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Raven in the sun

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Wild raven, but it was baited. grin.gifgrin.gif

My upstairs office window faces east, and the sun in late winter afternoons shines right into these spruces from a low angle. I'm above the garage roofline, which it between my office and these trees, and we HAVE been known to throw fish guts and other leavings on the garage roof for the ravens.

I was in my office late this afternoon wrestling with some new technology when I heard a commotion and looked out. Opened my window, stuck the lens far enough out to protrude past the heat waves and got Mr. or Mrs. Raven before he/she left for parts unknown.

Ravens are so spooky. I've been close to them many times, but the moment you point that big black eye at them they are GONE! This one was a bit fixated on what was on the garage roof and let me fire off a burst.

Canon 30D, Canon 100-400L IS at 400mm, iso200, 1/500 at f7.1, handheld


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Yeah, by the time I got over to the window, fired off the burst, pulled the lens back in, sprinted to my computer with the CF card and downloaded the images I was all out of breath.

Gotta get back in shape. I mean, what would have happened if I had to shoot out of the window DOWN THE HALL???? cry.gifcry.gif

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Yikes, Nate! Quoting Poe? What's gotten into you? Or perhaps I should as what's MADE you giddy. grin.gifgrin.gif

Ken's right on the size. Ravens are significantly larger, and their bills are more massive in proportion to their heads than crows.

Jay, winter or summer the stuff on the roof doesn't stay there long enough to cause problems. In summer, you can add crows and herring gulls to the mix and it's a big fat fight to see who gets there first.

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Or perhaps I should as what's MADE you giddy.

Believe it or not, the thought of hiking under the full moon and the idea I may here a wolf howl with some "city folk" had me giddy. Unfortunetly, no howling, but we did have a nice hike under the almost full moon.

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