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Found Money

Bobby Bass

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Well just paying bills here and I see due to the nice winter I have over paid on my budget for heat by several hundred dollars. Looks like an adjustment will have to be made. Hmmm I see some fishing equipment purchasing will have to be made to create a balanced budget. I suggest if any of you out there are making budget payment to check your accounts, you may have a windfall like myself! grin.gif

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Overpaid my state and federal taxes for 2005 and now waiting for the refund, $8,450 total! Today the insurance check for the atv is picked up which got stolen a couple months ago, $5,000!!! Unfortunately the money will be going toward paying off the stupid credit cards.

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I made a recent discovery of over $5.00 in change while cleaning out under the wifes clothes dryer, unfortunately it did not cover the cost of the washing machine that puked, which is why I was cleaning under the dryer in the first place. wink.gifgrin.gif

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satch, i used to repair appliances includeing dryers. when i would pull them apart to clean the very flammable lint out of them. i would find everything from jewelery to coins to gutiar picks out of them. best hauls i got on old recycled ones was almost $60 in paper and coin money. and a very nice diamond ring. the one with all the coin in it left a trail on coins as i hauled it to the door. funny thing was she told me to pick it up for a tip to "go buy yourself a pop with that" i thought i had a slot machine. .... paul

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I guess the best "Windfall" I ever had, was several years ago, my wife and I were driving down Bass Lake Road and I see $20 bills blowing down the street!

I locked em up and wifey and I jump out and start harvesting

the cash! I can't recall all the details, but I do know that in about a minute, we had ours mitts on some cash and we were in the process of getting ready to drive away.

We picked up $120 and were happy as larks...until I seen this guy running around the curve, down the side walk yelling "Hey, wait, wait!" He had a wad of crumpled bills in his hand.

He gets up to the truck, all red faced and out of breath and says, "Did you see some money blowin around here?" He wasn't demanding, or billigerent, just winded. "What makes you ask, says I"?

The guy said that he and his girlfriend got in an argument and she threw his rent money out of the car window! Poor bass turd was just about crying, between the gasps, you could here his voice cracking.

Weither it was an act, which I highly doubt, or weither it was real, which I highly suspect it was, because I don't think anyone could put on an acadamy award act like that, I gave the guy back the rent money....I just didn't have it in my heart to keep it....all but $20.00, which my wife informed me later, that she was keeping as a reward. grin.gif

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My wifes grandmother had put her down as a beneficary of a small life insurance policy. She died in 87' but she wasn't aware of the policy. Just last week her aunt in Wyoming saw her and her sisters name in the paper listed for unclaimed property being held by the state of Wyoming. Her and her sister are splitting $1000.00.

Go to state govt. websites where you or family are from and check the sections for unclaimed property.

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I was looking for a set of keys my wife lost and found 10 bucks in my jacket pocket. Thing is I know it wasn't my money and I know my wife likes wearing my jackets, thats why I was looking in my coat pocket for her keys. I'm keeping the money anyway, besides she owes me for all the shirts of mine she shrunk in the clothes drier. Yes they fit her now. Funny how that always works out for her.

Other then that I'm not cashing in yet on my fuel bill because it was 3 degrees this morning.

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I do know how it feel to loose money. Down in Tijuana(sp?) a few years back I lost a $20 spot that must have found it's way out of my front pocket. Figuring my luck couldn't get worse back in Las Vegas on the trip I decided to put $5 bucks into a machine. On my last couple 25 cent bets I hit two diamonds and a seven, $245!!! My X was not happy with my win as she figured she needed to win and $20 into a similar machine playing 50 cents a crack hit $490!!! We stopped that moment.

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Tax time is one of my favorite times of the year, financially! Filed our taxes and we are getting a NICE chunk of change back!!! Unfortunately, we too are putting nearly all of it to the darned credit cards to pay off various airfares that were put to it. mad.giffrown.gif

Oh well, that's the way it goes sometimes. Next year though, we're taking that money and putting it as a down payment on a boat, so there is an up-side to look farward to! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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Whats money??? I FINALLY figured out WHY it's called payday, because you are PAYING all the blasted bills with that check!!! lol. I will ge ta little bit back from Uncle sam but not enuff to do anything fun with .. I have my health and my better 1/2 and a lil one on the way so I'm still happy smile.gif

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I do know how it feel to loose money. Down in Tijuana(sp?) a few years back I lost a $20 spot that must have found it's way out of my front pocket. Figuring my luck couldn't get worse back in Las Vegas on the trip I decided to put $5 bucks into a machine. On my last couple 25 cent bets I hit two diamonds and a seven, $245!!! My X was not happy with my win as she figured she needed to win and $20 into a similar machine playing 50 cents a crack hit $490!!! We stopped that moment.

About ten years ago was the first time I saw a slot machine. It was in Mahnomen and I just watched people play to see if there was any tricks. My girlfriend was playing and I sat down beside her, asked her what to do, she said "make sure you load it? ????. "That means 3 nickels". I put in my first $0.15 ever in to the machine, pulled the lever, lights went off and I thought I broke it. A guy came over and said "congratulations on the jackpot" ????. Well how mch is a jackpot worth? He said "$500.00".....Yehaaaaa, bring it on man! By the end of the night I played some poker, shared some with my girlfriend, bought an expensive dinner and left with $675.00 from my $.15.

Haven't been back since cuz I don't gamble!

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More found money....1st machine I stopped at Saturday night at Hinkley did'nt do squat...lady next to me got off hers and moved 2 machines down the line...on the 3rd set of 3 quarters I put into the machine it hit a $375.00 jackpot.

I felt bad for the lady that got off of the machine, having to witness that, but, I guess thats the way it goes sometimes? grin.gif

Having said that, for every action, there is an equal and positive re-action....my computer snafu'ed and being limited in my computer ability and knowledge, I had to call the Geek Squad, lost all kinds of stuff...found out my back up cd's don't work without the short cuts which were lost, so it's back to the data entry! Ya win some and ya loose some!

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