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what to use when the big slabs wont bite

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ive been sight fishin a new little lake it only gets about 8 feet, during the day i have been sight fishin and i cant get the bigger ones to bite. it seems they r interested in my minnow but just wont commit to it some of these bigger fish bite but they just tap my minnow ive tryed everything in my box it seems they want something smaller but the waxie didnt produce either, r these 12-15 inch fish just smarter then me or what any help would be great another thing is is there is alot of minnow forage in this lake do u think all the big boys r full and just dont want to eat the water is pretty clear to any help would be great thanks guys

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I had this same situation sat and took a small plain hook with the smallest crappie minnow i could find and just let the minnow swim with no weight or bobber. I hooked it through the lips and this got some of them to bite. Very frustrating!!!!!

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i know they bite at night but the bigger ones r staying awat from my minnows night or day.....

 Originally Posted By: one_walleye_willie
I can't seem to get the crappies to bite during the day either. It seems it's a waste of time to fish crappies until dark.
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SMS, try going miniscule with your lures. Try euros. They might work.

Also, try a ratso or shrimpo, something small with a tail. I've caught some pretty nice fish this year using those lures. Also, have you tried upsizing? Going bigger may trigger those finicky bitters to chase. If you keep working at it, you'll figure it out.

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Dupont spinners and chainsaws!!!J/k My dad just rings them up ,but getting ahold of an old crank telephone is tough to do too.

Get smaller is all I can tell you and slow down your lift.Heck even deadstick them for a minute 1st then lift 6".

It's the time of year that is THE toughest to fish.

If it's any consolation that will change shortly with our thaw about to get underway adding that much need oxygen they need before their aggression levels pick back up.

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i was just looking at the panfish photos and one guy on there has a large bluegill with a fly fishing type fly and says when it gets tough they will hit flys sometimes, never thought about that but i will always carry some in my box from now on, makes sense to me.

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Don't be afraid to upsize. This is the time of year some of the older-larger baitfish start to die off. The larger crappies have no problem eating shiner size bait, especially if it's easy to get at and they aren't oxygen-stressed themselves.

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 Originally Posted By: bearbait87
i was just looking at the panfish photos and one guy on there has a large bluegill with a fly fishing type fly and says when it gets tough they will hit flys sometimes, never thought about that but i will always carry some in my box from now on, makes sense to me.

I wonder who that guy was? whistle.gif lol...

Size 10-18 flies are killer at times. For crappies a #10 black stonefly is one of my favorites. Red can be good too...

As far as the tough crappies - I'd be downsizing jigs with plastic or one eurolarve. Or a fly up above a jig. Dead-stick with an "up" tease. Sometimes going the other way and upsizing work well, have caught alot of crappies on #2 jigging raps also...


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use a smaller size hook and switch different baits. I've been catching all sizes of crappie on moon jigs with 3 different colored uro larva. Also you can't go wrong with waxies........expariment constently until you find something that works.

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Wait... LOL - those fish will be biting soon enough! Once it warms up they'll take just about anything you put down there! However like everyone says, you can downsize and get really small. Marmooskas are a small jig that is popular (I really like the Ju-Ju!). I have also heard of upsizing and using 2" to 3" minnows/shiners/etc.

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