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+1 I know who both parties are. Not that I am good friends with either of them but I did grow up in iron and currently reside close to. From what I hear from other locals is the dogs were not running deer and it sure does not sound like they run off to often. Hell I drive by the place quite often and have never saw them out of the yard. The reality is as many say is was cold and heartless. I have the neighbors cats and dogs on my property daily but could never kill someone else's pet even though I despise cats. They belong to someone else, do I scare them off and get upset when they come in the yard sure, but the thought has never crossed my mind to kill them. I can and will say it may be best for these clowns to sell their hunting property because the locals in e area are fit to be tied! The thing that [PoorWordUsage] me off more than anything is law enforcement says there is to much he said she said and nothing will be done because. So does that mean if someone shows up in my yard I can shoot five times and leave them to suffer and I get off the hook because of he said she said! We have laws for a reason to take care of criminals!

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Sometimes watching your dogs and not letting them run is important too......you guys are condemning these hunters/neighbors on a story that doesn't even try to find out the other side of the story.....everyone is quick to judge....what if these dog owners were PETA and deliberately letting their dogs run....they say they were looking for them, but how do you know for sure....they say they were training them to be helper dogs but couldn't even get them to come back when they ran.....good training......this whole story doesn't add up.....it's a quick to convict poor me story that doesn't support any facts.....just one sided heresy from a dog owner who should be angry at themselves for not putting their dogs on a leash.

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Make sure you know the laws. Lots of people think they can shoot a dog running deer but as was pointed put not during the hunting season. I don't hunt grouse during deer season for this very reason. I will hunt pheasants if it's in an area where I don't see any orange or vehicles parked. I don' trust deer hunters. Way too many people have they "I'll kill any dog running deer" attitude. I get deer hunting is important to people and there's a limited time to do it, if you only gun hunt, but these are peoples pets. If you want more time to chase deer pick up a bow that season last as long as the small game season. I hutn deer and have for over thirty years and I have never understoof this mentality and I grew up in PA where deer hunting is even bigger there than it is here.

If you are big and tough enough to kill the dog be big and tough enough to admit you did it. Seems as though they knew they were in the wrong if they stated they didn't see it when it was already dead by their stand. This really irks me. I hate to know what I'd do if anyone ever shot one of my dogs.

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Sigh.....this has turned into a typical opinion thread. But I'll say my piece anyway.

On the second day of gun season I had a very very fierce dog under my stand. I'd say he was 4-5 lb jack russel terrier. I was frightened for my life. So I pulled up my gun, put the cross hairs on him and........got out of my stand and chased him around the woods for about 15 minutes. I was laughing so hard I could hardly chase him. I hunt a 40 acre parcel with some homes about 300 yards away so I knew exactly where "Seely" came from. I could actually hear the owner calling his name too, that's why i know it. The story provided some entertainment for the rest of my hunting party and to be honest had already shot a buck on saturday and 3 does with my bow so I didn't mind the interruption very much. Now it might have been different if on opening morning this had happened, but I still wouldn't have shot the little guy. The long and short of it is as hunters or pet owners we all have responsibilities to act like adults and do the right thing....but there are always those who don't. Oh well, that's life.

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A law is a law. Understand them before you go in the woods. It is illegal to shoot a dog even if it was chasing a deer. If a dog ruins a hunt shoot the next darn deer you see. God knows there are enough around. Is the world going to end if you dont fill your freezer, because I'm pretty sure it feels like the world is coming to an end from the viewpoint of those little kids. Good job promoting the sport we love you fools! Go home and stay there

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What a horrible situation this is now. I agree that it is the dog owners responsibility to keep their dogs on their property, But having had a dog growing up, they do get away from you, from time to time, no matter how much you try to not let it happen.

I've also seen the other side of the situation too. When I was younger and hunting birds on our property, I was rounding a corner in the trail when a big Doe almost ran me over, she was wet with sweat and and panting hard as she blew past me. I knew something must be chasing and just then I hear something else coming my way fast and loud! I was hoping it wasn't a bear or big cat. I readied my trusty bolt action .410 for the worst and held my breath... It was two coon hounds. I lowered the shotgun and screamed and hollered at those hounds in a way that would make a sailor blush. (glad dad wasn't with to hear) The two hounds did a quick about face and headed back the way they came. When I got back to the cabin I told my Dad what happened (except for my choice of words). He said he knew that they were the neighbors dogs and was very happy I had not shot at them. He said although it was bad to see the dogs chase a deer on one day, It would be worse to have bad feelings between neighbors for life. It was a good lesson learned. To this day I would rather give up a good hunt then to have bad blood on my hands.

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bash me if you want but if im out hunting and i see a deer with a dog chasing it im taking out the dog first

And believe me I would be turning your butt in if I knew about it, even if it wasn't my dog. Hunting license doesn't give you the right just shoot whatever tickles your butt.

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but why is it my responsibility to have to use my time to call law enforcement, by the time they get there my hunting day is ruined and the dogs are back home,

So your solution is just to shoot the dog/s, cuz your day is ruined? Really? So just shoot someone's pet cuz you MAY have missed shooting a deer? I guess I don't see part of a day of hunting worth breaking the law and taking the life of someone's pet.

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bash me if you want but if im out hunting and i see a deer with a dog chasing it im taking out the dog first

Wow...I'll start! You're an [PoorWordUsage]! you'd take someones pet, a mans best friend, a memeber of a family to some over a wild animal that we hunt for food? When did a deer give you that much respect? Why do you hunt it then? Would you shoot another hunter who is going after "your" deer? Would you shot a poacher?

My dog is VERY well trained but just this fall we kicked up a deer grouse hunting and the animal insticts took over a gave a short chase.

A dog should listen to every cammand you say? Do you have kids? Do they listen to EVERY thing you say? They ever get in a fight at school? Do something they weren't supposed to? And kids should be smarter then dogs right?

You are a disgrace to hunters! If you are having problems with dogs on your property then call a CO or other peace officer.

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bash me if you want but if im out hunting and i see a deer with a dog chasing it im taking out the dog first

Then you would be a criminal, no two ways around it. You think your hunt is more important than obeying the law and more important than being a compasionate human being.

You can talk tough now but are you also tough enough to walk up to a child and tell them that you just killed their dog because it ruined your afternoon hunt?

Sometimes I cringe at what people can justify to themselves.

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A lot of I's, My's and Me's. I wouldn't be so sure either that your hunt is ruined, that is no 100% sure thing. My darn dog tore his chain out of his doghouse, tracked me down dragging 20 feet of chain, likely about hung himself, stood on my ladder stand looking up at me, I got down, he was excited, walked him home, put him in the garage went back to my stand and an hour later I was field dressing a large 10 pt buck that was chasing 2 mature does and here's the kicker, this is on only 25 acres of cover, no other cover to speak of nearby, they were bedded in there and got up and started the chase, they did not come in there from someplace else and I know this as I backtracked them about 50 yards and found 3 large fresh beds. Now, I get your drift and maybe that was 1 in a million but hey don't blame the dog(s) as you weren't guaranteed to see any anyway, do the right thing.

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Not that I would shoot the dog or condone shooting the dog but I thought it actually WAS legal to shoot a dog if it is ACTUALLY chasing deer? Has this law changed?

Yes the law has changed, I think it was mentioned above. You can no longer shoot a dog during hunting season. Between July 15th and Dec. 31st it is illegal to shoot them, a CO can be called and he can shoot the dog but not a hunter.

If they are chasing big game between Jan 1 and July 14th it is still legal for you to shoot them.

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Shooting a dog, shooting a deer. Neither are humans, both 'animals.' If neither are under control they are both wild.

Maybe if our leash laws, trespass laws, and hunter harassment laws covered this thing than the poor dogs wouldn't have ended up how they did. Stupid humans.

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Just so everybody knows, WCCO TV in Minneapolis had a story tonight about the "hunters killing a little girls dog" in northern Minnesota. And of course it featured the little girl crying about her dog. It also mentioned that authorities "may" have a pretty good idea who did the shooting.

Look: I'm aware of the various laws in various states about shooting dogs pursuing wildlife. But it isn't the end of the world if you miss a shot at a deer and cut some slack to the dogs or their owners. Generally, dogs that are chronic deer chasers WILL get their due eventually.

From what I know I'd judge these guys to be trigger happy jerks who have just done the hunting fraternity a bad favor.

As usual, it pays to think twice before you pull the trigger. Too many guys today who call themselves "hunters" don't do that.

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And you can bash me if you want. If I find out you shot my dog you will get the same treatment from law enforcement because of the cruel way you treated my dog. Someone's dog is not just an animal. They are family members who grow up with their children. I suppose if some little kid was walking through the woods while you were hunting you would shoot them too? The people who did this were spineless and heartless. The world would be a better place with out people like them.

Clever edit of my post. Doesn't change the way I feel. My dogs are family to me. You shoot one and you're risking your life.

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i still have not seen anyone responed to the fact that dogs are chaseing deer and why that is ok. lots of thats illegali will turn you in and even one who threatens the life of who might do it. to that i say you should put that much effort into keeping your dogs home and there is no problem.

i bring up the same point another poster did. should not the owners of running dogs be held liable for the same trespass hunter harrassment and pursuing game without a license citations that a person would recieve.

still waiting for someone to explain to me why it is ok for dogs to run deer? just because they are your pet it's ok. that doesnt seem right to me

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i still have not seen anyone responed to the fact that dogs are chaseing deer and why that is ok. lots of thats illegali will turn you in and even one who threatens the life of who might do it. to that i say you should put that much effort into keeping your dogs home and there is no problem.

i bring up the same point another poster did. should not the owners of running dogs be held liable for the same trespass hunter harrassment and pursuing game without a license citations that a person would recieve.

still waiting for someone to explain to me why it is ok for dogs to run deer? just because they are your pet it's ok. that doesnt seem right to me

Are you insinuating the dogs were running deer? Maybe some proof would be in order.

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i still have not seen anyone responed to the fact that dogs are chaseing deer and why that is ok. lots of thats illegali will turn you in and even one who threatens the life of who might do it. to that i say you should put that much effort into keeping your dogs home and there is no problem.

i bring up the same point another poster did. should not the owners of running dogs be held liable for the same trespass hunter harrassment and pursuing game without a license citations that a person would recieve.

still waiting for someone to explain to me why it is ok for dogs to run deer? just because they are your pet it's ok. that doesnt seem right to me

Nobody is saying it is "ok"...but you don't kill someones pet for it! Just think if we could shoot something for it not being "ok". I'd have 3/4 of the people around me gone...and to someone else, I'd be gone.

Lets turn this back on you...what makes a deer SO special that you should be allowed to kill what ever is chasing it?

AND you don't need any other excuses then IT IS ILLEGAL! Who cares why-if you don't have enough common sense to figure that out that you are kill someones pet over some wild animal you shouldn't even be allowed to carry a weapon.

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i still have not seen anyone responed to the fact that dogs are chaseing deer and why that is ok. lots of thats illegali will turn you in and even one who threatens the life of who might do it. to that i say you should put that much effort into keeping your dogs home and there is no problem.

i bring up the same point another poster did. should not the owners of running dogs be held liable for the same trespass hunter harrassment and pursuing game without a license citations that a person would recieve.

still waiting for someone to explain to me why it is ok for dogs to run deer? just because they are your pet it's ok. that doesnt seem right to me

She me the quote where someone said it's okay for deer to run down a deer?

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i'm not talking about the two dogs that were killed. no one seems to know the whole story on that. i am talking about dogs running deer in general

The guy/s who shot the dogs knows, but highly unlikely that are going come forward with any info and admit to shooting the dogs. That will put them in an even more defensive position than now.

I agree that people need to keep control of their dogs and other pets for that matter. But if they are running deer it should be turned over to the authorities and let them handle it. During hunting season it is too easy for someone to just say pizz on this I am going to kill something and blame it on running deer. Best left to authorities.

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    • Truly sorry to hear that duffman! I know that feeling.  Keep the good memories  
    • Chamois passed away this weekend a couple days short of her 13th bday. What a great dog to hang out with here at home and on distant adventures. Gonna miss ya big time my little big girl.
    • Sounds pretty sweet, alright. I will check them out, thanks.
    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
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