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Deer Hunting


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I have been researching those slugs. they are called Winchester Partition gold. They advertise 1900FPS. on the box. that's pretty fast. I noticed gander had them on sale this week for less than $10.00. I talked myself out of them since my shots are almost always under 100 yards and the Federal 3" Hydra-shok sabots work real good for me. I hope to hear good reports on those slugs followint this years deer season.

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Does any one have a reccomendation on a deer decoy? I am thinking of picking one up for bow hunting. Also is there any tips I should try when using it. Should I use the doe or throw some horns on it? I an generally hunting in thick woods with no fields near. Thanks.

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red bricks,
You (and everybody) should read Gary Clancy's book on grunting, rattling and decoying whitetails. A great read with some really good insights.

As far as slugs go, I have put a lot of time, energy and $ into finding a good combination. I second whoever said buy one box of each and see what shoots the best, I gauruntee there will be a difference. I tried the Winchester Partition Golds last year and they seemed to arc a little too much for my liking. I sighted in at 50 yards, at 100 they were like 12 inches high and at 150 they were 2+ feet high. I am gonna try them again, but my initial reaction was they weren't as accurate as I would like out of my gun. Out of other guns, they may be better. I use a Hastings rifled barrel with Federal Classic Sabots and have awesome groups off of a gun vise. I would really stress that you buy a high quality scope as the bark of a slug gun will tear inferior scopes apart (I have a $100 Bushnell I would sell really cheap....). I have a Burris Signature Series with PosiLok and it holds up great due to the locking mechanism. I also would really recommend a cantilever scope mount. Saddle mounts are attached to the receiver...just put your stock on the ground and try and move your barrel independently from the receiver and you will see how much slop there is in a typical shotgun. As a reminder to the new sluggers out there, sabots thru a rifled barrel; rifled (Foster-style) slugs through a smoothbore. I have seen a lot of guys who think their shotguns shoot great only to struggle mightily when at the range--it pays to put your time in.

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back up to page 12 and read my post. I recommend starting with a box of each and see which patterns the best. Remember, take the shooter out of the equation when testing ammo, use a gun vise or sandbags at a minimum. I am surprised at how many people do not use something to steady themselves when sighting in.

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I saw in one of your posts that you will be hunting in the Pengilly area, are you from the area ??? I grew up on the north end of Swan, hunted grouse and deer out on the tailings pond area. there sure are a lot of deer around.

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Graybuck, have you fished Swan at all this year? I heard things were pretty good up there this fall? My Dad and I usually take part of a day and hit the water for some walleyes when we come up to work on deer stands, but we didn't have time this year and Grandpa had already winterized the boat.

My grandparents live in Hibbing and we hunt north of Hib Tac out off of Hwy 5 heading to Side Lake.

Good to hear you are seeing high numbers. When we came up 73, between Floodwood and Hibbing, I could easily count 50 some deer! This is getting a good look at them, body and all. There were plenty of others I am sure, but when your headlights cast there way into the ditch and the ditch begins to glow,..where does a guys start counting!

Good luck this season! If your hunting zone 175 check the DNR site for a list of registraion stations that are going to be taking samples in this zone.

[This message has been edited by Grabs (edited 11-04-2002).]

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Graybuck,yes I sure did grow up there.Lived on the Calumet cut off.Send me an email so we can chat a little.
Did you used to use the user id of ranger?

Grabs, my unckle has done fair out by MR. Robers bar nad grill.He seems to have that lake dialed in, I have only cauth a few Walleyes out ther ein all the years I grew up next to it.We always had better luck fishing Buck LAke or Spider Lake north of Nashwalk.
The old deaf camp shore line on the south side used to put out a few in the weeds, also along the east side by the old public landing.Swimming beach area did fair as well on the north west side.



[This message has been edited by Benny (edited 11-04-2002).]

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So you must have been a greeny???? I am heading for deer camp on thursday with my dad. I have some land a a shack north of Cook where we hunt out of now.

I have always used the handle of graybuck, I think I know who the Ranger is you are talking about, he lived on Swan also, but on the south end by the bridge.

I usually fish off the folks dock on the spring and may get out a few times during the year on swan.

I wish both of you guys a great season and be safe

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Yep I was a Greeny,all though I didn't have any school spirit.Prefered to get home do the chores,home work and hit the trails with the gun,boat or the three wheeler.
The Ranger I was refering to lives over by the old boat landing on the east side, he went to Greenway also.
Good luck this season, Benny

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Hey Graybuck
Have you seen or heard if anyone has gotten the Side Lake Ledgend? I had the chance to see it a few years ago heading to Riverside on my way up to the shack. (yes it was before I had any Bulldogs) Man was that a Buck! I spent many a season close to where the Snake trail and Taconite Trail intersect

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Side Lake Legend? We have one by our area that we call Ol' Moss Back, but I haven't heard of the Side Lake legend.

Addicted, where do you live, you probably know some of the guys I hunt with, at least if you spend any amount of time out at Riverside. Does Snidarich ring any bells?

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