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How does this happen?


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A family member of mine sent me this picture of a nice buck with an arrow right in its hind quarters. She said the deer looked healthy and didnt seem affected, but man thats gotta hurt! How does an arrow go there at that angle? The picture was taken a block or two from main street in a town in western Wisconsin.


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someone seeing a big shooter buck, standing at a bad angle where they have no business taking the shot, but seeing the rack tells them they can pull the shot off OR arrow deflects off branch? Something along those lines is my thought

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I shot a buck 7-8 years ago that had a broad head and part of a wooden arrow lodged in it's pelvic bone. The broad head was literally in the middle, right where you would split the hind quarters. I think the injury had happened earlier that year as the meat near the hide, where the arrow had entered, was still a bit green. I wondered the same thing... how could someone have shot him there but I'm guessing it was a deflection off a twig.

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Quartering away too hard and then a poor shot/deflection to boot, possibly moved just as the archer released, etc. As much as I hate seeing it, I'm not going to judge the archer. I do feel bad for the buck. I know my archery history is unfortunately not 100% clean.

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Only thing I can think of is Texas heart shot. But could have been the result of a deflection or a bad pull from monkey gripping the bow during the release. A lot of things can go wrong between the release and the arrow leaving the bow, unless the guy comes out and confesses the true story we all can only speculate. Too bad for the deer though.


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I thought to myslef, what would i say if that was a doe...and i probably would have said that the arrow happened to be deflected by a stray branch...But with the priority some people put on antlers these days, i can't help but think there was a low percentage shot taken through brush on this deer.

Regardless of intent, it's just a part of hunting and hopefully a small part.

Hey, at least nobody broke into anyone's fenced deer farm to shoot a big buck yet...as far as i know smile

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That arrow is in a long ways. I'd be surprised if it lives much longer. That is probably in the guts at least a little bit.

Kind of looks like the arrow broke off, if it was in the guts its a dead deer. Hard to tell for sure from the pic.

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I hit a doe probably 16 years ago in that spot and ended up getting her the next day 2 miles away however she hadn't expired yet. I was on the ground and she gave me a perfect quartering away shot at 20 yards and just as I released she turned to go straight away and I hit her along side the tail. So sometimes dump can happen.

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Quartering away too hard and then a poor shot/deflection to boot, possibly moved just as the archer released, etc. As much as I hate seeing it, I'm not going to judge the archer. I do feel bad for the buck. I know my archery history is unfortunately not 100% clean.

Agreed. How many on here admit to shooting and missing the deer completely? This is an unfortunate "miss" that doesn't actually miss the deer.

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Agreed. How many on here admit to shooting and missing the deer completely? This is an unfortunate "miss" that doesn't actually miss the deer.

This could be a good learning how not to do it thread. My first EVER shot at a deer with archery equipment almost hit him in the ankles from 25 yards. My arrow fell off the rest and I was so nervous I didn't realize it, this was kind of back in the day before all the fancy new containment rests. I also put out doe in heat scent out on opening day archery. grin It actually kind of worked because it pulled in a fork to 10 yards. Of course he busted me trying to draw when he was looking at me, the ankle shot I described above was just a few minutes later at his buddie. Oh what a mess I use to be but you sure learn fast when you mess up all the time. Never had anyone to show me the ropes so it was a lot of trial and error back in those days.

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