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A safety vest/harness that is easy to put on, has no bulky, heavy, noisy buckles, is comfortable and affordable. It should have some nice roomy pockets also, maybe special pockets for a rangefinder and grunt call would be a nice addition too.

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Something to help control my heartbeat when a deer walks in. grin

A climber that has an attached pack to hold items to haul to the woods and stays attached to the climber when climbing. I had to invent this myself and just am not happy with it yet.

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I just said control, not stop it.....

How about something that would not scare deer, but would make sure there were no skunks in the way to your stand/blind in the morning.

Been there, done that.

Or the Grouse that flushes in the dark and makes you p00p your pants shocked

The worst I had was a bear huffing and popping it's teeth at me on the way out of the stand in the dark and I didn't have a flashlight. I just pulled a arrow from my quiver and held on tight waiting for the attack figuring I could at least try stabbing it.

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Exploding broadheads were fake in Rambo? That was'nt a documentary?

What about heated grip and when pressure is applied as you draw your pins illuminate? Little fancy for me, but would look cool.

WHAT!!! You gotta be kidding, Rambo fake!!! thats it, I'm not gonna watch it for the thirtyith time then!!Dang it!!!

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Cobber, A couple of teaching friends and I have played around with the idea of the GPS tracking chip. This would be awesome. Never loose a deer again. We don't even think it would be that difficult to do. Hardest part would be getting the chip to stay in the animal and then cost effectiveness. If this came out, it would be the next big thing in archery, and of course, the debate about how ethical it would be could begin. wink

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I think the technology & demand is there and could be a possibility within the next 5 years. Not sure if I'd be supportive however, as it would advocate poor shot selection. I'd rather see dogs being utilized in locating lost deer than gps devices.

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a bow shop where you can lease bows!!!! and try them out and see how they perform in the field and not at a indoor range at 8 yards comparing bows just not fair to the bows!!

Addition to this, place where you can shoot multiple broadheads before you purchase.

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