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Fast ducks

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 Originally Posted By: X-tackleman
Very nice. But, 148 keepers out of 190 shots? That's incredible. I'd say, you had a good day.

Thanks X. I was lucky to be in a good spot where the dorks kept getting up and swinging past right in front of me.

It was mode 2,400mm all day. Know what I mean? The way my shoulders feel,I am re-thinking a 400 2.8-ugh!

I have an absolute killer Redhead shot,but I sent a small preview of it to a friend,and he agreed to buy a large print [for a good price-finally!] if I keep it to myself.

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Oooh Those are NICE!! I love that pintail shot especially. I don't think I've seen pintails on the forum before. Both of those are incredible. Out of 190 I usually get about 5 keepers, I'd say you had a good day. Congrats on the Redhead sale!!

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Redheads and pintails! We don't often get to see these this far east, even during the spring. Reminds me of my days hunting at Delta Marsh, though! Both are great, but I REALLY like the pintails!

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