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Lets See the Deer Pictures


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Lets see all of those pictures from the 2004 season.

Here is my little brothers doe. First Deer.


My dads 3 point


My dads 6 point


My spike


My doe. got her on my last 5 minutes of the hunt. was walking back to the truck at 10:30 so i could leave camp at noon.


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Amen to that Jackpine! No more Billc, John fishes & others, or worse ones you may have even missed like Frederick or KarenM who showed up right at the end!

Good grief that place was pathetic compared to how civil things are here!

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some of the people here, myself included, used to post on the DNR's community forum for years before they shut it down. They shut it down because it was not controlled or moderated like this is and the content turned to garbage over the years. Much of it ATV related (both pro and con) but much that just got out of hand regardless of the issue.

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