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Marriage Proposal

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I know a couple in Waconia, that have been engaged for over 15yrs. He was married before, then that walked out. He didn't make the money her girl friends hubbies made. How he makes more than all her friends together. The new gal is reeping the awards, A great guy, a great house, and all the benefits as if they were married.

Good things come to them who, are willing to wait.

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Even though you've decided to let him pop the question, I applaud you in considering the idea of a woman to man proposal. Talk about girl power. smile.gif After reading some of these posts, I couldn't help but remember when my ex was going to propose to me (it never happened becuase we were too young), but he had it all planned out. He picked a very private lake, slim to none when it came to traffic, and was going to take me out like usual. He had thought about tying the ring to my line, or slipping it on a lure I think, but decided to go old fashioned and get down on one knee. I wish you the best of luck with your honey. Be patient, men don't always understand a woman's prerogative. Although, you might send him some hints through a friend about your proposal idea. If he's traditional at all, it'll definitly hit a sweet spot.

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Not sure if you did it or not yet, but I would take him to a lake without a certain species of fish (e.g., Star Lake by D.L. doesn't have small mouth bass). Tell him if he doesn't catch a certain species (that is not in that lake) he has to marry you. Being an avid outdoorsmen myself, if my gal put me up to a challenge like that, I would definitely take her up on it. And YOU can't lose!

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I don't think you're nuts but I wouldn't recommend that you propose. Let the man do it. There's a lot to be said for gender differences and there are some things a man shouldn't do and some things a woman shouldn't do. This is one of them. Most men probably wouldn't take it well at all, even if it doesn't seem to bother them. If he waits too long to ask...I would say find yourself someone more committed to you. Seven years is way to long to date. He needs to dump or get off the pot.

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Here is my dr. phil attempt. LOL Don't rush the poor guy. That freaks us guys out. Let him know you would really like get married but the rest is in his park. If he loves you enough he will "tag" you when comfortable. Us men are a strange breed when it comes to marriage. We have to do it at our own pace. Wouldn't it feel better coming from him without all the force? If I had a girl propose to me in a boat & I wasn't ready I may be running on water back to the shore. J/k laugh.gif

Funny story, I was best man in my cousins wedding and he started freakin' at the church right before the wedding. Here's why. He said he loved his fiancee & really wanted to be married but hated the fact of standing in front of a hundred people (especially buddies)getting all sappy in a church was not his idea of fun. I told him I will support you either way are you in or out? They have been married for 3 years & have two kids & are happy as ever. My point is maybe he is scared of the big wedding. Just some thoughts.

By the way smallie sweety your kind of a babe. Thought you should know. LOL wink.gif

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Seven years is way to long to date. He needs to
or get off the pot.

This made me think of a quip I heard recently:

If a man decides not to marry, it's called fear of commitment.

If a woman decides not to marry, it's called being independent.

Oh yeah, we dated for 5, and have been married for 6. 7 years seems like a long time to date, unless you started dating in 7th grade. wink.gif

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No idea what to say since I suck at relationships - but I do have to give you respect for posting this on line.

I do know that the "M" word scared the chit outa me and I ran. But now that I'm older I feel like I missed out on well - life. (being a parent and all)

If only I could do it over - oh yeah I suck at relationships tongue.gif

I wish you two the best - good luck!

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I find your post really interesting. I respect you for posting that you "suck" at relationships (you being brutally honest and all). Do you mind if I ask you why you think you suck so bad?


PS Maybe I shouldn't touch this one with a 10 foot pole but I'm curious along with the rest of this forum!

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I haven't checked this post in awhile - forgot about it. But since so many commented I thought I'd better post an update. No, I didnt propose. I've decided to let him do it. I think if I did pop the question I'd always wonder if he said yes because he felt pressured to do it. So, 4 1/2 years in and I'm just waiting. It's true what some say in this case I'd rather be with him than without him, even if we're not married yet. Besides - it's nice when he drives the boat, I can concentrate on fishing more :-)

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LOL - it's just the truth Lisa. I don't mind talking about it, then maybe it could change, but on line for the world (er FMr's) to see? Prolly not blush.gif

Too bad FM doesn't have a private message deal. FM needs an upgrade! Oh wait I remember how the last one went - D'oh!

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No can do Lisa, but thanks for...um....respecting the I suck at relationship comment grin.gif

LOL a snag - I could've told you that a long time ago. Like I haven't been there or done that - good luck - that's going to be a mess which it probably already is.

Start your kickers - I'm on the troll. LOL

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I'm not sure this will work for all couples, but it certainly worked for this half of one couple. I was up at the fish-house on Mille Lacs with the long time girlfriend. She had two kids from a previous marriage. I was feeling a little frisky after "Prime Time" and was making my moves. Out of the blue she tells me she is "thinking of saving herself until she gets married." We were engaged the following Tuesday. Good Luck!

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I suppose if someone wants to be contacted, that would be like "their calling card"? Maybe you got something there Kalli! Any other ideas on how to liven our forum up? Once people start ice fishing we'll have to get some fish pictures up! Anyone have any hunting/fishing/outdoor fun pics on their hard drives they want to post from the past? Let's see 'em!


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Well where else to meet someone that has the same fun filled hobbies we have.. but on this forum, maybe theres alot fo single guys and girls , and it would be a great way to meet up.. I mean finding another who loves hunting, fishing isnt easy at times...

I say a forum for dating.. a singles forum

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