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Ice fishing 2007-2008

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Nice pics guys cool.gif thats a nice crappie Kyle caught big ole paper mouth.Time to sharpen the hooks I think the ice is here to stay ;).

Doug, Donnie loves his Marcum I don't think you could punch the smile off his face.He said to me its nice to be able sit next to someone and not have all that clutter on the screen.I told him wait till you can get in deeper water and use the zoom.He has 2 LCD fisheasy2"s one is going in his boat and the other is going to be used for the icefishing tag alongs.

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 Originally Posted By: Dark Cloud
FishingK - Did the lake get busted up? Heard someone was off Bakers but the middle was open. Whats the scoop?

To many lurkers over here mad.gif so I sent a PM to Tank on IS because it said you haven't logged on since April grin.gif

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Nice looking fish everybody. I got out for a little while on Saturday and Sunday afternoons here. The ice is starting to get pretty good now and we're up to almost 3" at one of my walleye spots. Saturday was pretty good on the big perch and quite a few nice crappies in the mix and yesterday afternoon I jigged up 3 nice walleyes just before dark. Had some guys sitting in my spot but once they left at 4:30 I moved on over and got the 3 eyes quick and had many, many more come in and rush up to my lure but they wouldn't hit.

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We didn't need to on saturday just a couple but sunday there had to be at least 100 holes between the two of us trying to locate fish.It was a lake we have never fished with sonar so it took a while to find the fish and learn the structure.We found them by the end of the day put 20 or so a piece in the sled and then got warm watching the ball game.The options are limitless for the weekend coming.I'm thinking mr waldo is in some trouble.

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Way to go Bud and Tyler nice catching there guys. Glad you got into some fish and yesterday was brutal up hear with the wind and blowing snow.

Well here's our report now pay attention to the comedy because the fishing was preety bad.

Here's a pic of the guys moving through the woods along the cross country trail which we had to blaze...

Tuzzy is in the front in blue and Jimmy behid him in red...


We sweated our butts off getting out there confused.gif Any way we stopped to take a look down on an area that looked like it was close to the first point so I went down to check it out and see if we could move along the angled ice that sloped 30' towards the water because it was freezing while they were dropping the water level, which left a slippery down hill sllide to the water. I went about 15' parallel to the shoreline and went to take the next step and lost my balance as my foot slid out and Wham face plant right into 7" of snow. mad.gif My glasses were full, my face and headlamp as well. After trying that beauty of a move we decided to continue back up along the x-counrty path to the next area we could drop down into. Anyhow while I was getting back up on level ground I fell not once but twice. Naturally every explitive is coming to mind and I'm really p.o'd because I just kicked about 2' of snow into my trap and yes it was lightly snow on the way out Jay. blush.gif The next scene takes us to finally getting down on the ice where we had to negotiate a substantial tree root, that was free hanging and a pain in the rear to get down off of because it dropped straight down about 4' after you got your trap over it...

We finally get out the ice and drill in so I get the reel weeds put in about 13' of water in a featureless channel anyhow the visibility was about a 1.5' below the hole and it was probably a waste of time putting them in because they would have never found the weeds unless they bumped into them. \:\) Kyle and Jimmy set-up tip ups and Kyle puts 1 tip-up about 10' away from the outside of the last real weed. A good spot I tell him it's right there next to the weed turn..

Kyle all set-up. We could have used what was in the can at about 10:30 a.m. \:D


and Jimmy caught this beauty grin.gif


And then all [PoorWordUsage] broke loose. eek.gif Helping Kyle keep a watchful eye on the tip ups the one that Kyle set-up close to the weedline springs to life... "Tip-up!", I cry out. Kyle moves like lightning out of his trap and toward the radiant orange flag, the top of his HT tip up is spinning like crazy, something that's got it is awefully big!!! Kyle get's to the tip-up as I say I have to get this on camera., Kyle immediately remembers his camera is still in his trap so he run's back to get it . In the mean time Tuzzy hollars, I got something big and it's taking drag! I'm like, "Oh my god we hit pay dirt", there coming in., next thing you know one of the reel weeds second from the end of the run is being unravelled like a little girl losing a kite string on a wind gust. Kyle makes it back to the tip-up and positions himself but the line is stagnant and not moving and Tuzzy has a monster on next thing you know the last weed on the end startss doing flip flops on the ice and I'm thinking to myself. "Holy [PoorWordUsage] there going after the real weeds.", Anyway Tuzzy is quiet and all of a sudden he say's he's not there anymore and hauls up the tip up line, my jigging line, line 2 real weed plants and his spoon. \:D\:D\:D

What a mess we had and you had to be there but the chaos going on at that time was hilarious..

Kyle at the ready...


Your real weeds just cost me a monster pike Tim... blush.gif You have to understand that Tuzzy and Kyle were having a give and take between each other for about a minute before we realized what was up \:D


I am still laughing about this while I type.. \:D

After things settled down from the excitement Tuzzy whacked this 10" perch which was the biggest of the day \:ogrin.gif


After that we caught about two dozen small perch and no more excitement accept at the end of the day when Kyle and Jimmy negotiated the tree root when they headed out.


They left around 2 p.m.., Tuzzy was the first to go at 1p.m., the excitement was too much for him grin.gif I like an one-who-thinks-I-am-silly stayed hoping something would happen before prime time and I marked one lousy fish from 3 - 4:20 p.m.

It was eventful and my gut is still hurting from laughing about this. Anyhow that's my story and I'm sticking to it...

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Timmy, so much for the real weeds and tip ups not to good of a mixture grin.gif.When you told me on the phone what happend I had to laugh that must have been comical.At least you got out with the gang today looks like the sledding was pretty tough but hey at least you got out.Some of us did have to work whistle.gif.

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Hey Jay - Z just called he is in for Wednesday if it's a go. I told him I went to Delta todayy and the first word's out of Rob's mouth were. "I hate that place." \:D Yep the fishing today was worse than one of Lee's hot bites ;\)grin.gif Only kidding Lee ;\)

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talked to my buddy down from the lakehouse. He said he didn't see anyone out this morning. He wasn't sure of the ice he said the shorelines were good. Give me a call if you'll be local on Wed. I'll be heading out someplace. My bait didn't come yet so I'll have to buy some local.

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Great day Tim. That story made me glad I was at work.

I headed down to Sylvan Beach just before dark and seen a guy out wind skiing around the east shore. He was anywhere from 50 to 400 yards out, from Sylvan Beach through Edgewater to the North Shore. He was moving quite fast at times and the parachute was supporting some of his weight, but I was surprised to see him out that far.

We’re looking to get out this weekend somewhere around Madison County. My son is chomping at the bit as well. There should be plenty of safe ice by Saturday. If anyone is up for a trip let us know.

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I know Lee... Will get there, thinking about doing a gathering on Tully. Access is good and we could bring the grill and have an O'l fashion gathering, geat place to fish and for a meet and greet.

Here's our Chef's take yesterday on lake "Chunky" very nice pictures and Jimmy did some fine editing. Way to go Doug...




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Doug...Some nice fish man, all i could think about yesterday on the ice was a ruben!!

What a day yesterday, im still laughing about the tip up disaster, the funniest thing is i saw that all happen in my head as i was drilling that hole to set up that tip up...

LOL...And Tuzzy in his shelter "closed" about 10' from me trying to real me in! Tuzzy kept pulling my line up and i thought it was the fish still running; i was almost spooled before Tuzzy opened his shanty up and we realized what was going on....lol, guess you had to be there! I cant stop laughing about it tho....

The hightlight of my day was using my new chair that i crafted from parts at wal-mart...the set up cost about 30 all togther...its basically a cooler, with a stadium seat on top. I drilled two holes into the cooler in which the clips from the chair go into. So i now have dry storage for clothes, gloves, food....and now have a chair with a back on it...what a difference!

Like i said the excitement of the day:


The crew all set up waiting out the storm:


Kind of a blue bird afternoon: Its about all it was good for was watching birds! I marked 2 fish all Day on the unit....


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