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Wierd and rare catches


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Well, regarding my first post on this here topic. I finally sent the pic of my black melanistic bowfin to bowfinanglers site. If you want to see it go to their site. It's the first pic, can't miss it. smile.gif

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All I can say is weird. I don't mean the fish, I mean the people who made that HSOforum! I'm just kidding, thats quite a catch, you should consider having a replica mount done!

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I had the weirdest thing happen this one time, I caught what I think is called a buzz. It was really weird, I couldn't stand up and I talked really funny. In fact I think I have one right now!!!!! wink.gif

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I was on Lake Villard in Pope county here about 5 years ago and had on a fish that was bright red. jumped outta the water about 30 yards from the boat. i dont have any idea what it was, but ive never seen anything like it!!

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ohh ya- i also witnessed a brown trout being caught on Minnewaska last weekend... must've escaped from the hatchery across the road. ive heard of people catching them before, but ive never seen it before.

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I was with my buddy while fishing near the Oahe Dam near Pierre he caught a totaly white Channel cat. It was pretty cool. It didn't have the normal pink eyes of an albino, but it was pure white. He let it go to live another day though. Cool looking fish.

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My uncle and I were out bass fishing last summer on a calm morning with the fog rising off the lake. It was such a nice morning that we both decided to use top water poppers and skitter pops. My uncle's popper was about ten feet from the boat when "BANG!" It was a 32" Bowfish with the strength of a 20lb bass. It was awesome the way it hammered it on top of the water. Great excitement and great memories. She is still swimming out there so keep an eye on your topwaters.

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That red fish may have been a Roach. Common in Great Britain, and an exotic that goes unnoticed because they don't dominate an eco-system, they just kind of blend in. Little lake I used to fish in Vermont had 'em. Naver caught any, but saw a few.

Peace and Fishes

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I caught a dead ?coon? a couple years ago out of the missy. It smelled REALLY awful so I cut the line. I've also caught ducks and a heron once on a weightless minnow. Noisy birds. Caught a snapper while fishing in a trout pond with powerbait. And a few years back I caught an old trolling motor with my anchor. It was unusable so I trashed it.

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A few years back, in Canada, I had caught my last walleye for the limit. It was getting late in the day so I tied it to a stringer off the dock. The next morning I hear my dad yell: "What the hell?". I run down, and to my amazement there was a 10# eel pout on the stringer where the walleye used to be. Unfair trade!

But the weirdest thing I've ever caught (and I've caught birds, poles, turtles, etc...) was a pair of womens panties out of Eagle Lake in MG. I've been trying for a mermaid ever since...

Tonka Boy

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I caught a quillback on the Mississippi right by the Lakestreet Bridge, that was a cool looking fish.

I have SARS, Severe Angler Retardation Sindrome. Anybody got a cure?

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Last fall a good buddy of mine was loading up the trunk of his car with fishing equipment. One of the rods had a rapala hanging off of it that must have come loose from the guide it was attached to.

He gets to the garage to retrieve more gear when he hears a spine tingling yelping coming from the direction of his car. Seems that his little golden lab puppy had been running around the yard and decided to grab the shiny thing dangling in the air behind the car.

He told me that he had to cut the line and take the dog into the vet to have the hook removed from her upper lip. On the way home the lab rode in his lap the whole way. Said he knew when the puppy licked his face that she was one very grateful dog!

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I learned that lesson about hooks & pets a couple years ago. I woke up one morning to find my cat howlin' with 2 jiggin' raps hooked in her belly. I must have set them down somewhere & she laid on them. It was brutal because she kept crouching down & that middle treble would snag on the carpet! I couldn't remove them myself & had to take her to the vet. I used to be kind of sloppy with the tackle, but I'm pretty careful now. That was ugly. Vern

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Ouch, hooked to the carpet and the cat? My girlfriend has a cat and I can't imagine what she'd do if that happened. That's horrible, but I'm kinda smiling when I say that.

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My 2 year old caught one sunfish last year, but now has a snapping turtle to her credit! Luckily my snell broke off as I was reaching down (tentatively) with my longest forceps to unhook it. She wants to catch more.

Peace and Fishes

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Speaking of cats, a few years ago my cat was walking around and i could see this red thiing sticking out from her mouth. It didn't seem to bother her, but after a while I caught her and opened her mouth. She had attempted to eat a red fishhook, and got the point and barb stuck in her gums next to her tooth, so it was sticking straight out. Took it out easily, no blood, no pain.

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I feel bad when I catch turtles for some reason. I've caught a couple of them before and they were a fight that's for sure. One snapper was about 6-7lbs and wow that thing was a fighter. Luckly I was fishing for panfish so the hook was small and I could snap the hook so I didn't hurt the little guy.

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Yeah, I hate catching turtles. I get a few every year on the Upper Mississippi when I'm fishing smallies or cats. Tough to unhook em' too, especially those big snappers. Sometimes you just have to cut the line & hope they do OK. I usually get snappers & softshells. I've seen a few catfishing river rats keeping them. I haven't tried turtle yet, but they say it's good eating. Vern

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