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Weird findings in the woods

Pit Bull

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It would ne nice to see a place in these forums where people can report any weird findings/experiances in the woods. I thought I would start it here and see where it goes. So here is my story.

About 10 years ago I was visiting an old friend in central Todd county. When I got there he said he had to show me something. He told me he was out that morning walking the edge of his field. Along the edge of this field is an old dried up creek bottom. He just happened to be looking at this one particular spot in this creek bottom when something didn't look rite. Something was sticking out of the ground that was out of place. After doing some digging he pulled up about a foot long piece of elk antler. He showed to me and it looked very old. The part that was sticking out of the ground was the base. You could see little teeth marks were some critters were chewing on it. The other end was rotted off about a foot from the base. Never had it examined but it would be interesting to know how old it is.

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Years ago, while walking the woods in the fall while deer hunting with my Dad, we must have strayed a little too far west, and ended up on our neighbors property (It has since been marked and fenced so we didn't do it again). After a while the undergrowth seemed to open up, but we still had a thick old-growth canopy above us. Up ahead there were a couple of depressions, so we of course walked over to them as they seemed totally out of place. They were conical, about 15 feet across, and around 5-6 feet deep. They were lined with rocks around the size of cantalope, and were full of leaves, but not much else.

They had to have been manmade, but there was nothing else around that said anything about someone living there (old foundations, cut trees, fences, etc...). I doubt they had seen any sort of use in decades, but were very obvious when we stumbled across them. We didn't think much of them, but have never found them again, and as said the property line was marked so we wouldn't be able to find them without trespassing. I'd call them an unusual find, though.

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Up in Ely when i was in school I did alot of scouting. One area I hunted I came across an old shack/cabin. Theres no roof or anything and could tell it has been there for a very long time. My dad came up and visited me one weekend and I told him about the area and showed him. There were a whole bunch of old cans and bottles laying around and he said that they were from around the 60's probably. I believe one of the cans was when oil use to come in cans and not jugs or anything. I thought it was pretty cool in seeing all that and that you could still identify some of the things that food have came in and what was preserved.

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Got really deep into the woods gouse hunting in what is now a big parcel of Lake of the Wooods State Forest and stumbled upon a really old tombstone. All by itself in the middle of the woods. No inscription on it, but definitely marked a grave. Gave me some serious "willies"! In fact I kind of had them the whole time after that until I got back to my truck.

Just one of many weird findings. I'll try to remember some more. But that one really sticks out.

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i was shed hunting one spring on a large wma. about 90% of the snow had melted and i had my eyes fixed on looking for antler colors. up ahead i see some white that looks like bone. i start moving closer and i am now sure that it is a bone of some sort but not an antler. closer yet, and it now starts looking like a skull. i get to it and immediately think that it's a human skull. i kneel down and even see rodent chew marks. i'm now convinced that i've found a dead body. i reach down to pick it up, turn it over, and two bright blue eyes appear.... it was the head off of one of those old large doll's that had been bleached white by the sun. the eyes were still intact and colorful because they were face down.

freaked me out though.

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Good stories so far! Here is another.

Elk hunting in Colorado 4 years ago I was helping my buddy track a cow he shot. We were about 6 miles off the forest road way back in the wilderness. We finally found the cow and I was looking at were he shot her. She was lying right next to an aspen tree and when I stood up staring me in the face was an enscription in the tree. Some person carved the date, his name, and "4x5 bull. What are the odds?

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If you haven't seen the movie "A Simple Plan" with Billy Bob Thornton and Bill Paxton, rent it. A great "Minnesota" movie, and what they find in the woods is what I am hoping to find someday

After a quick read-up on that flick, I don't know if I'd really like to find that at all!

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I was doing the belly crawl, after some mallards, on Wildlife area.

The weeds and grass were about two foot tall. On about the second

break during the crawl, to catch some air, I put my head on my arm

and less than a foot from my nose was an old faded $ 1.00 bill.

Never have figured that one out.

Didn't get close enough to the ducks to shoot.


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This didn't happen to me, but a friend of my Dad's.

In Northern MN my Dad's friend was following a track through the woods when he came across a huge tamarack swamp. He was following the track and the swamp was so thick it was like dusk in there. As he was following the track, he came to a small high spot and almost ran into a small cabin. Like 12 x 20. He opened the door to find it in almost perfect condition. There was a place setting onthe table, the bed looked like someone just got up and left. There were some Chicago and Mpls newspapers there(I can't remember the date, but the 40s or 50s is what I think he said) and a place where a gun would hang over the door. My Dad's friend is convinced is was a mobster or gangster hiding out and he just got up and left one day, never to return.

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When I was a kid growing up on the Range we were swimming at an old mine pit. Anyone who grew up there remembers those clear blue water pits from mineholes that would go from three inches to ten feet when you took one step from shore.

I jumped in the water and climbed back out and may hand would sink in the mud as I pulled myself out of the water. One day while doing this, I felt something metal in the mud. I pulled it out and it was a discolored ring made of copper, I think.

I polished it and it said, "Naples, 46" on it. I showed my teacher it at the time and I guess Italians came to work in the mines after the war and the Naples on it was were the worker was from in Italy and the 46 was the year. I kept it and the last time I saw it I was in my 30's. I have big hands and this ring was too big for my finger so the original owner must have been a brute.

Sure wish I could find it

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This doesn't qualify as "in the woods" but it's still funny...

Quite a few years ago when the kids were alot younger we were walking around the block, the kiddies were looking for "curbside treasures". They found one, all right. It was a little plastic sign that was supposed to be attached to a balloon and it said, "you were great last night". crazy

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Well, my buddy and I's finding is of a sexual nature that we found so I'll keep it tame somehow....

A buddy and I were walking through the woods on a well traveled path one afternoon around the Coon Rapids Dam area to our typical fishing spot.

Well, this time as we were coming up the hill, I noticed something right on the path up ahead. Now my buddy and were talking at a normal tone of voice, I had an aerator running in my minnow bucket, and we all no they are not very quiet. As we got closer I realized what it was. All I could see was a bare butt facing me and someone crouched down in front of it. The first thing that came to my mind was we had a couple gentleman there. I about threw up, when all of the sudden the crouched down person stood up (a guy) and the person standing turned around to take a look. A big sighhhhhh of relief came over me. The person standing was a girl. (Thank God) Well the girl was completely naked, and the guy was completely clothed (thank God again). I was so embarrassed for them that I couldn't walk by them to where we were supposed to go fishing. I still laugh my but off just thinking about what I said. But it was quite shocking! I told them “Oh, no, don't mind us, just keep doing what you're doing" and my buddy and I started fishing about 10 yards from them. Oh, I forgot to mention. The girl ran about 5 yards and hid behind a tree. Smart idea, except the tree was about 5 inches in diameter.LOLOL. That didn't hide much. LOLOL.

So my buddy asked me. "Is this really the spot we were going to fish"? I told him in a loud whisper “No, I just couldn't bear (pun) walking right by them. So the guy grabbed the girls clothes and gave them to her, she got dressed and obviously they took off out of the woods.

At that point I told my buddy "let's go to our spot now". I will never forget that till the day I die.LOLOLOL

Oh, yea, and we had another buddy that was coming down to fish with us who was a little late. He saw both of them in the parking lot getting into separate cars. Hmmmmmmmm..confused

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