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Fish Tale

Ron Vroom

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Here is a true account witnessed by my two fishing buddies last week while fishing for Lake Trout in Canada. I normally sit on a folding canvass chair while fishing and when one of us gets a fish on, we each go to assist in landing. I had my white tube down about 35' when I heard "fish on", so I placed my rod on my seat and went over and helped my buddy land a nice trout. When I turned and went back to my seat, my rod was gone. I tried jigging the bottom with a heavy treble hook lure hoping to snag the rod and after 15 minutes of that, I gave up and returned to fishing. My partners said I looked pretty glum having lost my best rod and reel. About an hour later and 75' away my partner start to reel up his line and feels weight and a fish on and hollers "fish on", so again I go to assist but this time leaving my rod propped in the chair legs so it can't go down the hole. It takes some time for my buddy to bring the fish into the hole, gaining only a couple turns each time on the reel, and we speculate that he has either one huge fish or my rod dragging on the rock bottom,and at one point he is snagged but it comes free. When we get the fish out of the hole, it is a nice 5 pounder, but not big enough to justify the fight, and it is completely worn out. I see that my white tube is gut hooked and my friend's lure falls off as we take the fish out and see that the line from the tube is going down into the water. So I haul in the line and out comes my rod! What are the chances of that happening? The debate now becomes whether it is my fish or even my rod! (I got both)

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Last week while crappie fishing my father and I had a similar occurance. A hammer handle snapped his line and took his jig. I was fishing about 25' away from him and within 20 seconds of the northern biting his minnow he bit mine. I realed up the fish and there was his jig, stuck in the fishes mouth. This was the first time anything like this has happened to me but I've heard a few stories over the years like your's.

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Last year on mille lacs we were fishing out of my buddies 16' lund with both our wifes. We tried bottom bouncing but with 2 "unexpierienced" fisherwomem in the boat we opted to switch to slip bobbers, witch worked suprisingly well. After a few hours of fishing we finally got on a good unpressured spot, after we all caught a few my buddies wife sets the hook on a pig, fights it for about 5 minutes gets it real close to the boat and she turned her drag the wrong way and snap....well i reach into my tackle box to give her a new red hook(those things worked awesome that day) I look over and my rod is slapping the side of the boat, i set the hook and i knew it was a nice fish, Rochelle joked and said "I bet its my fish", and it was the same fish. A 28 3/4", stil had her red hook and leach in her mouth. Now of course this is where the arguement began, Joe and I said "if you don't put it in the boat it's not yours". Pam and Rochelle say that "It's Rochelles fish too. She caught it too." Fishing was awesome that day. All Fish except 4 eaters were CPR. If I ever figure out how to put pictures on here I'll put those on here.


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I was casting crankbaits to the weedlines one day and I hooked a decent pike. I got the pike right to the boat and the line snapped. I was upset for losing a $8 crankbait and a nice fish. About 5 min later the pike surfaced about 10 yards from the boat and shook its head to my suprise my crankbait flew out and landed right next to the boat. My Lucky Day!

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I caught a walleye in the early spring in the red river with a whole tackle box in his mouth. It had a orange hook, a 1/4oz jig, and both hooks or a crawler harness in its mouth, plus my hook. When I cleaned it, there was about 10 fatheads inside of it.

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I had a buddy earlier this winter lose a walleye at the hole because his line snapped. He was bummed because it was a nice jig, brand new on the market. Well, the next day they got to talking to a guy near shore and he noticed the same jig laying on the guys minnow bucket. He said, aww I love those jigs, but I lost mine out here yesterday. The guy said oh yeah? This was hanging out of a walleyes mouth that I caught last night!

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Several yrs back my buddy lost his favorite rod down a hole on Mille Lacs. Over the course of the next 2 hours he went on a mission. He drilled several holes, used 2 different under h20 cameras, factored in the speed and direction of the limited current, and was able to hook the lost line with a big treble hook. He brought it up to the hole, grabbed it, pulled it out...AND PROCEDED TO LAND THE PERCH ON THE END OF THE LINE...! Wouldn't believe it, if I hadn't seen it myself...

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Last year I had a good friend fishing with me in a bass tourny, on Sandy pond, NY. Big bass and bigger northern's... so He's chuckin' his Terminator spinnerbait low and behold he hooks a Northern... can feel it for a second and "Tink" it's gone with that 7 dollar lure... so the smart guy he is he ties on another one.... yes and casts to the same spot.... and yes Fish on..... and yes.... "Tink"..... gone again... i stayed in that spot hoping he'd do it again!!

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 Originally Posted By: salmonseeker2
Last year I had a good friend fishing with me in a bass tourny, on Sandy pond, NY. Big bass and bigger northern's... so He's chuckin' his Terminator spinnerbait low and behold he hooks a Northern... can feel it for a second and "Tink" it's gone with that 7 dollar lure... so the smart guy he is he ties on another one.... yes and casts to the same spot.... and yes Fish on..... and yes.... "Tink"..... gone again... i stayed in that spot hoping he'd do it again!!

Ha..thats a good one.

Fish = 2

Friend = 0

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a few years ago we were fishing tipups ans jigging well into the night. One of my buddies had a fish take his whole jigging rod. Brand new one at that. We did pretty well, packed up and headed home minus his rod. The next day I went to the same spot with another friend, and as we approached the spot I could see an orange flag up. We had forgotten to bring up one of the tipups from the previous day. I chiseled out the tipup, felt a fish, and pulled up a 14" walleye with line tangled in it. Kept on pulling the other line, got the rod back, plus a 4 pound eelpout that had taken my buddies rod the night before!

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A few years back, we got into a nice slip bobber bite on walleyes in June. My bobber went down so I waited about 5 seconds. That was long enough for my buddy's bobber, 20 feet away, to go down. We set the hook at the same time and fought and caught the same walleye. Both hooks in its mouth when the net man took over. Who's fish would that be? confused.gif

We had a good laugh over that one.


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I did a good one years ago, I was fishing on Ice Cracking lake in the fall and it was really nippy. Hubby and I had 3 decent walleyes on a stringer that was a steel cable covered with plastic. I caught another eye and took the stringer off the boat (we used to run it through the oarlock eye) put the eye on and tossed the stringer over the side BEFORE I hooked it back up. My hands were cold and that stringer slid right through my hand and down into the lake. Before he even opened his mouth I knew next time secure then flip it over the side. We now have a boat with a livewell.

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My son-in-law and I were fishing tip-ups. The flag went up and the spinner started bussing, after setting the hook, another flag went up. He set the hook and we both were tugging with the neighbors watching. We I tugged, his ran, when he tugged, mine ran, so he quit tugging. When the snake came thru the hole, it had both hooks in it's mouth. We all had a good laugh over that one. ;\)

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drifting a sand bar for walleyes last summer, i get a bite, set the hook, start realing and 'snap', my line broke.

retied and started drifting the same sand bar. about 20 minutes later i get another bite, set the hook, start reeling. i get it close to the boat and realize i caught some fishing line. hand over hand it into the boat to see that it's my line with a 17" walleye at the end.

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Anyone catch a live basket on lake Geneva full of 9" & 10" sunny's about 20 years ago? My buddy's and I lost one, I know it was in June, ( at least I think it was June, I'm sure it was June). Don't ever let a buddy give you some old hemp rope to tie the fish basket on to the boat.

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