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old new again


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If you could ask a company that discontinued one of your old favorites to remake it what would it be? and most importantly why?

Mine would be the Berkely bungee worms. They had a very subtle action that was perfect for finicky times. The tail moved even when you weren't great built in action.

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 Originally Posted By: ikeslayer
If you could ask a company that discontinued one of your old favorites to remake it what would it be? and most importantly why?

Mine would be the Berkely bungee worms. They had a very subtle action that was perfect for finicky times. The tail moved even when you weren't great built in action.

Your turn...

Is that the worm that was rolled up in a ball (kinda) and had the tail attached to the head with a piece of plastic you removed? if so I got a mold for those but never have poured it. They sent it to me on accident and never asked for it back when I got the one I ordered shipped to me!

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I honestly could not think of one. I was kind of disappointed that Bagley made it hard to find DB3s for a while. I wasn't too concerned since I had a bunch. Berkley made a tube bait for the lazy that had a solid head. I really liked those on a jighead. I did feel loss when Kalin's discontinued black with red flake grubs for a while. They're around again.

I guess everytime something goes away, I have found a suitable substitute.

With that being said, there are some baits around now that if discontinued would cause me to panic. But, that's a different post.

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