. Then tried again and was kicked out mid-game. I was doing OK to. Then hooked up with Brandon and he was the host. Kicked out again and next time it just kept looping over and over for the game to start which I then powered it off and called it a night. Us PS3 users need a patch.

The graphics are sweet and so is the sound. Creating an emblem is dumb though. 2c

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