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Just got my Pintail back from the Taxidermist...

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Had to share this one...

Never been so nervous/excited about seeing a finished mount in my life.

Took a little over 1-1/2 years wait to get this back and although it took awhile, it was worth the wait. I'm pretty happy. \:\)

Shot in Minnesota, western Twin Cities metro area. Not a single wing feather was busted at all and only 1 single BB through the neck that we could find. Because the wings were in such good shape, I wanted the bird flying and am happy I did.


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Chris congratulations excellent trophy to harvest especially in MN Superb mount! I'll be watching some of those bueaties dive bomb my snow goose spread in the next couple weeks

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A good taxidermist is going to have extra feathers. Most of my birds have needed touch-up work. GWT had wing almost blown off but with some fine work and a little luck, my guy was able to get a flying mount done.

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Nice Chris...That is one sweeeeeet mount. Like I told you, I dropped my birds off with your uncle, just last week and I already feel like my 5 yr old daughter around Xmas time! I'm having a hard time waiting! That is the fun of it all!

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