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Archery opener Mn

harvey lee

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I had a good opener in the metro. I hunted out of my Ghostblind in the morning and was visited pre-light by 4 does who came from upwind and got 5 feet away. They could clearly smell me and were stamping and snorting. Before I left that spot I had 5 more come from the same direction. If the wind had been just a little more less I would have been done early.

I left mid-day to take my godson to the gun range to practice with his rifle. Then I went right back.

As I was walking in on the woodchipped trail (with my ghostblind on my back and wearing my fanny pack) I noticed a doe drinking in the creek as I crossed a bridge. I completely ignored her and walked on at the same speed--she didn't spook. When I got to a large tree that shielded me I stopped and nocked an arrow. I guessed 30 yards and tried to get a shot from the left of the tree and it was like one of those crazy 3D shots with a lot of sticks in the way and 2" to snake an arrow through. So I switched to the other side of the tree and she moved a bit. Saw her through my peep broadside so I let my arrow fly.

Ran about 50 yards and that was it. It was a good way to start the season!

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Way to get it done Brad! I watched a large body deer walk through the thick woods at 7:30am then disappear. An hour later I had one coming in. Got the bow up and ready to roar. A young spike. Darn. There was another deer in the alder making noise which he paid a lot of attention to, but never came in. Watched the spiker for about twelve minutes eat some of the rye in the food plot, rub a tree then lick it. He got within 8 yards before the wind hit his nose. Stomp stomp, blow blow, goodbye young guy. Hope to see ya in a few years. Beautiful way to start the season. BC

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Got out Sat AM and PM. Fog just about ceased all morning movement. When it cleared up 22's and 410's started sounding off throughout the hills. What can you expect for an opener of smallgame on same day as archery. And on public to boot. Just as they passed my hunting partner who was sitting 150 yds away got down as he was by this time discouraged plus he had to leave for work. He met up with me at my tree, I got down and as we were packing up... Spike walks in with 3 other deer behind him at 10 yds on the trail I was hoping they'd come in on. We were eye to eye with him for about 2 seconds and he bolted. #$@!%$! Shoulda waited til at least 10 as I originally wanted to. Lesson of the morning: On opening morning, on public, let those smallgame guys work for you and BE PATIENT. Wait it out and deer might head your way as they start pushing deer around.

Sat in a diff spot that evening. Had a beautiful wide 6pt come give me several opportunities at 20 - 30 yds. APR kept my bow from being drawn. Had it been a non-APR unit, personal preference mmmmayyyyyy have kept the string from being drawn too but boy did he look delicious!! It was interesting because he walked past for 20 min and came back the way he originally showed up and disappeared into the thicket. The rest of the evening was quiet with a bad S wind for my spot. Either way I had fun. Onto next week!!

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Sat morning I hit the woods about 5:30, as I was climbing up with climber, I heard a couple wheezes to the south and then running. Spooked 1.

About 8 I saw a small doe walking thru woods about 60 yards out, and at the same time heard something in opposite direction to my right, a doe and a fawn. Watched them eat acorns on their way towards me until she got about 25 yards away. I wasn't going to shoot but thought about drawing back for practice. I moved my foot slightly and holy cow did she notice! She never what I was but stomped a few times, wheezed a few times, and kept looking in my direction, trying to smell. She eventually walked slowly off with the fawn.

I saw one more off in the distance about 8:30 and then quit at 9ish. Was fun opener! Cut wood Sat afternoon, Grouse hunted Sunday morn, with nothing seen.

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Opening morning I took 3 young lads out duck hunting so I wasn't in the tree. My fiancee and I did make it out Saturday night but 3 neighbors decided it was a good time to go mudding with their four wheelers in the swamp that is on the border of our land. We sat there anyways but didn't see a thing. My brother saw 13 including 3 small bucks. He passed on all of them.

Sunday morning we went back to the same spot. At 7 o'clock we had 3 bucks come in within 20 yards. My fiancee missed the nicest one of the group at 18 yards. He looked to be a 3 1/2 year old 8 pointer. Roughly I guessed he was around 115". Boy did that get the blood flowing! She almost got a shot at one of the others, a smaller 8 point, after she missed but the stars just didn't align for us. My brother saw a doe and two fawns before the stiff west wind forced him to head for the truck. It was about 40 degrees with a 10-15 mph wind out of the west. These sits were up in Becker county in area 241. Lots of acorns where we hunt.

Last night, I headed out alone in Wright county and saw 6 deer coming and going from our 3 acre bean plot. The highlight of the night came at 7:50 when a nice buck, 8 point or maybe 10, came in and approached the 45 yard mark before it just got too dark to see. Had to sneak out without being detected and hope for another day. Overall a great opening weekend!!! Can't wait to get back in the stand.

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Didn't get out until Sunday due to a qualifying shoot for a City Hunt, but had a good morning! Had one of the biggest does I have ever seen at 22 yds that came in with a fawn. Drew back on her just to see if I could get away with it and settled the pin on her heart. Let up and let her walk another day (No bonus tags for me).

Watch ducks float the stream next to me. Had a huge Tom walk to within 20 yds (about a 13" beard and the spurs were at least an 1-1/4"....we'll deal with him in the spring) Had a chattering Red Squirrel hanging from a branch trying to get something and watched it fall about 60 feet (Now that is a tough critter..shook its head and went on his way). We checked the camera and now have 7 different bucks that we have confirmed....Nothing huge, but there is a nice 10 pointer that will probably get one if it ambles past either my brother or I.

Nice to be back in the woods again...

Good luck and safe hunting to all!


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Had a great opener in the metro on public land. Both Saturday morning and evening passed without any deer, but lots of squirrels and one owl, which was pretty cool. Didn't hunt Sunday morning, but went out Sunday night. I was in the tree by 3pm and had a doe come in at 530. I was able to draw, but she just would not clear a bush so had to let down. About 1/2 hour later had another doe come in from straight out in front of me. I tried to position myself for a shot, but she caught me and took off. Had a third doe come in at 720, and I was again able to draw. Unfortunately, that one also wouldn't clear a bush and I had to let down. 10 minutes later a 4th doe can in and presented a 15 yard broadside shot. I got a clean pass through, and the rage did its work. She went 30 yards before expiring. A nice mature for that will fill the freezer nicely.

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