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Good day to be Deitz!

Deitz Dittrich

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Got home today and found 4 packages at my door... 1 was rods(3 new Cumara Rods) 1 was Reels(2 Core, 1 flip one non flip) 1 was a needle nose pliers(made me laugh as it was almost the biggest box and only had a pair of needle nose pliers!) Then the last was a new 2" prototype tube type bait(similar to bastrix) that MisterTwister is coming out with.

I love the new Rods.. cant wait to get them on the water, so light.. SO LIGHT!!! The new Core Reels seem to good to be true!

And I was ULTRA surprised at the new tubish baits.. awesome colors/paint on them. They are a tad small at 2", but I was told that 3" and 4" are on the way...

will be tough to sleep from here on out till bass season opens! Are sleeping pills really that addictive?

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Psht, all I get are bills and my gfs Glamour magazines... All I get to look forward to is the Cabelas catalogs I ordered and the occasional package left at our door because my neighbor wasnt home. If you find that ANY of your equipment no longer gets used or you feel in a generous mood Ill be happy to give you my address!! \:D

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oh what a feeling

I have been playing with the new right hand rods and reels I got a month ago trying to decide which reel on which rod and swithcing back and forth .

Its very pleasurable and am now waitng for my left hand stuff ,just because I do think that a guy should have a set for fishing both arms.I never did know if i am truly lefty loosey or righty tighty.

Have not gotten brave enough to add any of the line I got this year but being its provided that is going to happen soon.

Cant wait to smell the new scented baits etc.,but really dont want to open those until needed.

Which rattle baits are the noisiest.

Dietz have fun and let us know how many rod ,reel and line configurations you can come up with before it hits 50 degrees.

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Nice Deitz! Its torture at work when I have to stare at those Cumara's knowing that I can't get one right now. And also those Core's... I think I probably take them out of the glass case at least 5 times every time I work, just to turn the handles a couple times! Talk about a sweet reel!

P.S. I just got a shippment of jigs from All Terrain the other day and have had fishing dreams all week! I've definately got a problem..

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Deitz gets all that great stuff cause he WORKS for it. Or at least that's what those Pro-Staffers say \:\)

Awesome new stuff dude!! You're going to have to swing up the Brainerd way and we can bass a few days.

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Very exciting, I can completly relate. Currently I am sitting at my computer looking out the window literally waiting for the delivery truck. According to the tracking info on my packages, I have three boxes on a truck that's scheduled to arrive today. I just hope it gets here before I have to go to work. Pretty pathetic, I know.

St.croix, what all terrain jigs did you get? I own a few of their swim jigs but haven't heard anything else about them.


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I forgot to mention a stupid thing that I did while we're on the subject of paddle tail tubes and mail orders. I had ordered some of those berkley hollow belly tubes without the expectation of receiving them anytime soon because I assumed the demand was pretty high. Not to mention they just released them in Feb. Well, I got my order promptly within a week but did not like the color, so I sent them back and assumed that I would get the new color relatively soon. Wrong! I was told that they expect to fill the order within 90 days because of the extremely high demand. I guess that I missed my window of opportunity. Why did I send those back when I had them in my hands? Now, I leave for Table Rock on the 17th and I can't even try them out down there. I guess I got too greedy or just plain dumb. I bet I could find them in a store before 90 days. Anyways, thought it was sort of humorous so I figured I would share.

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Ummm $349.99 for the 6.2-1 nonflipping version.. and $379.99 for the 7.1-1 flipping verysion... But in no way am I made of moolah... Just work hard for what I get(I dont pay retail as I am on Shimanos Staff), and dont have any kids, and a very understanding wiife.

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Saint Paul Dan,

I got a couple different types of jigs from All Terrain. They have a good selection for any type of jig fishing situation. I got some football jigs, swim jigs, the AT Rattling jig, and some finesse jigs. Check out my blog (link is in my "signature" below my posts, but you'll have to copy and paste it, instead of just clicking on it) I just did a small write up on their products, it may help explain a little better what they have to offer.

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CP-I am a school teacher by trade...no kids...so during June/Aug... I fish just about every day.. if not 2 times a day.. So all my stuff gets pretty well used..

GD-As of right now I am not aware of a left hand version. And I am not high enough on the list to know when new stuff will come out. LOL...

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