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Egg Boiling People

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How long did that take? Putting the humpty dumpty back together again to show us you are awesome,, :), J/K of course ..I poke. But.. That being said I have had non poked eggs peel just fine.. I think poking makes sure it always peels great..

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a perfectly shaped hard boiled egg 100% of the time with the tack. And that is not the issue. The nice thing is that they are easier to peel 100% of the time. Being a rebel for the sake of being a rebel will make you and outcast in the egg peeling community. Resistance is futile, we in the tack borg will soon assimilate you into the collective.

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Egg Alert!......New egg method!......Place eggs in a pan of cold water and turn on burner until water boils, boil eggs for 2 minutes, turn burner off, place cover on pan sealing tightly, let pan set 15 minutes , run cold water over eggs for 1 minute , put ice in egg pan until ice is mostly melted........AND NOW!....put eggs in a container that allows them to mostly cover the bottom of the container , leaving about the same space empty as is filled with eggs.........Hold the container with cover on and SHAKE container with eggs inside for 3 to 5 seconds.....Set down container and remove shelled eggs....All eggs peeled in about 10 seconds!...... whistle

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a perfectly shaped hard boiled egg 100% of the time with the tack. And that is not the issue. The nice thing is that they are easier to peel 100% of the time.

What a coincidence, so are mine and I don't have to poke holes in them.


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I have to say, I've spent 30 years of my life struggling with peeling eggs, and I've tried every "can't miss" theory when it comes to egg boiling. I finally tried the pin trick this weekend. Unbelievable! This is how they should peel.

I poked the tack in all the way. Not sure if it matters or not.

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Limit... Forget the tack... Use a drill with a very small bit! Dozen takes no time at all and you get to use your power tools! laugh

Good Luck!


he could use a long bit and have scrambled hb eggs!

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