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Boreal Birds

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Just a few birds taken this morning before they start heading north back to their breeding grounds. Almost all these were taken at the "Boreal Shrine" as this station has been called. Except for the blackback woodpecker, he was on Blue Spruce Rd. I raised my F-stop to 8 and I am liking the results. Thanks for the tip.




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Thanks for the comments everyone. I wish I could post them a little bigger and better resolution but it takes so long to upload with dial up. I have started to really down size them into the 50-100k range, because I spend half my day uploading pictures......... grin.gif

Johnny you'll need to bring some beef suet for that marten if you want him too show up.... grin.gif Heres a tip though, when you are driving south on S. Admiral from Hwy 27 there is a big dip in the road, with an orange cone. Someone poached a buck and threw it out right after that dip. Its head is on the east side of the road and its body is on the west side. The ravens have already found it, but I would not be suprised if you saw a fisher or marten on it. There are already tracks there and, something drug the head into the woods.

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thanks for the tip Jay!....There's another "fresh" deer carcass at the intersection of #133 and hwy 7(west side)...It's at the same spot as last year,assuming maybe the DNR may have put it there...eagles have been on it and some photographers from the cities have been posting images of the eagle/deer site(Liz Stanley has a great blog of images from admiral(the marten also) and the hwy 7 site)...looks like fresh snow for saturday!...will make for some nice pics! grin.gif

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