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Waterfowl Reports

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WATCH THE WEATHER!!! Six inches of snow forecast for North Dakota and parts of Minnesota. Whether the meteorologist actually knows what he's talking about is another story. In any case, keep an eye on the skies...new birds should be moving through...

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They might move a little. It looks like the majority of this storm is just going to skirt the border. Doesn't look to impact central Canada at all, which is what we need to move the bulk of the birds south.

Not discounting the possibility of a little migration. Just know from previous experience that it takes frozen water pretty much everywhere to get em' moving way south of central Manitoba. Don't think that's gonna happen just yet. They're pretty tough critters, and it's pretty early yet for a major migration movement.

They're now forecasting 8-10 inches of snow up here! Even though this sounds pretty "alarming", let's face it, the ground is still 60+ degrees. Even if we get 10 inches it'll be gone in a couple days at most. I'm not going to complain about a LOT of precipitation though! wink

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WATCH THE WEATHER!!! Six inches of snow forecast for North Dakota and parts of Minnesota. Whether the meteorologist actually knows what he's talking about is another story. In any case, keep an eye on the skies...new birds should be moving through...
Hopefully they don't move farther than the north zone grin

Thinking of taking a drive to the north zone in the morning to see if any of those birds will decoy.

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I'm headed out in the blizzard in an hour for some goose hunting. It's snowing pretty hard here in TRF, and the north wind is blowing between 25-40 mph. They'll be hugging the ground in this stuff.

I'll report back what I find this afternoon.

I don't recall seeing a blizzard this early ever... crazy

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Planning on heading north to the Red Lake River on the rez about 2. Unless the roads get too bad. We got a nice blind in a pothole adjacent to the river about 3 miles from where it outlets from the big lake. Will report in this evening if we made it.

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Was out this morning for a couple hours. North wind is HOWLING! Heavy, wet, spitting snow made it virtually impossible to even look to the north.

Watched several groups of geese attempting to fly from feeding areas back to loafing areas, and they couldn't even make it! They'd jump up into the wind, fight hard for a few hundred yards, then drop back into the field.

I'd have had geese in my lap if the first few groups hadn't dropped into the field 350 yds. away downwind. Once the first group dropped in, several small groups following the same route dropped in with them. Eventually they just sort of followed each other in small groups feeding here and there on foot rather than attempting to fly into the driving wind and snow.

We've still got very strong winds, and driving snow, but it seems to be letting up at least a little, maybe? First time my 84 yr. old mother can ever remember seeing a full blown blizzard, with 6-7 inches of snow on Oct 4th!

By the number of birds I saw this morning, in neighboring fields, and while driving around after the hunt, I don't think many moved out ahead of, or during this storm.

I love hunting inclement weather cause the birds are typically very anxious to get into a good decoy spread...but this was a little much! If I would've had geese in range just upwind of me it wouldn't have been possible to look upwind and shoot. I can't imagine how it must hurt their eyes to try and fly in this kind of weather.

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We ended heading over towards Winnie instead going up north. We set up in Cass River and didnt see too much. We were set up by 330 but we couldnt really get to our prime funnel spot as we were in a canoe and the wind was blowing way too hard. Even so we only spotted maybe 4 small flocks the entire time we were out. We pulled the plug at 7 without firing a shot. I like hunting in storms too but maybe the wind yesterday was just too much for them.

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Well...24 hours later and the north wind is STILL HOWLING up here! Temps dropped back down below freezing, and the wind barely let up at all thru the night.

I didn't realize this storm was going to keep going this long. crazy Think I have to change my earlier summation that this won't move birds. This wind is coming down out of Canada, although I don't think they got the snow up there. None-the-less, I would think at least some birds would take advantage of this strong tail-wind?

After what I watched yesterday, geese that really COULDN'T fly, I'm not sure what to think anymore. I guess when she's done we'll know. I may venture out again in an hour and see what's moving. I'll report back.

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It will be interesting to hear. I've talked to a few guys out scouting who have been struggling to find birds in N.D. Makes me think two possibilities:

1) They've congregated and are holed up in concentrated numbers.


2) Migration

I know it takes a LOT to move birds, especially when there is ample food and shelter all around (harvest is WAY ahead of schedule and they have a venerable smorgasbord of spilled corn, beans and grain to hork down), but two days of freezing temps and 20-30 MPG winds, plus snow thrown in there, and I gotta think some of the "fair-weather" birds might have flown the coop. The way that storm cut through Canada, I think a handful of ducks and geese moved down, but I'd wager there is a whole bunch still staging way up north.

When it hits 80 again next week, we'll probably see all those birds that bumped south move back north again, anyway wink

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Reports of a lot of birds filtering down to Southern Minnesota? I wouldn't be surprised.

My son just got his little front wheel drive sports car stuck in the road out front...in front of our doctor neighbor...and in front of the on-coming school bus...which was also stuck a few miles farther down the road! School was already 2 hours late, and I believe we just made them later trying to get his car moved outta the way! blush

Kinda cool thing when the wind pounds outta the northwest...I think some of those birds staged up around the Devils Lake area get pushed east into central Minnesota, which ultimately has them moving more down the Mississippi flyway rather than the Missouri. Bet that's what you're hearing about Bryce. Wish I lived a little farther south right now!

We have strong wind, more snow, and temps around 32 degrees till tonight. Homecoming football game is still on schedule. Gonna be a war in the wet snow tonight!

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I was preparing to go out and hunt in this stuff again, but I'm stranded at home now. Once we got my son's car back into our driveway he HAD to take my Suburban to school! Heaven knows, if he'd simply ridden the bus, at 16 yrs. old, he'd be labeled a complete social pariah! eek

I wonder if I can get 4 dozen full body decoys, 2 dozen silhouettes, my gun and shells, and the dog, on top of a 4-cylinder, front wheel drive, red Escort...with bald tires? cry Shoot! I forgot about the ATV!

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Well with all this cold weather and west to north west winds I went out and checked my wood duck hole tonight and seen just as many birds 200+ leave the roost as I did on tuesday evening whrn it was 80 deg. I don't believe many warm weather birds have left YET. Good luck to all in the AM..............

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Boy did some northern birds come down! Once again hunting around Osceola, wi with a budy and man the mallards! We ended up shootin a 2 man limit of mallards within 2 hours. and 2 geese to boot! didnt see one teal though and only 2 wood ducks that just about took my budys head off!

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Seeing a lot of migrants just north of Osceola too. Went to my little wood duck honey hole and jumped 500-600 mallards!!!!!!!!! I about krapped my pants!!

Limited out in 90 minutes, with four mallards and two gadwalls. Two of them were nice full plumage two-curl drakes.

I invited a buddy, but he was working on a project. When I showed up at his house at 4pm he said, "I thought you were going duck hunting?" ......... grin

Never shot a gadwall out there......ever. And there were quite a few flocks of them.

It's just weird.......in a good way!

Normally we wouldn't see that many birds until mid-November there. Unreal........ laugh

Going back out in the morning again. I hope my hunt lasts a little longer smile

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Hunted pretty hard in Duluth area this weekend. Lots of birds gone and not a whole lot of news ones to be found yet. This weekend's extreme weather seemed to keep the birds at bay. I'd be willing to bet many new birds will start to trickle in during the course of the week so be prepared for a good third weekend!

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Saw a ton of birds flying high early in the morning and the only birds within range were before shooting time. I wasn't sure but it was either a lot of teal or woodies this morning. Also, saw a lot of geese in the fields on my way home. Good Luck!!!

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Just got back from williston ND , brother in law got Married on Sat, We left minnesota on thurs morning and drove through a nice little blizzard in Fargo to Bismark, I hardly saw a duck or goose until we headed north out of bismark to Minot, tons of ducks sitting in potholes along high way, but when we turned west on 2 didnt see a duck all the way to williston, On our way back today we took highway 2 from williston to grandforks, I couldnt believe all the geese and Mallards I saw starting about 20 miles west of Devils lake and then about 20 miles east of devils lake, then things shut off the closer we got to grand forks, Lots of duck boats on trailers heading out that way, I would love to hunt out there once, just cant find the time, seems like vacation time gets used up for weddings and family events Ha Ha. oh well some day it might work out, Kind of fun seeing all the birds and it isnt even the migration yet

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