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Ammo Price Alerts


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Hey Folks,

Just thought i would throw out a suggestion and maybe the Mods would make it a sticky topic.

Down in the Cooking forum, we have a sticky for "Meat Sales" where anyone can chime in and post good sales going on for any of meats used to barbeque.

Figured it might be good to do something similiar in the hunting forum. Everybody uses ammo, so if you feel inclined to post some sales and share with others it may be beneficial to all.

I'm just starting to increase my collection with two 12 gauge Benelli's and just bought a savage 93r 17 btvs with a Nikon scope...so going to need to find good deals on the .17 ammo.

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Every season I find great deals at some MIlls Fleet farms when they clear alot of the ammo.

2 years ago I found a sale on all ammo at the Alexandria Mills and I bought about a shopping cart half full. The prices were to good to pass up.

about what time of year does this go down Harvey?

Last summer I found them clearing out a couple pallets of trap load for $4.25 a box (June maybe)

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Great idea. A couple years ago wallmart always had there steel on closeout after the season like around now but i have been checking and havent noticed it marked at clearance yet. Stocked up on some nice steel a couple times at some crazy prices.

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I talked to the sporting goods guy at a,local box store and he said that after the first of the year ammo is going to go up quite a bit. Not sure if he's guessing or has a little inside info but I think I'm going to stock up on a few of the favorite calibers just in case. My 9 and 11 year old daughters are starting to blaze away at cans and targets so I better keep them in ammo! Don't want them to lose interest.

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I believe it was either during rifle hunting in North Dakota that I stopped on the way home or the last weekend of it.

I would guess it was middle to late November.

Most if not all calibers and brands of rifle shells were discounted quite a bit.

By the time I saw the sale, they were out of many brands and calibers so it must have been already going on before I was there.

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Nice idea until you are a small gun shop owner. The "big box" stores buy pallets by the truckload once a year from the manufactures and whatever doesn't sell during the season needs to be moved off the shelves, usually at a loss, which really hurts when their regular prices are already less than wholesale and shipping for the small guy.

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So whats the best price or lowest price anyone has seen the .17 rounds go for?

When I bought the gun, i grabbed a couple 50 packs from the dealer and they were like 12.99 and 13.99 for 20 gr FMJ and soft points.

I'm assuming this is regular price...

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Nice idea until you are a small gun shop owner. The "big box" stores buy pallets by the truckload once a year from the manufactures and whatever doesn't sell during the season needs to be moved off the shelves, usually at a loss, which really hurts when their regular prices are already less than wholesale and shipping for the small guy.

Then what would stop you from going to the big box store any buying your ammo there since they are selling it cheaper then you can buy it for?

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"Then what would stop you from going to the big box store any buying your ammo there since they are selling it cheaper then you can buy it for?"

It's been known to happen...

I hope this doesn't come off as angry, but becoming a small business owner that depends on me to survive, pay the rent, heat, my mortgage, buy food, etc. I have learned a few things.

The firearm industry is a hard market to compete in, there is very little profit margin on firearm or ammo sales. So, when I buy a box of shells for $10 at XYZ(because it is cheaper), spend the time and fuel away from either the shop or family, put said box of shells on my shelf for $12, then have to sit on them until next hunting season, because most ammo is seasonal, then hear about how XYZ store is selling it $2 cheaper and I should match price, having a forum that is so widely read doesn't help my cause. I now have an idea why small gun shop owners become crabby over the years. Thankfully, we are a more service and labor based business, with retail being just enough to keep people interested in stopping in and being able to keep hunting without a trip to the big box mart. Again, I hope this doesn't sound like a crabby rant, just trying to live the american dream and put a little back in my own pocket too.

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Its a good thing the internet cant fix things or everyone might be out of a job grin

Well with the "u-tube " you can watch "how to" just about anything.

If you have a Beretta that needs a good cleaning "u-tube" it an watch step by step how to do it yourself.

Again I like my local gunsmith,but?


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smilinbob. With all due respect, "paying the rent, paying the mortgage, buying food, and surviving" are things that everyone has to do, whether they work for someone, or work for themselves.

As a small business owner myself, I completely understand where you're coming from. However, prior to becoming a small business owner, I spent a great deal of time in research and demographics studying what markets had to offer, and where there existed niches that offered the most healthy profit margins.

If the "math doesn't work", I hate to say it, but then it's likely not a safe, or prosperous business idea. I truly believe that's precisely why so many small businesses wash out. It's not the everyday over head that kills em'. Everyone has that. It's the lack of planning, and projecting possible barriers to realizing anticipated profit margins.

I respect what you're doing, and I'm by no means trying to start an argument here. If you can scratch out a living doing what you do that's terrific! You should know though, the suggestion above, to purchase clearance priced merchandise yourself, and stock your shelves with these same products at a "healthy" mark-up, small business owners do this all the time to compete with the big box stores. It can produce bread and butter revenue that you might not otherwise see.

I actually have friends that purchase pallets of clearance merchandise from one of the big box Outdoor stores, turn around and re-price each item appropriately, and make a decent profit margin. But again, if the math doesn't work, don't go down that road.

Best of luck to you my friend.

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