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Hi all,

Well I have to rant a little bit. You see there was a lady on this site who asked people if she could tag along and fish with some people in the metro, since she had no access to a boat. There were many who answered and offered to take her and I was one of them who wouldn't have minded.
So I call her up one week and tell her I am going on sat morning. She says cool and she would like to come with. So I call her on Friday and tell her where I am going and she says she will call me first thing in the morning as to whether she will be coming or not. I said fine just let me know. Well Sat morning rolls around and no call. 9am - 10am - 12pm...no call. How friggin Rude! Granted I was already on the lake but was kind of stuck there until I knew if she was coming or not. Am I over reacting or am I justified? Still has not called and explained or apologized or anything. I know I will NEVER invite that person again!

Oh well. So much for people who wanna fish!

Good Luck smile.gif


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I do not think you are over reacting if she still has not called and given you a reason for standing you up. She could have had an emergency but has had time to call and tell you. I would say she has burned her bridges and will have a hard time finding someone else to take her out.

So many people these days have forgotten about common courtesy. We quit selling horses out of our barn because people would call and say they were coming out. We would stay home and miss out on doing something else and they would not call and not show up. Now we just take them to a horse sale and only waste one day.

Hope you had good luck fishing anyway! Remember it is the thought that counts and I think it was really great that you were kind enough to offer to take her fishing. The sad part is that someone else may want to go that would not be this inconsiderate and you and a lot of other people will not offer to take them because of this bad experience. This is a good example of how one person can ruin it for many others.


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Got stood up at the dock eh. smile.gif
I remember that thread.
Sure was a lot of guys offering a to take the lady fishing.
I think this person probably started to think about what could happen out there and got cold feet. She made the right choice to not go but should have called you and explained.
If I was a female there would be some conditions that would have to be meet before I went off fishing with a stranger.

Name, Address, DL number of BOTH parties whould be left with someone. A cell phone with frequent check-ins would be a must also. Then meet at the bait shop and have a chat. This would give each other an other chance to back out on the way to the lake.

Maybe this person dosent have anyone to fish with because she leaves people hangin like she did to you.

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I remember that thread also. I had a funny feeling about her posting like that. I can't believe she gave out her phone number. Well it was probably for the best that she didn't show up. Sorry you got stood up Chev

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Yes, I agree that things have changed in regard to trusting people...especially strangers. But come on, I can't possibly hurt her over the phone! She could have at least called and said something of the sort... "yeah, I got stuck washing my hair..can't make it." I mean Geez! Common Sense has gone straight out the window.

Well Happy Fishing smile.gif


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I just find it odd at the number of guys that hang out in the Gals forum. Hmmm.

Too bad Chev that you got stood up. I see more and more people today that are so inconsiderate of many many things.

The one thing that totally ticks me off is people that just walk on out on the street, parking lot, etc. without looking, not even a glance, and just assume that you are going to stop for them. If they are already in the cross walk then yes you have to stop for them but if they aren't even near the road or cross walk you have no obliation to stop and they should yield for you. What ever happened to look both ways before you cross the street? Whew, sorry, had to get that out. I will now depart from my soap box.



[This message has been edited by Fishn'Lady (edited 06-30-2003).]

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Del, you are right on the bullseye.
Not to offend all the lawyers, just the ambulance chasers that take all these frivalous suits and turn them into millions for the stupid people.

CHEV it was probably for the better.
She probably just wanted to get her husband jealous, and used our MN nice along with fisherpeople's good heartiness to get phone calls.

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(Sorry ladies)I remember those posts and thought it all too odd to be real. I was reminded of what I tell my foster teens when they chat at length with what seems to be a friendly girl that wants their photo but won't share theirs: maybe it wasn't a girl after all. I'm not saying that was the case but it still could have been someone pulling your chain for some reason or another. Seemed like she had a good thing going in another season with her husband so maybe they decided to branch out and fish together during the summer too. Stuff happens, her loss I'm sure. Wonder if all the studs who offered her a trip would do the same for me?


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That's the problem with most gals! They never write. They never call. Then one night they show up at your door drunk and frisky. geeeeessh smile.gif

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If the girl in question used the name of "johnnie" in the original posting, then I actually met her and took her fishing. She in a nice girl, but has issues in returning calls or calling when she says she will. I got tired of waiting for a return call to plan a fishing trip and I have just stopped calling her. Don't have time to wait....


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