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Ipad vs. Nook/Kindle

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Ipad is a tablet, and kindle is e-reader.

Basically those are whole lot different.

People use Kindle for reading a book, or magazine. Also their battery last longer.

Ipad is for more entertainment. You can read, take a picture, call, play game, and lots different things. They have colored displayed

So I would like to choose Ipad instead of Nook or Kindle.

But if you are going to only read, buy Kindle

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I bought iPads for both of my kids. They looked at what was out there and decided on them over the others. To me they are a durable, solid device that work like they should and have no problems.

I like the bigger screen and if my cabinet design software would run on it, I would dump my laptop for one in a heartbeat.

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My kids just bought themselves kindle fire HDs with the 7" screens.

I am very impressed with what you get for the money. The display is amazing and they have all the apps you can possibly need.

One of my boys was convinced he wanted a nook. After test driving both he decided the fire was the better choice. Of course if they could of they would have bought iPads which IMO are just a little better than everything else but the cost is not as justifiable.

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IMHO, the 7 inch screen is the ideal size. It's small enough to be extremely portable yet large enough to be extremely useful. I think the 9 to 10 inch screens are big enough to dissuade me from bringing it along to <name_a_place> enough that I'd get just 'that' much less use out of it.

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I picked up the Galaxy Tab 8.9 when it was available. I thought it was the perfect size but apparently not many others did, instead favoring 7 or 10, until now probably the Kindle HD 8.9 looks like it might be a good deal.

What I really liked about the 8.9 size is was that it fit my hands just right so I could do lots of thumb typing easily while holding the edges of the tablet, yet still had decent screen size.

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I bought my wife a Kindle Fire HD 8.9" for Christmas. It is an amazing device. With wireless internet it is a powerful device.

With an Amazon Prime membership you have access to lots of books and streaming movies, many in HD.

I am typing this post on it right now.

I have the USA Today,Washington Post and New York Times apps. Great for keeping up with the news.

I like it so much I am going to buy one for myself.

Being able to check out ebooks from the library is great.

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you can get to facebook through the browser. but, an app would be nice.

You can always root it and put on an open version of Android, like one from CyanogenMod.

Speaking of, maybe I'll have to experiment on the GF's Color. cool

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