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Choosing a Flasher - MarCum or Vexilar

Matt Johnson

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Well he did'nt have a Marcum in his side by side comparison then eh? Probably could'nt figure out the x67c!!!! Sounds like he may be working/selling with an eye to a bit more commission too maybe!

I try and stay out of these debates but......

I've spent quite a bit of time with all types and brands of flashers over many years on the ice. I have not used a fl20 but they are for the most part the same old thing anyhow. I am only brand loyal to Phillip Morris and Anhauser Busch!

I am now convinced after using these Lowrance Ice Machines since the middle of last winter, and in many different scenarios on the ice, that for me anyhow mechanical flashers are now obsolete and a thing of the past! Folks should see what they can do, and what you'll see and be able to interpret when your dealing with a deadzone in your cone, let alone everything else they can do that no mechanical flasher can. I am flat impressed.

Before next winter I'll be spending my own coin on a spendier model with a larger screen than the x67c I have and use now.

Thats it from me on this thread/subject.


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I looked at the FL 20 this weekend the thing I still noticed immediately was the they still have a much fuzzier display than Marcum LX 5 that I used. I have a Lowrance 332 set up for fishing through the ice and have used it a little not enough to have a true opinion. Units like this take more knowledge of how the unit works to operate it correctly. I do plan to use my 332 a few more times this winter. Right now my personal experience leads me to still liking my LX 5 better. Mainly because it is simple to operate the target separation is incredable crisp display.

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Yes the flashers are easier to set up because its bang ,bang bang and mostly no issues with interference or simple fix . I have nothing against the x67c really as I do like that it has the double feature of graph and flasher mode but from using it myself I did not find it to excell in either flasher or graph mode but was adequate where as the Marcums can't be beat as a flasher for icefishing .

The thing is I like to cover water in searching for fish especially because I fish so many lakes close to home and I don't have the time to p!ss around on the ice going through menus and such . Yeah its my pet peave and why the Marcums I use beat the competition but I do use a 332 on the open water I guess I use two tools for two scenarios and both excell at each . Just like two different lengths of rods . Nothing wrong with specializing if you can afford it .


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It's true that the Ice Machines are a bit more complicated and take a bit of time to figure out initially. Once a person spends enough time with them though it is then pretty straight foreward and simple, and only then can one truely utilize these to their full potential and see just what they can really do out on the ice.

The 20 or 30 seconds it takes to get mine set just how I need is'nt keeping very many fish from hitting my bucket thats for sure.

Marcum is the top doggie for sure in the mechanical flasher arena and I've owned 2 different models without a problem one, and they plain worked great. It's just that now after getting this Ice Machine all figured out and seeing what they can do, and seeing just how well they do it in comparison to mechanical flashers I feel I have again graduated to newer/better on ice sonar technology.

For sure being they are somewhat complicated they may not be the right unit for everyone. I've seen quite a few of the Vex loyalists speak of how complicated the Marcums are? Those guys for sure would'nt want an Ice Machine if they find a Marcum that complex!

To each his own.


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Just wanted to thank MarCum personally for designing one heck of a unit to disect those deep water perch and give us the ability to pick the large fish out of the small schools that swam through, fishing 32' of water with the NBT button engaged allowed us to select the larger perch out of the few small schools we saw and helped us to finish 23rd. Fishing a small 2 mm jig in deepwater and the ability to pick up the finest detail were advantages that were scene first hand on the screen. What a unit and hopefully next year will cash in. Thanks again MarCum!

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My favorite feature of the Lowrance is being able to set the range and whatever depth I want. I actually had my 102c set for a 6ft range (18ft to 24ft) in 40ft depths because that is exactly where the crappies were holding. Talk about target definition! Tweak the colors and you can get a pretty good read on the size of the fish too. Would be nice to have the ease of setup Marcum has but like Fiskynut said it doesn't take to long once you learn how to operate your unit.

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It's just that now after getting this Ice Machine all figured out and seeing what they can do, and seeing just how well they do it in comparison to mechanical flashers I feel I have again graduated to newer/better on ice sonar technology.

I agree 110%. I've maintained this same idea for a couple years now since I picked up the x67c shortly after they started marketing ice units. I have a real hard time using a flasher now (I did for years before), because the digital graph gives me more info to go on.

And the extra perks, like complete silence and super battery life just sweeten the pot. I run my x67c for 24 hours continuously with backlighting on weekend trips to the perm shack. It is my nightlight - I use 20% backlight intensity. grin.gif

I think as new people enter the ice fishing market, their higher tech savvy factor will make the decision easy to use a full-digital sonar.

I didn't get much blowback when I mentioned it before, but I bet the next "graduation" will be to use side-scan digital sonar on ice so you can see the structure and fish ALL AROUND you, not just below you! grin.gif

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Stick your arm down the hole and you can point that transducer sideways smile.gif. I think the Lowrance is the best ice fishing unit out there. I use my 332-c and haven't touched my Vex in two years.

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well.....I avoided this topic when it first came up because I still had my old fl-8 and was feeling quite happy with it. But things have changed drasticly and I no longer have that old trusty fl-8 unit due to a catostrophic tailgate malfunction.

I now have been looking at Marcums lx-3tc, lx-5, or vex's fl-18 or fl-20. I really like the lx-5 and the marcum units in general. Mainly because of the target seperation aspect. When I bought my fl-8 I almost went with the Zercom color point because of that fact.

The only thing that may make me get an fl-18 is the bottom lock feature. I like to use mine as a secondary fish finder on my boat. Is this feature worth it and does it work well?

Like I stated before I really like the lx-5s and I noticed that profishingstore has refurbished lx-5s for almost $100 less than new and it comes with a 1 year warranty. What is the warranty on a new one? Should I be leary of these units for any reason? How are the refurbished lx-3 units holding out that some of you guys bought last year? Have these marcum units proven to be as tough and dependable as the old vexs were?

I wish I still had my old one then I wouldn't have to think about this. But I like the prospect of getting a new one too smile.gif

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BD2- I have an LX-5 and wouldnt trade it forr anything. I do not use it in open water, yet I know quite a few guys that do. I do have an FL-18 as well.. but it dosent see much water time at all..only when I have friends along fishing that dont have a unit of their own.

Both units are great units, and no matter what decision you make you will be happy. But in myopinion.. that lx5 is the top dog.

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For the money which is the best ice unit? I haven't seen the Lowrance for sale here in Illinois. Everyone uses Vexlar but I was considering a MarCum, of course we don't have near the ice season as Minnesota. In fact we have just froze up around the last week of January.

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Snag, you are on to something they all will be in a few years. Graphs are where it is at. More info. Better history. Better zoom. Less eye strain. More quiet. The drawbacks are battery life and durability. I like charging the batteries more, being careful and catching more fish! I use a Lowrance 102C.


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well, I pulled the trigger on the fl-20. I REALLY wanted to get the lx-5 but I don't think I will be unhappy with my fl-20 either. I went to Cabin Fever because I had some unused x-mas gift cards to spend anyway and they either don't stock the Marcums or were out. They could have got me one but being as impatient as I am, I wanted something right now. I think I would have really liked the marcum but this fl-20 is still a big step up for me from my old fl-8 that I lost.

I do really like the new screen. I have a 6 yr old and he was always bumping my head, trying to see if there are any fish down there. Now he can see it from almost any angle.

I know that the target seperation is better with the marcum, but with the zoom option running, the seperation on the vex is probably good enough for me. I am NO pro angler!

Something that was brought up to me about the vexs is that if you ever need something like a trancducer while you are up north on a trip, you are more likely to find one even at out of the way bait stores while the marcums are still a little more rare.

I also liked the fact that I have seen a lot of REALLY old vexs out there still working so I know that the durability is there with these units. It probably is with the marcums too, but it is just too early too tell for me.

Another reason I felt that the vex was a good choice for ME is that everyone I fish with that has a flasher currently has a vex. Hopefully this will help the intererence issue a little. I was afraid that I would have blown everyone else out of the water with the Marcum!

These are my ways of rationalizing my decision. Maybe I will regret it but hopefully not.

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Well, based on this thread I finally upgraded from my old FL-8 to a MArcum LX-5. More than impressed! Was with a group of guys, no interference at all. Alot quieter than my Vex as well. I'm holding on to the FL-8, but I'll be using the Marcum.

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Well today a Vexilar prostaffer and I got out to fish together and he ran an FL-20 and I my LX-5 .He pulled up his flipover to the door of my Otter Wilderness Perch and he fished out of my second hole and the holes were around 3ft apart in 25 fow . Interference showed but was reasonable and with one single push on both units IR buttons the screens cleared on both units and I mean clear without even a blip on either .

I liked the fact you can see the Vex screen from just about anywhere and it is a plus or could be for some even though for me personally it doesn't matter . The Fl-20 was also a very much louder unit than the Marcum and thats from the Vex prostaffer's own mouth and also the lines were alot thicker and more of a blob on the FL-20 and he said the same when I turned my LX-5 towards him to compare,,,, and he said that not I . It was nothing to worry about with the FL-20 but those are the facts as we saw them and the dimming the lights in the dark were also a feature I liked on the FL-20 .

This lad and I fish alot together and will be running many more tests even with multiple units going from all manufacturers but with an LX-5 and an FL-20 on a mixture of bottom we had absolutely no issue with clearing any interference and it only took one push of the button to do so. So from what I saw today until I see different I don't think you have to worry about fishing together and having both running at the same time as far as the FL-20 and the LX-5 are concerned . This could change when more than two units are used in combination but with two it worked fine and the tests will continue on the ice . wink.gif


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Well after a few weeks of waiting for good ice and good weather Sunday proved itself to be the day to try out a bunch of new equipment.

I headed out to lake George with a Frabill Recon, Jiffy hand ice auger, a Tough Buddy heater, and my GSX. I never had to use the heater as I was more than warm enough in my house without it. The GSX worked wonderfully. I was in 17 feet of water and had no problems identifying anything on the flasher. Fish would come through at 8' which ended up being sunnies mixed with small bullheads. Then at 14' I managed to get into a few crappies although their size was not quite where it needed to be. All in all I fished for 3 hours listening to the music and enjoying myself on the lake. The only thing I didnt enjoy was drilling holes that were 18" or more thick with a hand auger but it got the job done.

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The GSX is very similar to the new MarCum VX-1's introduced this ice season, many Gander customers enjoyed the GSX last season and came back with there buddies to find more but in most situations Gander's sold out of last year GSX's and the new release MarCum VX-1's quite quickly. Most said the only difference in the two is that the VX-1 doesn't have a case and that's true. I have to tell ya that the quality of construction of this unit for the money is exceptional and the colors are sweet..

green - weak, orange - medium, and red - strong

I will be putting my new VX-1 to the test soon. I know it's not the LX-5 or LX-3 but at that introductory price if it can give me 1/2 of the enjoyment MarCum flasher's have given me for the last few years it very well maybe the very best in value in zoom flasher history. Zoom for $249 in a mechanical flasher, who can touch that??? Well I think Reeds can at $232. Last night I was reading through the manual after I assembled it and noticed there really isn't much info about charging the unit but saw that the charger is a 500ma amp charger and the VX-1 runs 250 to 300ma amp per hour so I would say a safe bet if charging would be 1 hour charging for every 2 hours fishing. It's no biggy but I wish it was spelled out in the manual...

I double checked the battery that came with the unit and the battery was fully charged and ready to fish. Initial impressions was it's ease of assembly, it was packed for protection from the factory. I wrapped the extra cord after installation around my handle. Connections are beefy and well engineered. Display readings inside white numerals standout quite well. System operation looks very simple like all MarCum products you don't need a textbook or DVD to figure them out.

It will be fun to check it out after this noreeaster we got coming in mad.gif

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I pulled the trigger on the x67c from Cabela's. I had $100 in Cabela's Bucks and it comes with the Vex-type float and "free" battery meter. It all came down to price and the clarity of the display. That TFT screen looks neat. If it arrives within the next 8 days I'm going to take it on a 3-day fishing trip February 22-24. I'll let everyone know my review.

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Hey Thin Line,

What mode do you use yours in, flasher or graph? Can you see your jig in graph mode or just the fish? I took mine out for the first time this weekend and couldn't pick up my jig in flasher mode. When I got home, I realized I didn't have it in "ice" mode. I'm usually pretty anal about reading the manuals but I didn't have time. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow. Let me know if you have any tips for beginners. Thanks!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • If you really want to treat your wife (and yourself) with a remote operated trolling motor, the Minn Kota Ulterra is about easy as it gets.  Auto stow and deploy is pretty awesome.  You just have to turn the motor on when you go out and that the last time you have to touch it.   24V 80lb.  60 inch shaft is probably the right length for your boat.  They ain’t cheap - about $3k - but neither one of you would have to leave your seat to use it all day.
    • Wanderer, thanks for your reply. I do intend for it to be 24 volt, with a thrust of 70-80. Spot lock is a must (my wife is looking forward to not being the anchor person any more).  With my old boat we did quite a lot of pulling shad raps and hot n tots, using the trolling motor. Unlikely that we will fish in whitecaps, did plenty of that when I was younger. I also need a wireless remote, not going back to a foot pedal. We do a fair amount of bobber fishing. I don't think I will bother with a depth finder on the trolling motor. I am leaning toward moving my Garmin depth finder from my old boat to the new one, just because I am so used to it and it works well for me. I am 70 years old and kinda set in my ways...
    • Dang, new content and now answers.   First, congrats on the new boat!   My recommendation is to get the most thrust you can in 24V, assuming a boat that size isn’t running 36V.  80 might be tops?  I’m partial to MinnKota.     How do you plan to use the trolling motor is an important question too.     All weather or just nice weather?   Casting a lot or bait dragging?   Bobber or panfish fishing?   Spot lock?  Networked with depth finders?  What brand of depth finders?
    • We have bought a new boat, which we will be picking up this spring. It is an Alumacraft Competitor 165 sport with a 90 horse Yamaha motor. I will be buying and installing a trolling motor,  wondering if I can get some recommendations on what pound thrust I will want for this boat?  Also, I will be selling my old boat, is there a good way to determine the value on an older boat ( mid-80's with a 75 horse 2-stroke  Mariner motor)  I will appreciate any help with these questions.
    • Sketti...  not out of a jar either!
    • Lol yeah I watched that
    • I went ahead and watched some of the MLF coverage.  Wheeler didn’t make the cut but the bigger story was the Poche/Avera fallout.   Kinda funny listening to both sides of the story and putting together the scenario, reading between the lines.
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