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Is It Too Early To Get an American Idol Thread Going?

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I guess we know who will be circling the drain tomarrow! Forgetting the words? Some people can get away with that at certain times....but not this late in the competition.

Man, did Seyesha look stunning, or what?

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To quote Simon " Jason, I would pack your bags".. Nuff said!

D.A. while didn't "rock"... was able to show what he has... Kid while not the most awesome person to rock out to.. can flat out sing... Not that I would ever admit that I was a Choir boy, from age 6 through college, I only wish I could sing as well as he.. ballad or not...

As many have said on here.. Its a David and Gol... no wait... a David and David show...

Sayesha is very good, I think she is as good as any of them, but has yet to learn how to use her instrument. Someday, she may make as much if not more than the rest, but at this point in her life, not there yet. I think she like the way of Clay A. could make quite a bit of money on broadway... I'll also admit, she is fun to look at as others have mentioned..

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OK, if Castro doesn't go this week, I swear I won't ever watch this show again (other than the auditions when I thoroughly enjoy making fun of the bad ones). That was the most awful performance I've ever seen on Idol.

As for the rest, I thought each had one song much better than the other. Cook's first song, OK his second very good. Archie's first song, EXCELLENT, his second? not to my liking messing with the King like that with that arrangement although his vocals were spot on in it. Syesha, that Tina hip shake was nice, and I thought she sang that well. Didn't know or care much for the second song though...

Bottom two, Dreads and Syesha. Gonga boy FINALLY gone!!!

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I hope you are all right. We have been saying it for some time now that Jason should be going home. so i hope that we are right this time.

I think Syesha really has a shot at winning this thing. She has awesome voice and looks smoking hot every night. I hope she keeps moving on, and Jason goes home this week.

Cook did ok, but i think his first song might beat up on him a bit. I would be suprise to see him in the bottom three. As much as i think hes the going win it all.

David, cant stand the kid. I really dont think he sings that good, but thats just my .02. Its a popularity contest as well, and hes getting them votes.

My vote, Jason Goes home Lets hope

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Wow! Wow! come on rasta man, why does he have to go and mess up a great Dylan song. If he does not get the boot tomorrow night I will be very very amazed. Syesha was very good tonight again...!

David Cook, first song not bad second song a lot better. Castro, eeeeshhh, no comment. Archie, again...top of his game.


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Dreads has to be going home. I'm completely surprised that he's made it this far, his singing sounds like a wounded hyena.

editor's note - editor would like to apologize to any wounded hyenas that are offended by this post

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One of the reason Dredd boy is still around is votefortheworst.com they encourage people to vote for the worst contestant. Last year they were backing Sanjaya, the year before Taylor Hicks, and before they both got the boot, they were backing Kristy Lee and the Rocker girl.

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La dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dee dah dah dah dah!

Bob Dylan never wrote more meaningful lyrics!!!!!

What a dufus, Ganja boy has to go. Sayesha should follow him and let the David decide it. They are sure hyping salamander boy, true Cooks first song could have been better but he rocked the house with the second and David A just does not do "it" for me. If they are looking for a "teen" idol then you might as well give it to David A now and as Denny Green said..."Crown his a$$"

We shall see!


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 Originally Posted By: Bigbartguy
Dreads has to be going home. I'm completely surprised that he's made it this far, his singing sounds like a wounded hyena.

That's funny there, true and funny.

OK, Rasta boy flat out tanked. He's horrible and better be going home. I don't know if he's stoned or just that much of an one-who-thinks-I-am-silly when he talks. Wow, stupid is, stupid does.

Sheyesha, nice too look at and a great voice on Tina Turner. Second song, I didn't know and thought it was boring but she sang it well.

Salimandar Tounge, Boring a all heck. When he makes an album will it be all balads? Come one, show if you can do anything but. Can't stand this kid at all. I don't think he's all that great of a singer and I thought he slaughter the Presley song. Hated that version, first song was OK.

Cook, was I the only one that liked his Duran Duran version? Might be cause I'm old and love the eighties, but I thought it was the best of the first round. Second song kicked major booty.

I think it will be Seyesha and Rasta in the bottom two and I hope Rasta goes home. I would love to see Cook and Seyesha in the finals but we all know it will be Salimadar and probably Cook.

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The only reason I would like to see Cook and Sayesha as the final two is then we would be sure that Salamander boy would not be in it! LOL

He just bugs me with the "golly gee willakers" stuff. I think he is as phony as a three dollar bill. I think his schtick is an act and the pre-teens lap it up.


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 Originally Posted By: Bigbartguy
editor's note - editor would like to apologize to any wounded hyenas that are offended by this post

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! grin.gif

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 Originally Posted By: Windy City Walleye Hunter
I think he is as phony as a three dollar bill.

[PoorWordUsage] there aren't three dollar bills? Thanks for the downer windy....

oh yeah, David Archuletta can go along with Dread lock boy, send 2 home....

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