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Curious to know what everyone's opinion is on able bodied persons hunting grouse from ATVs.

Personally it makes me sick..America is the fattest nation on earth and these lazy fat &^%$#@*& are only making it worse.

In my personal opinion they should ban grouse hunting from ATVs (oh yeah, but I stop and shut mine off and walk the approved distance away!) yeah BULL[PoorWordUsage]IE! These retched pieces of filth have no common courtesy. When Im walking trails with my 7 year old, people on 4 wheelers see no problem zippin by me. Would you ever consider passing up another hunter on foot if you were walking? No..that seems like its road hunter mentality. They are slobs and give REAL hunters (who can walk 50 feet without having a coronary) a bad name......Guess the MN state govt will never do anything about it because the ATV makers have them in their back pockets.

Saw a guy on a 4 wheeler today, gun across the lap with his springer running out front. [PoorWordUsage] is that??? You have a grouse hunting dog and yet hunt off a 4 wheeler??..(Contact US Regarding This Word)!

My kid asks "Daddy why dont we get a 4 wheeler to hunt off of?" I said well, we might as well join Al Qaeda if we do that because it would be resorting to pure evil and ignorance....real hunters dont hunt like that..those are people you do not want to grow up to be.

Im done...


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I agree sledneck!! Isn't part of hunting getting good excersize!! And like you said, with a hunting dog, walk the (Contact US Regarding This Word) woods. What a joke. I can see using one to get to a remote part of the woods or to get to your stand, but case your gun and hunt on your feet. Now if you had some sort of a disibility, that is a different story!! Just my thoughts

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Your subject line is incorrect, it should read "GROUSE SHOOTING FROM ATVs". I really hate seeing these lazy pieces of dump out there. It's happened to me a million times...I'm walking down a trail, being nice and quiet, two so-called hunter jack***es roll past me, ride up the trail a hundred yards and BLAM! Lazy (Contact US Regarding This Word) gets a bird I get exhaust fumes and might as well hike back to my truck since many of the birds near the trail have been flushed back.

This does need to be banned. I can see if you're truly handicapped, I have a handicapped friend who uses an ATV to get around the woods, but if you're just a fat slob who wants to shoot things and go back home to brag about your take, the law shouldn't enable you to do this dump.

Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not poaching.

These guys are even worse, in my opinion, than the guys who drive backroads all day in their pickup until they see a grouse and then hop out and pop it. I see these mighty hunters all over too (and so the the disgusted non-hunting public), but at least you can get away from their sloth and disrespect by getting on a trail. Not true with the four-wheelin' grouse hogs.

These people are the reason I restrict my hunting mostly to the relatively few non-motorized areas around here (despite poorer grouse habitat) rather than say the Trail 4 or Shingle Mill areas. Of course, I even see a few of these slobs on the non-motorized trails from time to time. They don't do any favors to the image of hunters or ATVers.

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Page 30 of the 2005 hunting and trapping regulations does clearly state they have to be either unable to walk without the aid of an oxygen tank or unable to step from a vehicle without a wheelchair, crutches, braces, or other mechanical support or prosthetic device. Also the person must possess a valid disability parking certificate or license plates issued by the Department of Public Saftey. The later should be readily visable on the persons vehicle at the parking lot if the person is truly handicapped. If a person truly lost their ability to move about on their own power without assisstance, I would not want to take still another thing away from them. But if it is just a temporary injury that has caused the persons handicap, then I believe they could wait until they are back in shape to go out hunting. So if you don't see the parking certificate or handicap plate I would turn the person in.

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I dont mean to tread on thin ice here guys.. and I do agree with most you are saying...

The fact is I have used my ATV's many times in the last couple years to aid myself in grouse hunting.. I have never had an uncased, or loaded gun on an ATV.. I dont have one of the fancy mount to the body gun cases.. the gun is on the front rack in a hard case held down by a couple bungees in a fashion there is no way I could get it off the atv to take a shot.. even if the bird stood there 30 seconds.

The areas I was hunting was huge.. I simply used the ATV to go from one chosen location to another.. to hunt on foot in my preferred locations. If I came across other hunters on foot, I would go to another location.. just turned around when possible... with a few exceptions.. when theres a ton of hunters out there, I will pass in a lawful way(usually talk to hunter to explain my intent) and go forward to my desired location.

Just because there are a few bad apples out there, dont create a steriotype that we are all bad, or we have bad intent, or we will abuse our privledge(sp?) if possible.. its not the case. I have seen more responsible ATV hunters than the problem ATV guys. I have seen many problems with the so called foot hunters too... like one area I walked through last year with dead birds everywhere.. blue jays(many), cardinal, some other tweety's I have no idea what they are... All these birds really close by a *hunting camp* in a young growth of balsam.. I guess there were not enough grouse flying to keep interest? This was in my *back yard* at the time when I lived up north.. these were not locals.. they were probably from the cities...

Just because there was a bad experience.. I dont have a steriotype of metro folks.. citiots, 612'ers, etc, etc.. we have all heard phrases.

If you see an atv in violation of the hunting laws.. write down the registration number and call the authorities... If it has no registration, still call them with a description.. much of the time if they are locals, the police will know right where to look.. same with the DNR in some problem individuals.

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I'll Have to admit that I have done my share of road hunting from my vehicle but always give the bird a chance to fly before I shoot and my dad is handicapped and can't walk very well. Even though I don't really see many ATV's I do agree with sledneck that the ATV hunters don't belong on the walking trails if thay want to hunt drive the gravel roads and shoot your birds or stay on the designated ATV/snowmobile trails there are plenty of them around the state. Some of these guys that can need to get off there lazy but and start walking.

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I'd prefer to have atvs banned from grouse hunting, but they're not banned so I use mine to grouse hunt. I made a platform for my rear rack that my dog can ride on and usually she rides but sometimes she runs while I drive (especially in the rough spots on the trails). I like walking better than road hunting so mostly we drive to the best spots and walk them, but if we see a bird while driving we'll try to get it. I feel bad when I encounter guys walking but it happens. I try to be nice and tell them I'll get out of their way as quick as I can. I wouldn't go around someone and shoot a bird in front of them, that's not right, but if I have to go around them to get where I'm going then so be it.

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Okay, to all those who use 4 wheelers (to get to their "walking" spots).

No ban on 4 wheelers..just restrict the use to before sunrise, 1 hour (noon-1pm, after sunset. As to minimalize the disturbance to real hunters.

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I'm glad its monday, Now I can hunt in peace. I hope I don't see another ATV all week. I'm starting my fourth day of guideing and my leggs feel like they are going to fall off. Friday I saw no ATVs in the woods, sat about 6 different groups, and probably 5 groups of ATV/shooters yesterday. TGIM.... grin.gif

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All kinds of good points on this topic being expressed. It is a good thing that one person doesn't have the power to make the laws. It would change with who ever was in power at that time.The laws are what they are and if it is not against the law we have to work around it( maybe get into the woods instead of walking trails). If the person is breaking the law it really doesn't matter if they are on a ATV,walking or hunting out of a truck. They are breaking the law and should be reported. But to say that just because they are doing something in a way you don't agree with is not solving a problem, work to change the law or get off the trail and it won't bother you. By the way I don't own a ATV or a snowmobile and don't road hunt grouse from my truck. I know I have had problems with snowmobiles racing around fishouses at prime time and I don't think that shows favorably on that group of people but I don't want snowmobiles outlawed either.

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This is going to sound like one of them "in the good old days posts" and I guess it will be written with that intent. If ya ain't walking ya ain't huntin...The lack of birds and bad knees has pretty much ended my trail walking and hunting for grouse but I would never think of taking a 4 wheeler bird hunting. Everyone has stories where they are passed on a trail by a 4 wheeler who is just plain rude. (here we go ) in the old days if you parked your car or truck at a logging trail you marked it as being hunted and you could go down and hunt that trail knowing that someone else was not going to be riding up on you. You hunted a few miles a day but you hunted it. Alone by yourself, sometimes with a buddy, and if you were lucky enough a good dog. Now all you hear is about how bad the hunting is and that they put on a 100 miles and only saw 2 birds. Well get off the fricking ATV and do it the right way! Times are a changing I taught my boys how to walk and hunt, we have always had dogs for them to work over so I guess that is a advantage. Owning a ATV can cost ya a few bucks and everyone wants some bang for their buck. But if you could get these guys off them and on to some birds the old way you would give them a better memory then a sore (Contact US Regarding This Word) from riding all day.. Just my 2 cents. I could really go on this topic as it is a pet peeve and when I hit rocking chair age I will still be harping on it..

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I am with the majority here when it comes to road hunters (ATV or Truck/Car).

There is one alternate view I experienced this weekend. I was walking a trail with my girlfriend (first time grouse hunter). We flushed a bird and jumped off the trail with my dog (first time grouse hunter too). Never found the bird, but noticed a blazer had passed us while we were in the woods. She asked if we should turn and go back. I said no. They will not see or flush nearly as many birds as we will walking. About 50 yards later the truck was driving back when we flushed another bird (which I missed). I had to smirk when the truck drove by knowing I found and shot at a bird they just drove by.

My point is that sometimes it is ok with me for the lazy hunters to stay in their vehicle. It seems to leave more birds for me to find. Sometimes..

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Gee Sledneck I guess I'm not a real hunter like you because I get around on my atv. I don't drive it somewhere and hunt for the day, or the half-day like you seem to want with your post. I drive to my best spots, hunt them for 15 minutes to a couple hours or however long it takes depending on the spot, then go somewhere else. Usually I walk 4-6 spots in the morning and early afternoon, then bowhunt late afternoons and evenings. Too bad I'm not a real hunter in your eyes.

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I'd say that most of the responces here deserve a super cheer. grin.gif As the old saying goes "give an inch they'll take a mile." I'd like to see atv's for handicap only from September thru December.

Honestly is that too much to ask.?

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I was guideing today and to say thhe least, I have to be back up at 6a.m. to start it all over again. Even though I saw less birds than yesterday, The people I was guideing today mentioned at one point how much more peacefull it was in the woods today,(sarcasim) when we stoped for lunch, a group of ATVers came blasting by and disrupted the whole country side, we could hear them destroying a peacefull afternoon in a matter of a few seconds, The small little wetland that they were tearing up seemed to be completly devistated with deep rutts and mud dripping from the trees 15 feet off the ground. They are doing it to them selves and its only a matter of time before they have no-where else to ride. I'm all for the quarentean of ATV's, as for the ones who use them wiseley, I'm sorry. But the other A-wholes are robbing you of places to ride. they are the ones who are makeing it tough on the responcable ridders. So be it, untill people start respecting state and county lands and quit destroying them, I say take their wheelers away if they break the law. or take the land away that they destroy, untill they start useing it more wiseley. Yes I know someone is about to say close the state land if someone is cought with an over limit of game or takes a deer from a truck window, But even though those illegal actions make an effect on conservation, There is'nt a visual effect.(Thats a whole other topic) I pray to see another ATV in a wetland where I hunt,(north of hwy10 Staples /Motley) I have both of the local wardens on speed dial, and I'm hunting seven days a week now. So I dare the next rider I happen to see where they shouldn't be. I'll make shure they pay a high price for their stupidity.

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Why is it that people complain about things which are perfectly legal? Is it because they do not have the things which they are complaining about? Just because someone does something in a different manner than you are used to does not make him/her any less special than you.

Fact: I see more grouse in the woods while bear hunting than while on the road (trails). Oh, yeah, my bear stands are among prime grouse habitats. Conclusion: Roads (trails) are for traveling. To be a real hunter, one must get off the roads (trails).

See how stupid that sounds, not the getting off the roads part but the "real hunter" part. It is true that more grouse can be found in the woods but the woods which grouse can be found in are too difficult to traverse so we, Americans, hunt the trails and roads.

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Why can’t people find something better to do than complain about how other people hunt and fish. It’s this better than thou attitude that really wears on us as a society. But if people are partaking in legal activity, get over it. If not call the appropriate authorities and let them deal with it. This just falls on the in the same category as all of those that complain about PWC’s, snowmobiles, live bait for trout, ect……… and all the other people with there ought to be a law mentality. As stated before, if you don’t like it get off the trails and into the woods. Or maybe find a hobby that that keeps your contact with other sportsman down to a minimum. Maybe take up some needle point and stay home

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One major issue I come across in a state forest I hunted a lot last year for grouse(Savannah State Forest)..

It seems that 95% of the hunters took to labeled, designated ATV trails because of the easiest walking.

Should an ATV rider feel guilty about passing(respectfully) walking hunters on a designated trail? I dont think they should.

An ATV, or group of ATV's tearing off into a wetland.. that is just wrong, shouldnt happen. If you see it, get a plate number and call the DNR.. riders often frequent the same area. weather they are loal, or there on a *hunting trip*.

Not to throw stones here.. but I can really care less if someone else doesnt enjoy the sound of my ATV when I am crawling down the trail. I dont care for snowmobiles while ice fishing either.. but they arent going anywhere, and I learn to live with them, or GO SOMEWHERE ELSE... its my choice.

I will continue to ride where I am legally allowed. It is my right to do so. I will ride with respect to others, as I always have. If you are passed by a ATV that is giving you respect... you should return that same respect to that rider.. I am not out there to ruin anyones day.. I am out there to enjoy the outdoors in whatever means I see fit at the given time.

I have also helped a few foot hunters out of the woods at times when they were lost, or one guy who was having astma(sp?) issues... I'll bet he doesnt mind seeing an ATV... neither does many people I have helped drag out deer when seasons collide(I dont rifle hunt so I dont have riding hours).

If you want to be mad at motorized vehicles in the woods.. yell at some guys with mud trucks... they can make it difficult to pass wet areas with a ATV, and impossible by foot unless your using chest waders.

I'm not throwing stones, or picking fights.. I am just saying I have rights too.. dont try to take my rights because there are a few (Contact US Regarding This Word) out there.. the (Contact US Regarding This Word) will be out there, legal, or not.

There are lots of people out there with extremely poor hunting ethics.. I see them as a much bigger issue than someone using an ATV for the purpose of hunting.

I had 3 ATV's and 3 hunters on foot come across a field in fallow on private property in northern minnesota when I was bow hunting.. they had no idea I was there, and they were shooting at everything that moved.. I stood up and screamed when I got peppered by bird shot on land I only had permission to hunt... I dont hate the ATV's.. I have an extreme disliking for the people that were in the group... I wouldnt feel any better if im shot from someone on foot vs an ATV.

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Why can’t people find something better to do than complain about how other people hunt and fish. It’s this better than thou attitude that really wears on us as a society. But if people are partaking in legal activity, get over it. If not call the appropriate authorities and let them deal with it. This just falls on the in the same category as all of those that complain about PWC’s, snowmobiles, live bait for trout, ect……… and all the other people with there ought to be a law mentality. As stated before, if you don’t like it get off the trails and into the woods. Or maybe find a hobby that that keeps your contact with other sportsman down to a minimum. Maybe take up some needle point and stay home

Slavery and Wifebeating used to be legal too.

People are out snowmobiling for enjoyment, not cause they are too lazy to walk across the ice. People (not the handicapped) hunt off 4 wheelers cause they are to lazy or out of shape to walk.

Is the image of a man on a 4 wheeler going 1 mph with gun across the lap the image we want to portray to the non-hunting public. Ask yourself that question.

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Why is it that people complain about things which are perfectly legal?

I'll admit I'm not up to date on all the ATV regs, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal to ride with a gun across your lap and then proceed to shoot from the ATV.

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Slavery and Wifebeating used to be legal too.

There's one of the stupidest things I've ever seen posted on this board.


People are out snowmobiling for enjoyment, not cause they are too lazy to walk across the ice. People (not the handicapped) hunt off 4 wheelers cause they are to lazy or out of shape to walk.

That's another of the stupidest things I've seen on this board. I'm am not too lazy or out of shape to walk - I walk miles and miles and miles with a gun and pack, preferably up and down the mountains out west but also through the woods in Minnesota. In fact, I prefer to walk. But it's legal to use my atv to get to the best spots, and that's what I do.

I've got some opinions about a lot of the guys I see snowmobiling, and it's not that they're "out for enjoyment" but I bet SledNeck wouldn't like them.

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Tensions are high here. The topic is complicated. I have found that most of the atvs I encounter while hunting are recreational and not hunting at all. It probably was 10 years ago that I was walking a trail on the Sawbill trail and run into by a young kid on dirt bike with a shotgun strapped on the side. I was not hurt but slightly miffed! The laws are written assuming that people will abide by them. Just read the co,s reports in outdoor news and you will find that good hunters are not the problem. Its the guy that drives his kid to the youth hunt in wildlife management area on the atv. Shooting ducks early with lead shot and besides taking an overlimit they don't retrieve ducks that land outside the decoys.ATVs are fun and can be used responsibly. My father once drove his snowmobile in a posted no snowmobile area to pull a women out that had broken her leg cross country skiing. She hated snowmobiles right up until that ride. Be respectful, obey the laws and TURN IN POACHERS. ATVS are not going away.


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Why can't we get along. I love walking with my dog...if I see a ATV go by I just laugh. They only get the dumb ones that are standing on the trail anyway. I have jumped birds within minutes of a four wheeler going by. They don't hurt a thing. With this said, I sometimes hunt with my four wheeler. I do it in the unproductive stuff while driving to the productive stuff. When I get there, I walk. I also love to use my wheeler for deer hunting. It gets me back in the sticks where the big bucks roam. So anyway, get along...there are too many laws out there the way it is. We certainly don't need more, just follow the one's we have now..enough said!!

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    • got this tackled today took about 3 hours to get both sides done. Didnt even get to use a torch....   Thought I was golden with just jacking it up and I could get to everything but no luck. Had to remove the entire axle hub and brake assembly to get to what I needed. Was a pain but still better then taking off the entire pivot arm.    Axle bearings were already greased and in great shape thankfully. Got both leaf springs installed and its ready for the road again.   Probably going to have my electric brakes checked, I am not touching anything with the brake drums. Based on what I saw it doesn't look like my electric brakes have been working anyway. Brakes are nice to have if its slippery out
    • By The way that didn't work either!! Screw it I'll just use the cellular. 
    • It’s done automatically.  You might need an actual person to clear that log in stuff up.   Trash your laptop history if you haven’t tried that already.
    • 😂 yea pretty amazing how b o o b i e s gets flagged, but they can't respond or tell me why I  can't get logged in here on my laptop but I can on my cellular  😪
    • I grilled some brats yesterday, maybe next weekend will the next round...  
    • You got word censored cuz you said        B o o b ies….. haha.   Yeah, no… grilling is on hiatus for a bit.
    • Chicken mine,  melded in Mccormick poultry seasoning for 24 hours.  Grill will get a break till the frigid temps go away!
    • we had some nice weather yesterday and this conundrum was driving me crazy  so I drove up to the house to take another look. I got a bunch of goodies via ups yesterday (cables,  winch ratchet parts, handles, leaf springs etc).   I wanted to make sure the new leaf springs I got fit. I got everything laid out and ready to go. Will be busy this weekend with kids stuff and too cold to fish anyway, but I will try to get back up there again next weekend and get it done. I don't think it will be bad once I get it lifted up.    For anyone in the google verse, the leaf springs are 4 leafs and measure 25 1/4" eye  to eye per Yetti. I didnt want to pay their markup so just got something else comparable rated for the same weight.   I am a first time wheel house owner, this is all new to me. My house didn't come with any handles for the rear cables? I was told this week by someone in the industry that cordless drills do not have enough brake to lower it slow enough and it can damage the cables and the ratchets in the winches.  I put on a handle last night and it is 100% better than using a drill, unfortatenly I found out the hard way lol and will only use the ICNutz to raise the house now.
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