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I finder lowrance handheld gps



10 answers to this question

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You had the last one in the world that worked. Your questions has been asked numerous times here and the answer I think most often given is "nothing". Lowrance quit supporting those rigs about 3 years ago. I had two of them and both are dead. One sat in a drawer and was probably used less than 100 hours before it died.

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Wow! that really SUX -- hmmmm is there anything else I should try? It is a H2O c
Have your tried plugging in to the 12V cig lighter and let it sit on for a while? One time I had some glitch with mine and I just plugged it into the car and left it turned on, on the dash for about 1/2 an hour.
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I have the Expedition C and the power button work off and (no pun intended) 149.00 plus shipping to fix it about 180 by the time it is fixed and if they can't fix it they still charge you 45 just called yesterday me I am moving on but good luck

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You had the last one in the world that worked.

Unfortunately, this is the most accurate response. At the beginning of a trip, my ExpeditionC would consistently work for 1/2 hour -- or less -- and then 'Position Lost.' Hard reset, soft reset, connection to 12v source, fresh batteries, removing chip, new power cord, external antenna... all fruitless. The iFinder family units started dying a few years back and Lowrance just turned their backs on them. I've gone Garmin and couldn't be happier.

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Mine did it too. Sent it in about 2 years ago for a flat fee of 150 bucks and they fixed it. I was faced with the option of buying a new unit AND purchasing new lakemaster software or gambling on the fix and saving the extra money to buy new units and software.

So far, so good. When it dies again, it will be junk.

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I bought a Garmin as a replacement about 2 years ago. When I was shopping I looked at the Lowrance units and was incredibly unimpressed. I was lucky enough to be able to get a Lakemaster chip before the big change. I hope the Garmin lasts a good long time because it is a PITA to scope out the new stuff and get one that makes sense.

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