nice2th Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 I had the same thing happen a couple of years ago. I stuck a hose down the hole and turned the water on. The only problem was I went back to see what was happening and got nailed. If you use water, stay away for quite awhile, do it at night, and take a look in the morning to see if they are still around. It got rid of them though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarge Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 When I have wasps or hornets to get rid of I always have a can of Foaming Bathroom cleaner with me. Really!!The main weapon of choice is always gas or spray can killers, but for back up you can't beat the foaming bathroom cleaner. Instead of a narrow stream meant to be shot a distance, this stuff spreads out quicky and is probably only effective up to three feet. And no, I don't think it kills them, but I tell you what. It will drop them out of the air instantly.(you can step on 'em if it makes you feel better)This works on the ones that are on a mission to "get" you, you know the ones, headed straight for you eyes. I've dropped them just inches before they get to me. The spray, foams instantly on contact, and the weight on their wings sends them down quick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
can it be luck? Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 This thread cracks me up! It seems like a war room for humans vs wasps. Offensive tacticle manuevers involving dynamite, fiery explosions, chemical warfare, water cannons, etc. And defensive retreat plans even takeing in to consideration flanking enemy soldiers! Yes I agree, attack under the cover of darkness, ambush the enemy while they sleep! Aquariums to hold the POWs for torture and viewing, good idea!! Sgt. Rock reminds me of the officer in the air cav. that played in the movie "Apocalypse Now", you remember, "The smell of napalm in the morning". You could probably sell tickets to witness the D-Day invasion!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 I consulted an expert on this a few years ago. He recommended Ortho Sevin Dust be poured into the hole after dark. Any garden center or place where you can find garden chemicals has it. Like one person said, the buggers get it all over them going and coming and soon, it's over. It worked like a charm. It was all over with and soon. And no muss, no fuss.......T Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JP Z Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 But what's the fun in that??? No explosions, no girlish screams. Granted Ebass, may like it but then we wouldn't be able to hear his story of "well once the flames cleared, I didn't really have much of a yard left." Vs, "So I put the powder down the hole and, when I woke the next morning they were gone." Come on, who doesn't want to hear about the turmoils of Man Vs. Wasp? But in all seriousness, good luck and try not to get stung anywhere important. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Granny Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 We want to hear about the bee bunker busters going off causing the internal walls to collapse upon the nest, crushing those guarding the queen bee. You might want to lay some tires over the explosion site to keep the debris from hitting the neighbor's house. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EBass Posted August 20, 2003 Author Share Posted August 20, 2003 This is a hilarous thread. I'll get em don't you worry about that. Just how is something that I'm deciding on. Sounds like a late night Sat covert operation will be underway. I would like to make WW3 on those buggers. I have to stock up on some spay, foam, dish soap, empty aquarium, M-80s and some bee killer powder. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 Please don't forget to film the action! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
can it be luck? Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 CNN reporting live from Ebass's backyard. The first strike in "Shock and Awe" is under way! After the 1st Marine division led by Gen. Ebass located the enemy troops from his forward observation post, the air and ground campaign has begun. Heavy casualties are reported in regards to the enemy aircraft. The search is on for Queen Hussein who is believed to be in hiding. Will "bunker busters" be used to kill and eliminate the control center? News at 10. On another note...Did you hear about the blockbuster movie that played in Kuwait during "Desert Storm"?.....It was called "Iraqnaphobia". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Duffman Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 Yes, please get it on film. It's been a while since I've seen someone perform the World Famous Bee Dance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Steil Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 I know this is a boring answer but Sevin will take care of them all. It will also take care of any other insect in that hole. Put it in at night, it comes in powder or liquid concentrate.------------------Mille Lacs Guide Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 Geez Scott - that's not any fun at all. Life without the occasional bee killing expedition would be a boring proposition.I suppose you are one of those guys who hands out "healthy snacks" at Halloween too!OK fellas - back to the bombs, flamethrowers, etc. Extra points given for creativity. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 20, 2003 Share Posted August 20, 2003 Ya know, a couple years ago I picked up a large propane flame thrower to help delodge my ice house and melt the ice dams at the bottom of the driveway. It throws a wicked 18" big orange and blue flame about 5" in diameter. It will burn through a 20lb tank in under 10 minutes on full throttle. HMMM .... anyone for roasted wasp? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fishtrap2 Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 FM party at the EBASS residence Sat. night. Bring:1- All your left over fireworks from the 4th2- Any old gas or oil on hand3- Unused aquariums/glass bowels etc.4- Any spare flame throwers you may have5- Any toxic chemical you need to get rid of6- Video production equiptment (maybe could work in nicely with the new "out door vid. production" forum.7- BEER Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Surface Tension Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 Start your lawn mower up and park it over the Bee Hole. Might want to getum a little rilled up first with a garden hose. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 EBass, Think about it before you do it. There could be terrible repercussions. I heard of a guy who had a skunk livin under his porch. Tried everything to rid himself of the stinker. Finally, someone told him to throw some lutafisk under there. worked...but now he has a family of Norwegians living there. (hope no one is offended, sorry about the spelling..can't get spelcheck to work) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EBass Posted August 21, 2003 Author Share Posted August 21, 2003 I was doing a little recon on the area in question yesterday evening. There sure are a lot of them. I saw like a stream of ten bees taking off. The decloration of war is being signed Sat night. Shock and Awe will be under way @ 0100 hours Aug 23rd. Anyone have a wrist rocket to fling smoke bombs, fire crackers or home made bomb that explodes dish soap or orange form? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TUMBLEWEED Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 NO NO NO !!!!!!! FISHTRAP2, your list is WRONG, man. BEER SHOULD BE #1 ON THE LIST!!!!!! Get it right dude, we wouldn't want anymistakes out there!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott Steil Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 LOL, that was a good one Pete!! Actually I hand out beer and Candy. Beer to the dads and candy to the kids. The hardest part is keeping the it straight towards the end of the night It is worth stopping by our house ------------------Mille Lacs Guide [This message has been edited by Scott Steil (edited 08-21-2003).] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Granny Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 Ok, the wrist rocket was a little far fetched. What you need is a gool ol fashion patatoe gun. Step 1: Have a beer or sixStep 2: Place 3 M-80's into holeStep 3: See step 1Step 4: Dump 5 gallons of gas into holeStep 5: See step 1 & 3Step 6: Retreat 100-125 yards awayStep 7: Spray hairspray into patatoe gunStep 8: Pack gas soaked potatoe in barrelStep 9: Repeat steps 1,3,5Step 10: Aim and hit ingnitor switchStep 11: Repeat steps 8-10 as neededStep 12: Sit back and enjoy the "buzz" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
can it be luck? Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 Fishtrap, Lets not forget a few other needed items. M.A.S.H. Unit,Band-aids, salves and ointments, anti swelling meds., etc. Did anyone mention beer? Possibly set up screen tents close by for safe viewing for the spectators. Ebass, you may want to check the Red Lake forum for some personal safety equipment. I'm sure one of the IBOTs have a "lead suit" they can borrow you!! Probably hard to run in one of those, so seal off any openings. This is only the start of a battle, in a long war. Anyone else got wasps,bees,spiders, etc.? Time to rally the troops!!! "I regret that I have but one life to give to my"....."Give me liberty or give me death"!.......And the angry mob marched on.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Coldfeet Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 O.K., I need to chime in here. We were setting up our fireworks display at the in-laws place this past fourth of July and we came across the same problem. There were ground wasps about 50 yards or so from our launch area. Unfortunately for the wasps, we were loaded with about $800 worth of fireworks. We only found one hole and they seemed to be both entering and exiting from that hole. We decided at first to leave them alone and went ahead with our fireworks display, but we saved a few choice ones for the wasps. After our display was over, it was time to get down to business. I think we actually got rid of them on the first try. The hole was about 3/4 of an inch wide so I lit a fountain and crammed it down the hole. We didn't get to see much other than a bunch of smoke, but when I pulled it out nothing came out of the hole. We followed it up with a roman candle and finally finished it off by working the entrance a little wider with a steel pipe and cramming a mortor shell down the hole. At least that had some color to it. We never had a single wasp buzz around us while this was going on and when we checked it out the next day, all seemed quiet. Just make sure that you get the mortor shell in there good and tight, and facing down. You don't want it to shoot off in some other direction. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CrappieJohn Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 I love it...of all the solutions to get rid of these critters only two or three are LEGAL. I'll bet that bees world-wide are shuddering at the thought of bumping into you genocydal,pyrotechnical maniacs with minors in arson. Do any of you actually live in residential areas? This is great. Now I don't feel so back about offing a woodchuck in my garden with a three inch 12 gauge with no.4's, five minutes away from downtown.------------------Sure life happens- why wait....The Crapster....good fishing guys![email protected] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted August 21, 2003 Share Posted August 21, 2003 I can't stop laughing at at CrappieTom's quote,"genocydal,pyrotechnical maniacs with minors in arson." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
swampman Posted August 22, 2003 Share Posted August 22, 2003 I forgot to add something not to do ,throwing rocks at them is not real effective, tryed that brainstorm on a paper wasp nest when i was a kid. threw a big rock thinking i would kill most of them and would outrun the rest on my bicycle .WRONG one of the S.O.B.S ran me down and stung me right in the eye my head swelled up like a pumpkin lucky it didnt kill me . i am only slightly smarter now but have acess to better weapons. [This message has been edited by swampman (edited 08-21-2003).] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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