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McKinnie busted again


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I heard about that to. These athlete's have life by the you know what and they go out and do something like this just stupid. Plus what the heck is he doing out at 6:30am and then this happens. I hope this bouncer he hit presses any charge possible against him and McKinnie get an earful from Childress and gets cut.

Plus he comes back to the club with a weapon?? Your 6'7 and weight about 350 and you need a weapon to fight, your a P word in my book.

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 Originally Posted By: Sandmannd
What is the matter with these losers? You make millions, can you not stay out of trouble for a few years and earn your money and then do what you want?

No kidding. You are a professional football player in the NFL. Start acting like a professional. These guys that make it to the pro's think they are above the rest and nothing can happen to them. He isn't that good anyway. Teach him a lesson and cut him. This isn't his first offense. He was caught in a fight with Marcus Johnson outside that gas station and he was caught with his pants down on the Party Boat. Kick this guy to the curb.

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If i was a millionaire and only worked 20-25 odd weeks of the year...I'm sure i would get in some trouble too.

Not to mention a few visits to strip clubs and such.

At least he charted a bus for the festivities and wasn't driving...

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 Originally Posted By: tisosy11

At least he charted a bus for the festivities and wasn't driving...

Yeah, at least he thought about that. Cut him some slack. It's only his second time violating the NFL's personal conduct policy. He's getting close to figuring out how not to get into trouble. j/k

I hope the Vikes put principles before winning. Eventually, this will pay-off and winning will follow. IMO.

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The real problem with the league is if we cut him there are 20 other teams standing in line to sign him as he walks out of Chilly's office.

There needs to be a rule about teams signing players that are cut for conduct reasons otherwise cutting them means nothing.

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I agree the guy is an one-who-thinks-I-am-silly and should not risk what he has but what I don't get is why athletes are held to a higher standard. If I see a mechanic get into a bar brawl I don't think his boss should fire him. If a salesman gets carried away with a stripper on his personal time do we call his company and ask for his walking papers?

I know my opinion won't be popular but I don't think he has done anything that means he should lose his job. He may be guilty of making some pretty stupid decisions but a twenty something single guy getting drunk and in a fight is not exactly news worthy unless you are an athlete. Being an high paid athlete makes it more stupid but it doesn't make it more criminal.

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After the party boat incident he made this quote: "I want to be an example of everything that is good about the Vikings and the state of Minnesota.".

I'm sure there will be an out of court settlement like always happens with people with money. Sometimes you have to live by your words though and that wasn't a good example of the Vikings and Minnesota.

Some of these athletes need to pick their friends a little better though. Everything you do is going to be on the news, so don't go in public with questionable characters that have nothing to lose. We didn't hear anything about the people he was with.

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Im not trying to defend him, but come on people! The charge against him is what a misdameaner! You guys have him strung up and ready to be hung! We dont know the circumstances behind it either. What if someone else started it, what if someone shoved his wife/girlfriend? We dont know! If this was you or me doing this, it wouldnt be in the media, we would get a $150 fine, maybe some probation. But because he plays pro sports he should be held to a different leval of the law? You want him fired? He is in his mid 20's, on vacation, and had a few drinks. Beleive it or not, some people will target pro atheletes, and egg them on. Give him a break!

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He is being charged with a felony because he hit the guy with a pipe, to quote the strib

"The 28-year-old was arrested and charged with aggravated battery, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest without violence."

Either way he is a giant douche....

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You and I wouldn't be on the news, but I don't make millions and in the public eyey all the time either. That's the career you chose so that's what you live with. Fly straite for ten years and you retire a millionare, too much to ask? Besides, if I get a felony I get fired from the hospital I work for. No questions, they don't let felons work there.

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I dont mean to be defending him at all, I agree he probably is a thug, but thug or not we have to fair! If he is found guilty, ban him from the nfl. But that wouldnt happen. The new age Vikings would just fire him, then another nfl team would just resign him. Probably the Packers, or Dallas.

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Very good points but a professional athlete is a representative of the company he works for and his actions reflect on that company. There are plently of jobs that are also held to etiquette standards that could lose their jobs over an instance like this, unless they have enough money to cover it up.

I'm not saying it's right but it's the way it is.

If a few players were made examples of then maybe this type of thing would stop. Can you imagine standing outside a bar and seeing a guy the size of McKinnie coming at you carrying a pipe and in a bad mood?

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