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Price of lures


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A lot of times the packaging cost more than the production price of the lure, then theres the marketing, the people that do the marketing, the liciencing, the patents, the molds, the shipping, the profit of the end seller, and on and on and on. You're buying more than a 3 cent hook and a quarter ounce of lead (which by the way has tripled in the last 3 years). On top of all that, it's a small market and products only stay hot and sell a lot for a couple years.

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99% of the time if it doesn't have free shipping I don't order. I'm not one to spend 50 or 100 bucks to get free shipping thats why I like gander over cabela's. I've spent a few dollar on the newest and greatest lures but once they have been out for a few years they could come down in price.

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What I can contribute is at the Ice Show, the vendors who had the bins of "pick and choose your lures" for, say $0.90, pay about $.10 or less, albeight each bin has a couple hundred and the dude had about 25 bins, but just saying.

At the end of the season, I see discounts on the Northland tackle, and I just wait a year....A YEAR!!!

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