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Selling a used bow

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Really depends on what accessories you sell with it. See what a pro shop will give you for it on trade in then add 30% to the trade in price they gave you. You could also see if there are any online and see what they are selling for to give you a ballpark. If you keep it as a spare, you probably won't use it and unlike a firearm, it will lose value with age. Nice to have a spare if you need it, but in 15 years, I have never needed a spare bow.

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I kept my old bow when I upgraded. Mostly because it wasn't worth much at all in trade. I figure that it could be used as a last resort if something goes wrong with the new one while on a hunting trip or something. I am sure your bow is worth more than my old one...but with how fast they lose value I'd guess your bow will be overlooked by most used bow shoppers.

Besides, I feel tied to it somehow after all the hours and memories we have together. Yeah I know its not right to feel emotionally connected to a bow...but some of you guys name yours!

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Be honest, you'll never shoot your old bow again, once you have a new one. If you sell it or trade it in, thats just less money that you have to spend on your new bow or better accessories, even if you only get $150 for your old one.

In 25 years of bow hunting, I've never regretted getting rid of my old bow once I got a new one.

Now if $150 or more is not a big deal to you, then by all means hang on to it for nostalgia or give it to a buddy that is thinking of getting into archery.


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Keep it for backup.

I've had to go to the backup on one trip was better then trying to restring one on an Elk trip no shops around. Might never need it but you will always have it just for that time it's needed.

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Keep it for backup.

I've had to go to the backup on one trip was better then trying to restring one on an Elk trip no shops around. Might never need it but you will always have it just for that time it's needed.

Yep no one needs a back until something happens and then you NEED ONE BAD!

Another reason to keep an extra around is to pass on to your kids. Sure they will be pretty old by then but work just fine. A perfect starter bow until my boys are old enough to buy their own.

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