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Just curious what you guys out there pay for bait... I run a shop out here in CT. We are average in our prices, some shops are lower, some higher. Our small shiners are $2 per doz, med are $4 and large are $8... We have some monster shiners that are $1.50 each


And suckers up to 12" or so can go as much as $2 each

What do you guys pay?

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Blaine -

Over 10 years ago I had to buy shiners from a wholsaler to get a $3/doz price.

I was shocked to see 6.50 in the minneapolis area for good healthy medium/small shiners from a reliable source. If I lived in your area you would be getting another customer smile.gif

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Wow... It must have to do with where they come from. I've got a good relationship with our wholesaler and have been up to see their operation. They drive a semi from Mass to Ark once a week to get their bait. I'm not sure if all wholesalers do it this way or not but with the amount of bait he can carry, he may be getting a great price

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I'd love to get a few of those size shiner's to hang under a bobber in the fish house. My brother and I used to trap shiner's in the mine pits in Northern MN, we used to get some in the 5" range but nothing like your picture.


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We jig them up. I also have an old timer that we trade with. He brings me dozens of shiners in exchange for bait, terminal tackle and ice gear. Sometimes (like lately) they can be tough to find but on other days you can catch 75-100 without too much trouble

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Interesting. I have two ponds on my property and when I put out a small wal mart minnow trap with bread and in about 24 hours or so I would have a dozen or so in my trap. The pond is about 15 feet deep in the deepest hole and its about 100 feet wide and about 150 feet long. Could this hold a large population of shiners? Like I said all I have ever put out was a little 6.00 wal mart minnow trap.

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Might be incoveint but when we fish LOW the resort we go out of sells us river shiners for 5 bucks a scoop, probally 3 dozen, last year i think we only spent 30 bucks on bait for 9 guys, although i doubt they would sell to you if you werent at the resort. Also these were small shiners but once you found a bigger one would get bit right away, this year i think im stopping in black duck and getting some big shiners. But around new ulm i cant get shiners for cheaper than 4 buck a dozen.

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In the fall the shallows around our dock turn silver at night when you shine a flashlight in the water. We need to make one small pass to get more than enough to last for a couple of weeks. We submerge our buckets so they don't die during the week. Where I used to work, in the spring I would put out minnow traps and the next day I would have the traps full of fatheads that were 3" long.

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