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Waterfowl Reports

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Was going to take pics of some mallards but the guy that lives on the lake in this spot pushed snow into the spring and blocked off the area with netting so the ducks would not land there. Not sure why he did it?

They will have open water on the river on the other side of the lake or they wil be on the Mississippi soon

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Yeah there's a place off hwy 61 in WBL that stays open all year and there are 100+ ducks there. On my way to work off hwy 36 by N St Paul Target someone feeds them so you can catch ducks and geese circling over the highway every once and a while.

But not geese this time of year, that's crazy.

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Yeah there's a place off hwy 61 in WBL that stays open all year and there are 100+ ducks there. On my way to work off hwy 36 by N St Paul Target someone feeds them so you can catch ducks and geese circling over the highway every once and a while.

But not geese this time of year, that's crazy.

There's a warm water discharge at the south end of Goose lake, right off of Hiway 61 and county road F. You'll find hundreds of mallards and few geese there year round. There is also open water by where I live and I see large flocks of geese, lots of divers and a few swans daily.

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I was down in the Twin Cities this weekend visiting family in Hanover. Both days, I had a flock of about two dozen trumpeter swans fly over. That was cool! What a strange noise. Their name certainly fits the bill!!

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Those swans stay on the Mississippi river by Monticello all winter and they can be seen flying around that area quite often. If you ice fish Pelican lake, you'll see them multiple times flying over the lake just about every time you fish there. Good to have a good camera ready to take pictures.

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There are now ringbill, some bluebill, and buffies in the Kohler open/warm water area across 61 from Goose Lake, along with the many many mallards. Won't be long and the redheads, cans and goldeneye and loons will be back. The eagle can be seen looking for meals of ducks, or eating them while on the ice at just about any time of day smile Swans still there too.

Always fun to watch the migration back north.

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The wood ducks sure do look pretty with a snow for a back drop, and I noticed a bunch of bluebills in the cloverleaf on the south side of 10 and 101 in Elk River.

Noticed a bunch of ring-bills on the St. Francis River too.

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Went for a drive the other day and saw mallards, woodies, bluebills, buffies, Cans, shovelers, hooded mergansers, mergansers, and ringnecks.

Found a flooded cornfield full of birds, and was surprised to see a bunch of shovelers in the group.

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Got down to the TC this weekend. Left early in the morning, and saw wave after wave after wave of Canadas from the North Dakota line to Alexandria. Amazing sight. Drove the dog nuts.

At home, I saw a lot more ducks than I can remember, and a lot of divers! Buffies, ring necks and blubills, probably 50, in a tiny farm pond. Even a pretty dashing drake green-winged teal all dressed up for the spring dance. Pretty neat.

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