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What to do after being busted???


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I went out yesterday evening in Northern Kandiyohi county and hunt a smallish grove of trees with a slough below a hill and a alfalfa field on the high edge. I decided to walk on the edge of the alfalfa field (high ground) and stay clear of the edge of the woods as to not make noise or siloutte my shadow. I wanted to get into my stand quietly of course. As I got on the high ground of the alfalfa field and I was a solid 50 yards from the woods a doe came up the hill in the woods to the edge of the field. I stopped still in my leaf suit (I was out in the open) and we had a staring contest for a few minutes before she turned around and went back into the woods and down the hill. So now I decide I'll walk a wider birth around the woods and walk the edge of a bean field to get to my stand. Busted agin this time about 100 yards out and the same thing a doe coming out of the woods and we have another staing contest. Now I finally get to the trail to my stand and half way down the hill another deer busts me and goes the opposite direction of me.

At this point I'm thinking I have scared everyting within a country mile and decide to walk out the way I came and call it a day. So obviously I need to figure out a better way to get to my stand without alerting every animal in the woods. Secondly is it best to call it a day when a hunt goes like this or should I have sat for the entire evening?

Feeling like deer 100 Erik zero. Thanks.

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I hunt by Diamond lake,When that happens and it does every year,I can get to the woods byway of 80acres of open beans or by water.Anyway I ignor what I spooked and get to the stand.Next time I go out ealier before they start comming out in the fields.I have taken deer and had them come right up to my stand after they were spooked and I kept walking in.If they didnt jump and run chanckes are they didnt ID you but were weary.Where about are you hunting? Cross roads? section? general idea.

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How long before the prime time shooting are you getting to your stand? I would try to get to the stand sooner than you are as it seems the deer are coming out to feed when you are going to your stand.

if you went out hours before the deer seem to feed, then I would try and find another route to your stand. Other option would be to move the stand so you can get there without busting deer.

If the deer did not scent you and just walked off, then I would just work at going out for a longer sit unless the deer are bedding right in the spot you are hunting.

I have a stand where the deer come out as early as 3 hours before dark so I just go out and get in my stand 4-5 hours early before dark. It's a longer sit but they do not bust me walking in.

If you are not to concerned about what you shoot as far as a buck or doe, then I would go in much earlier unless the deer bust you every time you go out as they will change thier feeding route if they bust you enough times.

Not knowing your entire situation and area you are hunting, I would first try to get out in the stand long before the deer are moving, if that does not work, either find another route to your stand or move the stand.

I would think you could get to your stand without blowing the deer out if you go in earlier than you are. Watch the wind direction also so they do not wind you.

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I was getting out to my stand way too late 5:30 p.m. There is also a field of sweet corn that is about 400-500 yards from the woods I hunt and there were a few guys in there with a truck pulling some ears. I'm thinking the deer may have been pushed out of there when they drove their truck back there. Maybe it put the deer on alert too? At any rate I know I should get in stand earlier. I didn't send any deer running at mach 10 but felt like I had clomped around like a drunk sailor and tucked tail between my legs and went home.

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I would have still hunted, you might have chased away the early risers but there could be more deer around. I would try and only hunt that spot if you can get there early enough. If you don't have as much time try and hunt different locations, this will also put a little less pressure on spot 1.

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not an ideal situation obviously but I'd head to the stand anyway especially if it was my only option. Once in the stand I'd try to quit thinking because if I did I'd have a bad attitude and want to leave early. Just grind out the afternoon hunt and remember the closer it gets to sundown the better things get. Primetime!!!

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I was getting out to my stand way too late 5:30 p.m. There is also a field of sweet corn that is about 400-500 yards from the woods I hunt and there were a few guys in there with a truck pulling some ears. I'm thinking the deer may have been pushed out of there when they drove their truck back there. Maybe it put the deer on alert too? At any rate I know I should get in stand earlier. I didn't send any deer running at mach 10 but felt like I had clomped around like a drunk sailor and tucked tail between my legs and went home.

I would try about 3:30 TO 4PM if you can sit longer. That may do it.

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Get there earlier. If you still get busted, hunt.

Opening day I had a staring contest with a doe as well when I was crossing a field on my way out of the stand. She proceeded to run into the woodline and do the snort/blow about 10 times. I then walked about 75 yards and came up on more deer feeding, that had not spooked from that other doe. I had a big ol' doe bust me this morning while I was in the stand. An hour later she came back, though much more alert. She really wanted to get to the apple tree I was hunting near I guess.

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You should have hunted. Sounds like there is plenty of activity around this piece of woods. The deer are probably used to getting scared off and may have returned later. They probably only ran 100 yards. I think it is different for each piece of land, I have had some pretty good hunts after getting busted and thinking I wasn't going to see anything. The dee I hunt are used to people, cars, tractors, etc.. Many times they will run in the woods and come back out 30 minutes later when they think its safe. I would not however, go back to that stand for a week or so. If you get busted too often, the deer will quit coming out.

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Sounds like a great spot you've got. I've taken a whack at a doe, missed, spooked the heck out of her, got down, grabbed my arrow, got back up in the stand, only to have her come back out about 30 minutes later and to let me get it in the boiler on the second try. Some deer are plain dumb. And some... Seem to know your every thought!

It really depends. I would've climbed up and sat anyway. Most importantly though, if you're walking past a couple of spots they are using to enter the field, perhaps, move your stand closer to your entrance?

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Felt pretty foolish yesterday and thought after my clumsey entrance to my deer land. I thought the best thing to do was a quiet walk of shame. I guess as long as I crapped the bed I should have stayed. Lesson learned if I cant be in the stand before 4:00 then it's best to hunt another day. Thanks for the info.

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Like others have said, hunt anyway.

Not all spots will they come that early, but if they do there, then that's probably a good rule to not hunt if you can't make it by 4:00 or whatever. You maybe need another stand more on the field edges where they come out later, for those short sits when you only have an hour or maybe an hour & a half.

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Jentz, I'm hunting out in New London area around where county road 29 and county rd 1 intersect. I felt like I should have blown a foghorn to announce my arrival.

I take 29 over to 5 every morning, lots of deer, I always make a point to slow down!! Theres a big tree row off to the North, right before the horse ranch, that I've lusted after, thinking it would be a good deer spot.

Good luck!!

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Blackjack, you just keep your grubby mitts and eyes off my spot wink. That was my rub with that spot hence the reason I walked into there from cty 29 being a lot of deer come from that direction. However there is sweetcorn on the otherside of 29. I suspect that evening they got pushed out of the corn (a friend of mine was doing some harvesting). Thanks for not running the deer over.

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Nice area around there. I've drooled a bit myself looking around when driving through to Benson. smile

Busted? Hunt it anyway, especially early season. They're still relaxed enough to give you a return try.

I jumped this guy out of his bed Saturday afternoon (sometime around 3:00-3:30) while looking for a place to put my trail cam. The trail cam went on an apple tree about 150 yards from where I jumped him and I went back to the truck to get a stand to set up. I'm not planning on being real picky this year and thought he was worth a look. When I went into the woods to set up I was standing looking at the tree I wanted to put my stand in and looked over to my right to see a deer standing there looking at me. Nice sized body but couldn't make out the antlers all that great. He didn't let me set down the climbing sticks so I could nock an arrow. wink Even though he took off I thought he or another deer might come 'round before dark so I set up anyway.

You can see on the pic the time he was standing under the tree, looking in the direction I saw him the two previous times.


Guess he didn't like the camera taking his pic!


Sure enough, right at last light he came back through at about 12 yards and gave me the best shot opportunity I had all weekend. But I let him pass. He came walking in like he owned the place, Honey Badger style. Now he has a name. grin

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