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- Biker buildoff


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Cool bikes

God awful show...

Now you know why they don't do many live shows. What a trainwreck.

Seniors bike was above all the rest with the dang thing all milled from a piece of billet and the motor suspended, just crazy.

If I could have any one of them though I think it would have been the gas monkey bike.

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All hype...

IF you were to only look at the bike, then of course Jr wins.

IF you wanted something new and outlandish (ugly), Sr wins.

IF you want a cool build on a budget, GM wins.

If you want a bike that wins on track day, JJ wins.

Pick your poison...

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I think it's funny how JJ is all talk until he gets on stage in front of everyone and then he freezes up and looks like a Deer in headlights! smirk

After the hour and half of cr@p that was the show, they stayed on air for about 2 seconds after they called the winner! They should have had way more at the end of JR jumping around and talking to the others about who won! sleep

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Im more old school and even with great engineering and craftmanship building something that resembles a foreign crotch rocket doesnt do anything for me. The old biker build offs with guys like indian Larry and working out of a small shop were way more interesting. JJ always starts out by himself but by the end a whole crew seems to mysteriously show up to finish the bike. They should just call this the celebrity build off because there are a ton of bike builders out there that build bikes better than these.

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IF you were to only look at the bike, then of course Jr wins.

IF you wanted something new and outlandish (ugly), Sr wins.

IF you want a cool build on a budget, GM wins.

If you want a bike that wins on track day, JJ wins.


The Garage Monkey bike was a joke...much like their show.

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My favorite bike of all time was one a group of Aussies built in an old shed with a leaky roof that looked straight out of about 1910. They built it and did the metalwork and then polished it with no paint, meaning no bondo, filler etc and any bad seams would have stuck out like a sore thumb. Tht bike didn't win that buildoff but I for one appreciated the extra work that had to go into the bike to look that good without paint.

I believe this is it. full-35430-27577-chromebike.jpg

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I'm ashamed to admit I watched it. What a waste of air time.

Who the heck was that host anyways? That guy irritated the heck out of me instantly, what a hateful personality. And zepplin? Really? THAT"S led zepplin? What? They were HORRBLE!!

The bikes, they were just stupid for the most part. The 10' long gigantor bike Jr did was predictable, after a decade of "biker reality" (eyes rolling) the general public thinks that's what a bike is supposed to look like.

The 2 sport bikes probably had some interesting innovation, it's not likely that they could hold their own with the cheapest of modern import sport bikes, but they were... slightly interesting in the way that jesse's bike showcased a lot of hand fab and Sr's bike showcased ... a lot of mill work.

F n L's bike was the only bike of the 4 that I would ride if you gave all 4 of them to me, but I'd have to paint it before I rode it. The other 3 I'd sell to what ever goo-goo eyed TV bike lover that would give up the most $ for them.

The show last night couldn't have been done any worse than it was. The bizarre jerry springer/MTV-ish host, antagonizing everybody like a snotty spoiled teen aged girl.

The whole grudge match/hatred tone that discovery decided to use last night was a huge turn off. Insulting to the intelligence of the viewers and not entertaining in the least bit.

I would have liked to have heard tech details about each bike, what sets them apart mechanically, what innovations were incorporated? What is so special and unique about each one? What were the hardest pieces to create? How do they handle? Zero to 60, braking, cornering, rider comfort, overall handling, stability, balance, vibration, what kind of range on a tank of gas etc.

It was a stupid train wreck of a show, it aggravated me.


I liked the build off shows they did a few years ago where you had less of the scripted talk and instead you got to see the bikes come together.

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I'm ashamed to admit I watched it. What a waste of air time.

Who the heck was that host anyways? That guy irritated the heck out of me instantly, what a hateful personality. And zepplin? Really? THAT"S led zepplin? What? They were HORRBLE!!

The bikes, they were just stupid for the most part. The 10' long gigantor bike Jr did was predictable, after a decade of "biker reality" (eyes rolling) the general public thinks that's what a bike is supposed to look like.

The 2 sport bikes probably had some interesting innovation, it's not likely that they could hold their own with the cheapest of modern import sport bikes, but they were... slightly interesting in the way that jesse's bike showcased a lot of hand fab and Sr's bike showcased ... a lot of mill work.

F n L's bike was the only bike of the 4 that I would ride if you gave all 4 of them to me, but I'd have to paint it before I rode it. The other 3 I'd sell to what ever goo-goo eyed TV bike lover that would give up the most $ for them.

The show last night couldn't have been done any worse than it was. The bizarre jerry springer/MTV-ish host, antagonizing everybody like a snotty spoiled teen aged girl.

The whole grudge match/hatred tone that discovery decided to use last night was a huge turn off. Insulting to the intelligence of the viewers and not entertaining in the least bit.

I would have liked to have heard tech details about each bike, what sets them apart mechanically, what innovations were incorporated? What is so special and unique about each one? What were the hardest pieces to create? How do they handle? Zero to 60, braking, cornering, rider comfort, overall handling, stability, balance, vibration, what kind of range on a tank of gas etc.

It was a stupid train wreck of a show, it aggravated me.


I liked the build off shows they did a few years ago where you had less of the scripted talk and instead you got to see the bikes come together.

That is so frickin funny....that was Lynyrd Skynyrd NOT Led Zepplin!!!!! And yes they were horrrible; have not been good since 1977 plane crash that killed 3 or 4 of their original band members.

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