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There is a product called Talpirid. It is the only thing i have seen work on moles and it works great! Only place i'm aware of that sells it is Lesco. Google Talpirid and it will give you all the info on it that you need.

Good luck.

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I have a fool-proof method for moles. Its a Bassett Hound named Katie. I've watched her run full tilt across the yard, stop dead and dig like heck. She then pulls them out of the ground and throws them in the air and plays with them. If you had told me a dog could smell a mole underground before I met her, I would have called you a lyer. If you live near Minnetonka, I could loan her to you. grin.gif I have also gassed them with a lawn mower exhaust and flooded them out with a water hose, but it not as fun as watching that dog.

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Diazinain? Kill what they eat. I used this for 2 years every 6-8 weeks during the summer and put it down once a summer. No problems since. I also used the loop traps that are safe if you have kids or pet running around. I don't think you can get Diazinain anymore though.

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There is a product called Talpirid. It is the only thing i have seen work on moles and it works great! Only place i'm aware of that sells it is Lesco. Google Talpirid and it will give you all the info on it that you need.

Good luck.

DING DING DING we have a winner. It looks like worms, which you drop in the tunnels. The moles eat the 'worms', die, and that's it.

If you want to use a granular product, there's a product called "Dylox" which you spread across your yard, much like fertilizer.

It gets rid of the grubs in your yard. Get rid of the food source, get rid of the moles.

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When you walk on your yard and it is mushy or real soft to walk on or your mower tires sink in and the blade cuts the dirt you have moles. Ace hardware sells a similar product called mole nots. They stink real bad but works in about a week. Poke a hole in one of the tunnels with your finger add a few mole nots and recover the hole.

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Ive used the poisons and the toxic smoke bombs and the traps. I'm at wits end. Theyre tearing up my yard. I think they are actually enjoying all the stuff Im sending their way. I think these are shrews, not moles. Big devils, about the size of a pocket gopher, with a trumpet like snout. They burrow for 20 or more feet, then a mound, much like a pocket gopher, then more burrowing.

I killed one 3 weeks ago, that I found on the surface, Nasty lookin critter.

I appled Sevin (insecticide) three weeks ago.

Would this application result in an over abundance of dead birds, like robins and flickers laying around on the yard, because it seems there been more than usual?

I want that dog. Youre not planning an Okoboji Vacation, are you? smile.gif

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I bought a trap at my local hardware store that works VERY well. I haven't been overrun with moles, but I set the trap at the first sign of one and slow the breeding process one mole at a time. I believe the trap is called the Choker Loop and cost about 15 bucks or so.

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In a friends yard, I tried poisoning there food, combined with some "Mole Away" to wash it into the soil...I set prong type traps at 3-4 active runways at a time....the results?

The moles left the yard and went to the neighbors, or they sometimes went into the gardens, until the coast cleared, then back they would come. It seemed like alot of them were little ones, young of the year maybe?

There are a few bigger ones, but there are so danged many runways, it would take 50 traps to cover em all and I'm not so sure about those spring loaded spear traps? It would be nice if you would be able to spear em and they would die instantly, but I think alot of them trip the traps without getting jabbed, especially the smaller ones...even if you prepoke the spear travel route. Then to, maybe some of them get wounded and pull off the spears?

I know one thing, they are some insidious little suckers and I believe it would take a neighborhood effort to eradicate them! I'm going to invest in a half dozen of the loop traps if FleetFarm has them and see how that works?

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Get ahold of some Talpirid. Its a bit spendy (around $50.00 a box of 20 worms) but if used as directed you should be able to get rid of moles by just using a few worms...or at least thin the herd so you can target them easier.

Good luck.

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I have been using the fold up pincher trap with great success.Sometimes being in the yard in the eaving when they are active i have been able to get a few with a pitch fork.Kind a like spearing carp only on land.Burl.

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I have the turbo attachment for my shoot on my mower deck. I have been sucking them out and chopping them up when I mow my lawn. I have killed about 4 in the last month this way. This is the first year I have seen moles since I moved in almost 5 years ago. Since I have been sucking them out, the sponginess of my front yard area has gone away. Good luck or just a freak thing, but the sucking action of my mower seems to suck them up. grin.gif

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I maybe some of them get wounded and pull off the spears?

Nothing worse then a wounded mole laugh.gif

We had the same problem you mentioned. Went into Blaine hard ware and they wanted to sell me some kind of humane trap??? I told them you dont understand I want to hurt or kill them. Not relocate them. They sold me a trap as you mentioned that darn near busted my finger and something called molenots. They stink but look like small grubs and you put a couple in each active runway. Two weeks they were gone. They came back the following spring but I killed them off with more of the mole nots. Try Ace hardware. They probably sell the stuff.

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Euro....I know! Them friggin wounded moles are somethin! I had to go into the garden after one the other day and it wasn't pretty!

The spears had hit him in the leg and he dug himself out and was dragging the trap across the yard and I could hear his little mole voice say, "Ow, oh woe is me, alas, ow, I've been gotten!" ""Arrrrggg, I've got to seek cover...ow!"

I took the 8 pound sledge out of the shed and went to finish him off....no sooner had I stepped into the garden then "Bam" he hit me right up along side my head with the mole trap! Threw it at me he did! Good thing I didn't get poked in the eye!

I hollered and went after him, swinging that sledge like it was attached to a windmill! The mole, gimpy as he was, ran a zig zag, escape and evasion route and all I managed to do was smash about 25 of my wifes prized plants and punch about 600 holes in the garden!

Again, I had to take a few good shots up along side the head from her rolling pin and another 4 or 5 good whacks from her cast iron skillet, once I had fallen asleep, but thats another story, back to the mole.

The mole out manuvered me and took the high ground, when I got in range, he leaped for my throat! Luckily, I threw my arm up and all he got was a chunk of flesh about the size of a tennis ball.

Onward we battled, weapons, kicking, biting, mud, blood, we went at it hammer and tong for about an hour, when finally, the neighbors dog appeared and brought a quick and decisive end to the confrontation. He bit me about 6 or 7 times, tore my Levis half off of me, got one iof my shoes and put me on the run to the house....I don't know what happened to that dammed mole?

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