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Has the action been slow for you?


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Warm weather, heavy vegetation because of no frosts, add in wet leaves recently.. it's tough hunting right now if you're hunting in the woods. I've had closer encounters with turkeys and coyote than I've had with deer. I am just begging for a frost to come as that's the only thing that takes the buck thorn leaves off. In the end, the real issue is that my new Hoyt wants a crack at a deer!

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Slow for me in west central minnesota. There is a stand of sweet corn 1/4 mile from my deer woods along with a squash patch. The only reason they would come to the woods now is if they get chased out of the food. Not sure when they will not be in the food I suppose sometime after a good frost? I've tried hunting a fenceline by the food but theres not much cover so I get busted on my way in or on my way out. I guess they will come to the woods to the acorns when they are tired of squash and sweet corn. I can't blame them I'd rather eat squash and sweet corn too. Acorns are terrible.

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I know slim.. my concern is that this weather isn't going to bring me a frost anytime soon and I'm going to have to deal with very limited visibility well into November. The drying of the leaves will help the hearing, but the lack of visibility tends to wear on a person after a while. I feel much better seeing deer, even if they don't come close enough, than I do not seeing anything.

In the end, there's nothing I can do about it but keep hunting.. oh darn :-)

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Been slow for me as well, but it seems that the deer are now changing into an acorn feeding patter/fall feeding pattern. I have 80 acres of Oaks north of my hunting area, and the deer seemed to be headed up that direction. Once they have them cleaned out, they will make their way back to the food plots and alfalfa fields on my land. I'm hoping this is the last week of 70-80 degree temps and next week bring cold, FROSTY mornings!

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I have seen plenty of sign this year. As far as seeing deer I have seen 1 buck that was a stud and 1 doe that I thought was a buck as she came from a buck bed. Have hunted 4 evening sits so far. For me when I am seeing a buck every 5 sits or so it is pretty normal for strictly bed hunting the mature bucks. I have a buddy that sits in funnels and has seen a lot of does and smaller bucks. All this on public land in SE MN..

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I've seen deer every time out so far which has been 2 mornings and 4 evenings. Roughly 14 deer seen (a few more heard) with 2 being bucks. Now getting a decent shot at a deer I want has been a challenge...

Last weekend they were coming out just a little later than they did the week before but things have been pretty decent. I'm not sure if I'll go out of town to hunt this weekend or keep it local. It kinda depends on the company situation.

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