HOF#13 Posted June 7, 2011 Share Posted June 7, 2011 You can bet that to the media NASCAR is saying all the right things, but behind closed doors Helton and France are laughing their hind ends off loving all the drama this has created.Childress could care less about the fine. He knew exactly what he was doing. A $150,000 fine or $150,000 to fix a wrecked racecar. He chose the fine. I don't like Schrub the least little bit, but the fact of the matter is the kid can drive the wheels off a racecar. He just needs to mature a bit (ok - a LOT), and learn that he is going to be raced the same way he races others. Right now, in his mind, it is ok for him to race someone hard, but not ok for someone else to race him hard. When that happens his temper gets in the way of rational thought and actions....and KABOOM the Schrub show begins.ALso...I do not think Joe Gibbs is the least little bit thrilled with how this is playing out. Right or wrong, Schrub is in the middle of the [PoorWordUsage] storm right now, and I would bet money that he and Gibbs will have a sit down this week so Joe can remind Schrub exactly what he expects and requires from his driver's. I can about guarantee you that the actions of Childress, who is as respected an owner as their is, and has never done anything like this before, did not fall on deaf ears in the Joe Gibbs camp. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 7, 2011 Author Share Posted June 7, 2011 I am sure Joe Gibbs is concerned with how the little baby acts on and off the track Uncle Bill. Busch's huge speeding ticket was not what Gibbs wanted to see either. One can go 128mph in a 30 or whatever it was but all he was doing was taking a huge chance at killing or severly hurting someone.Busch is to big for his britches.I doubt thier is an owner anywhere who wants to put up with what Baby Busch does.As stated above, Mr Gibbs will be having a talk with the runt or he will be wrecked for sure. If this is not addressed and taken care of, the drivers will as they always have taken care of it themselves. Then watch baby Busch cry foul.It maybe fine with you Bill, but if you owned the cars that Busch was trashing all the time, I would have to believe that you also would be upset.The old saying, His alligator mouth is overloading his humminbird a$$ fits kyle. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SledNeck Posted June 7, 2011 Share Posted June 7, 2011 Lots of butthurtedness going on. Its just entertainment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregg52 Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Seems Kyle does wreck more than any other driver out there. Just look up the last month...Gregg, whether they beat Kyle or not has nothing to do with his hack driving. Are you trying to say that they hate the fact that Kyle is beating him and thats why Kyle runs into everyone? If so, boy that is a stretch. not sure bout last months stats!his hack driving seems to put him up front a good amount of the time i do believe there is some enviios drivers without a doubt as there is of the 48 your last paragragh makes no sense Harvey what i said was get over the 3 era its gone and so is he (to bad but life goes on)between him and the 29 they have wrecked as many if not more than the 18 the 3 had a little style and charimsa about him so he got away with it havick not so much in my book just a anther driver who thinks he does nothing wrong you are gettin wayyyyyyyyyy to worked up here how many drivers are on probation ???and who hasnt been besides maybe the 31 and 5 and not sure bout this double probatio you are talking Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bottom-bouncer Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 I am dont understand some of the comments I read here. In one breath some are saying that little busch got what he had comming to him because he drives like a- hole and that gibbs needs to rain in his #1 driver because he is wreckless. Then in the next breath I read if he doesnt the other drivers are going to take care of busch just like they always have or like they used to in the olden days so by this I am gathering you mean like when sr would have put the bumper to his mothers car to win a race as would have junior johnson, DW, rusty, or any of the many other drivers who actually wanted to win and did everything possible to win. Instead of the current nascar were 99% of the drivers are happy to just ride around the track so lond as they make the chase its all good. Cut the kid some slack I my opionion he is the only driver who goes out and trys to win every weekend maybe if a few more drivers would step it up he wouldnt be the only one catching all the heat for driving hard. I am not a reall big busch fan but he really is the only fun one to watch. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gregg52 Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 very well said i agreeone of the reasons m martin never won a championship was his stlye of driving...and i'm a long time martin fan you need to be aggressive to be a winnernot move over and let every one go it has it's place granted Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kbb Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Well said BB. Kyle is very determined and is not happy with anything other than first place, the kid can wheel a car and shake things up, that's what makes it interesting to watch. I'm so sick of watching driver interviews after the race and all I hear is Oh I'm really proud of my guys...they gave me this great car today and we got a top 15 and I'm so proud for such a great day. Yep your proud that you didn't win...wow!!Harvey do you honestly think Gibbs is going to tell KB to settle down and shut his mouth and go completely unnoticed?? Ya I bet the sponsors would like it that way rather than bringing attention to their brand and the sport they support. Also you bash KB for putting a bumper to another car, but don't notice others doing it, but then in the next post you say they need to go out on the track and take him out?? So are you for or against putting the bumper to a car and taking someone out?? All very interesting to me! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
&JAG Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Kyle Busch is a punk, enough said. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 very well said i agreeone of the reasons m martin never won a championship was his stlye of driving...and i'm a long time martin fan you need to be aggressive to be a winnernot move over and let every one go it has it's place granted Please find when M Martin on purpose drove into anothers car after a race was over.My guess is that Mark never did that.Mark Martin and Kyle Busch are 2 totally different drivers and oner of them is a man and the other a j$ckass. You cannot even put Kyle in tha same class as Mark. You have to be joking.Nuf said on this subject. I get sick of even talking about the puke. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 Well said BB. Kyle is very determined and is not happy with anything other than first place, the kid can wheel a car and shake things up, that's what makes it interesting to watch. I'm so sick of watching driver interviews after the race and all I hear is Oh I'm really proud of my guys...they gave me this great car today and we got a top 15 and I'm so proud for such a great day. Yep your proud that you didn't win...wow!!Harvey do you honestly think Gibbs is going to tell KB to settle down and shut his mouth and go completely unnoticed?? Ya I bet the sponsors would like it that way rather than bringing attention to their brand and the sport they support. Also you bash KB for putting a bumper to another car, but don't notice others doing it, but then in the next post you say they need to go out on the track and take him out?? So are you for or against putting the bumper to a car and taking someone out?? All very interesting to me! If Gibbs does not teach the little runt a lesson, someone else is going to just like they had to to his brother if you can remember.You can bet your life Gibbs has called Kyle into the office and had a hard talk with him. Believe that or not.A driver does not have to drive into others after a race to be noticed, at least noone else does.I could go on farther but I will say you will twist and turn what I say to make it seem the little puke is a champ when he is a chump.Remember this, until the puke grows up and stops acting like a little baby, he will never be the champ.Gibbs can sit in the cornewr and say nothing to the puke.I will say that right now, we have a very well respected car owner being fined because Gibbs cannot control the puke.Gibbs will have wrecked cars soon as the others are sick of his whining and childish behavior.Nuff said. lets just sit back and see if the runt can grow up or if someone has to take care of him.Grandma Childress may be the next to put the puke in his place. I have always thought the kid could drive and will admit I have never cared for either ofd the Busch brothers. I can now say I would never cheer for the little punk baby.I am done talking about the runt as he is not worth the effort on the keyboard.I really am against accidents on the track but I wish someone would stuff him in the wall as hard as they could. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Bill Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Uncle Bill, If my neighbor kept damaging my car and the authorites wouldn't do anything. You had better bet an a** kicking was a coming!! Just like RC I would take my punishment in stride and most likely my car would not be damaged anymore. Does that make any sense...? Makes no sense to me. Here, in the real world, that would land you in jail charged with assault. If taking your "punishment in stride" means giving about 2 years of your life and 20 grand pizzed away on lawyers and court dates ? No it don't make sense.Then when you're through with that, even if you're found innocent, yourvictim can now file civil charges against you.That's the way it works in the real world.I'd probably push the authorities a little harder to get something done.That makes sense to me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Bill Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Busch's huge speeding ticket was not what Gibbs wanted to see either. One can go 128mph in a 30 or whatever it was but all he was doing was taking a huge chance at killing or severly hurting someone. Busch is to big for his britches. Gee Harvey ?? much ado over a speeding ticket. But then you are more than forgiving to "highly respected" owner rick hendricks. A convicted felon. hendricks behavior left behind real victims. Not hypothetical ones. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 Never said what Hendrick did was good. I thought he should have went to jail.You gotta come up with something better than that Bill. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uncle Bill Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Never said what Hendrick did was good. I thought he should have went to jail.You gotta come up with something better than that Bill. No point in that Harvey.Lil busch is a 26 yr old kid.Kids do stupid things.A good kick in the [PoorWordUsage] is one thing.To beat someone to the ground (in my opinion) is uncalled for.As a team owner, if you can't control your emotions in a sport wherekids, or young adults, are involved you probably should get out.I'll leave it at that.Take care. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 Still wondering where I said what you said about Hendrick??? Do you dream these things up for a debate??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 So it’s a sad day for the ‘sport’ when someone can walk up and sucker punch another, without having any repercussions? What is NASCAR supposed to do….issue a statement saying that he had it coming? That would set a good precedent huh? I bet 95% of the opponents of AJ Pierzinski wanted to put him down (in MLB) at one time or another….and he probably had it coming, so they should allow it? I don’t know a tire from a restrictor plate when it comes to racing, but beating him on the track would be a good way to send a statement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 Seems to be the only way Dtro. Noone else including NASCAR will do anything about it. Kyle has had no repercussions for what he has been doing on purpose.Not that it is right to do but there are times in racing and I have seen it many times when there is a fellow on the track that seems to want to take many out or run over them to get a good finish.In the end, many times that driver has been given the same as what they seem to like to dish out.I do not care for this type racing but thats racing like it or not.What is NASACAR supposed to do as you ask Dtro, tell the offending driver that if they continue to do it that not only will they be placed on probation but there will be consequences if they do it again. The second part is the part that NASCAR is very lacking in.How long should an team owner watch one driver continue to take out cars or hit them after a race? I would guess after 3-4 incidents, one would get very tired of paying the bills by the hundreds of thousands of dollars when noone will do a thing about it.I realize it's racing and these accidents do happen but when one continues to do it, then it is time to race them the way they race you.If a driver gets upset because you race them the same way they have raced you, then you should not be racing.Race everyone clean and one will have no worries.I believe my statement was Dtro that it is a sad day when a driver can wreck cars time and time again and get away with it and then when a person talks to the driver and he does not change and then gets upset and punches him out, that is a sad day.You are missing the point and turning it all around. Many points and comparisions have been made in this thread and they are far from the truth.Let me ask you this Dtro, what would you do if a driver has costs you many dollars in wrecked cars and noone does anything about it.Here are what seems to be your choices.Talk to him-RC did thatTalk to NASCAR-RC did thatJust let Kyle continue to do it as noone does a thing about it.Or quit.Geez, I guess the sucker punched maybe was ok.Kyle has brought this all upon himself. Every single bit of it. Kyle can do what he wants on the track and thats all fine and when someone hits him, it is always thier fault and then he cries like a baby.If Kyle cannot stand the heat in the kitchen, then race clean. Kyle us not the victum here as he has brought this all upon himself.If I remember correctly, his older brother use to race about the same way until I believe it was Jimmy Spencer who took care of that issue. Since, Kurt races pretty darn clean. It works. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DTro Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Maybe RC should take up drag racing instead. He did what he did, and NASCAR reacted. Nothing sad about that. Your implication was that it was sad that they were handing down a fine. If it’s as bad as you say it is, then NASCAR should kick him out or implement harsher regulations against his type of racing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
&JAG Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Uncle Bill, I stand by my statement and have to laugh at your two year/20 grand statement. I see why the average person believes they have no responsibility and can sue at will. That's what is wrong with this Country... No Responsibility. RC took his punishment and understood what he did was wrong in most peoples eyes. In the Racing world there are a different set of do's and dont's. I'm guessing you don't spend too much time in the pits at your local dirt track? This Country was way better off before lawyers and self-centered people got to rule the roost. Huh, kind of sounds like Shurb and his statement to the police officer who pulled him over at 128 mph, "This is just a toy". Obviously, you agree with Shrub and his actions on and off the track. I grew up in the country where you took care of your own and your neighbors. It was amazing how things were always in check and people knew there place. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LMITOUT Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 It's closer to hockey than baseball...which is a total weiner sport anyway and should never again be mentioned in the NASCAR forum. There is an unwritten code in racing, just like hockey. Things get handled when they need to and those involved don't wait for the sanctioning body to do it. Are there consequences such as fines? Of course, but that's why the premise of a harsh penalty on Childress would be a "sad day for NASCAR" (I read the same article too, Tom) because of said "code". Coming down hard on RC would be stripping the code out of the sport. The big fight between the Allisons and Cale in the infield mud at Daytona thirty some years ago is what put the sport on the map, and gave it a permanent place on national TV. I guess they were working out the details of the "code". Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 I have seen it where a driver seems to drive over whomever he please at dirt tracks and there are times when it does get settled right in the pits.No sense of whining to the officials as they do about nothing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
&JAG Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 LMITOUT and Tom you guys know what's up with racing!! I think some of these other guys just like to stir the pot. Baseball is a weiner sport for sure lol. I say we go hit the dirt track and have a barley pop. AKA, Brickyard Master Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 Quote: There is an unwritten code in racing, just like hockey. Things get handled when they need to and those involved don't wait for the sanctioning body to do it. BINGO! I still havn't seen it...did RC really clock Kyle Busch? Om my that's pricless. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
harvey lee Posted June 8, 2011 Author Share Posted June 8, 2011 From what I have heard online, RC grabbed Kyle in a head lock and then punched him out in the face. I believe right after Kyle hit Coulter, RC's truck driver after the last truck race.Now there could be more to the story but I have not heard anything there. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PierBridge Posted June 8, 2011 Share Posted June 8, 2011 I do agree with some of the above posters that even a senior citzen hitting a women as was the case here could bring criminal charges. Sounds like he clocked him... it was broken up and then RC went after him again, put him a head-lock and wacked him a few more times.... Kyles a good driver though just not sure he should bring his face to a fist fight anytime soon again Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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