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Good luck with the muzzle loaders

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Thanks bruce, you too, I was having good, luck lst night, had a big doe an fawns out at about 150, wanted the doe but the one fawn decide to hope an skip away an mom got [PoorWordUsage] an an went afeter her, then a lone doe come out at about a 100 yards an was about to shoot but decide to wait hoping for a buck coming behind her, the about 15 min. later at 430 neighboring unters figured out they were late an decide to rush to stand to the west of me an chased overthing out of the feild an anything potentially coming out. I mean come on! if its 430 forget it, plan better tomorrow, idiots!

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late thx and good luck to you as well.

actually hope u had better luck then me cz for 20hrs of hunting all i saw were

3 gray squirrels, 2 rough grouse and a chipmunk in a pine tree

"yes i know, i have too much time " it just kinda turned out that way lol

most people mite say that was a waste of a wkend but it was very peaceful not a worry in sight just me and nature.

this is my 1st yr ML and MAN was it nice not to hear a GAZILLION shots or worry about running for cover lol

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Congrates guys, nice job! Last night had murphy along with, was gona sit on a feild edge but with 25 mpn NW winds decided to sit in the woods in a blind, at 330 two yearlings got a pass, an ten minuets late here comes momma doe a two yearlings an the one yearling took the lead an another trail 20 yards futher away in the brush an couldnt get a shot at the doe. For some reason a Headache come upon me an felt really nauseated, felt like throwing up, decide i was in no shape to gut an haul a deer so decided to leave right during prime time. Wlke dup out to the feild an the were 20 deer out in the feild browsing beans at 200 to 400 yeards, to far. some really big bodied deer out there, had half an hour an watched them plya an brouwse an chase cause now haveing moved around a little i felt better an waited til dark am moveved quietly the half mile back to my truck. fun night but wiered with the sick thing. Mybe inhaled to uch estrous scent when spray on my boots. IDK

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actually hope u had better luck then me cz for 20hrs of hunting all i saw were

3 gray squirrels, 2 rough grouse and a chipmunk in a pine tree

"yes i know, i have too much time " it just kinda turned out that way lol

28 crows, three cock pheasant, cardinal and a farm cat hunting field mice. 12 total hours.

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. For some reason a Headache come upon me an felt really nauseated, felt like throwing up, decide i was in no shape to gut an haul a deer so decided to leave right during prime time.

fun night but wiered with the sick thing. Mybe inhaled to uch estrous scent when spray on my boots. IDK

Do you have a heater in your blind? Sounds like CO poisioning to me 2c

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My 1st deer as well. Great weekend to be out. Gun performed flawlessly. She ran about 60 yards and died. Very nice doe, I was happy. Been out with the muzzy for about 4 years, last year had a hang fire, this year was perfect.


congrats 96trigger

maybe later this wk i'll bag one as well

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I got a doe saturday morning. My first deer with a front stuffer. Had 3 degrees on my phone and figured deer should be moving. At 8:50 3 does came jogging through the funnel so I figured I would wait a see if a big buck was coming. 9:00 3 more does come through and I finally took one. 50yd shot knocked her right down. It was chilly but it payed off.

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Thanks Mr. Special. Biff, I had the same experience on Saturday morning. My truck thermometer said 10 degrees when I got to the woods and I know it got a little colder. Never saw anything from 6:30 to 8:30, then it was like a switch got hit. I heard a deer running behind me but never saw it, then about 8:40, a deer came out of the ditch below me but I could not see what it was, about 8:45 the doe I shot came up the trail and proceeded to have a stare down with me at 20 yards away. Lots of brush in the way, no shot. Then about 8:50, another deer came up out of the ditch, it looked like it was coming right at me, but then disappeared. The doe that I was in the stare down with didn't like whatever came out of the ditch, she decided to head up the bluff and walked 25 yards in front of my broadside into a shooting lane. I put the sights on her and "flinch", safety is on, pulled back the hammer, but never took the safety off. Finally took the safety off, not believing she didn't bolt, put the sights on her and KABOOM, smoke, deer running, then nothing. There was another doe with her that I saw after I shot, where the other two deer went I have no idea as I never saw them. One very well could have been a buck. Didn't find blood for about 20 yards, then found one drop and it smelled funky, thought it was gut shot, went another 20 yards and started to find better blood, got up to the top of the bluff and found her piled up. I was pretty pumped, I am really becoming a fan of muzzle loader hunting.

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I got my daughter out deer hunting for her first time saturday morning. (8yrs old) We saw 8 fawns, 2 does, and 1 buck. After an hour...She was done grin Which was fine with me - It was just nice to enjoy her company and i think she now appreciates the beauty of a sunrise as well as getting to see a bunch of deer up close!

I bought a new Muzzy friday, and picked her up a new toy too...So she was a happy girl!




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Awesome bud, way to go on gettin her into the sport and that is one sweet sunrise

my daughter is 8 as well and wants to go deer hunting also. her mom and my schedule didn't correlate for her to go this yr, but i cant wait to get her out with me next season.

this is my 1st yr ML and i like it, even tho i havent seen a deer. the solitude is great and its just nice to be practical alone in the woods. same reason why i enjoy bow hunting, then again just being out in the woods is always nice

some friends n fam think im nutz that i'd rather spend my bday hunting then lettin them take me out for dinner and drinks. bless their hearts, and i do appreciate it but non-hunters i tell ya smh lol

Good luck everyone and lets see more pix

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Happy bday!

I hear ya on the visitation bologna... gotta enjoy the time ya get.

After spending the first two weekends in the woods... i just gotta muzzleload to get somr more woods time...then its time to listen to ice fishermen lol

I am usually fishing the croix solo for sturgeon and flats on my bday... fun times.

Good luck. Keep your powder and caps dry smile

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I did manage to redeem myself..sort of! I got the only deer between the two of us, but just a yearling. I would have swore it was bigger when it was in the woods looking at me. If I do say so myself, it was a pretty good shot, about 45 Smoots (our camp's standard of measure, Google Oliver Smoot) away and shooting offhand. It went down where it stood.

Beautiful up in the woods this year west of Isabella. There was 8" to 10" of snow in the woods. All the trees and even the brush was full of snow and it snowed every day. And dead quiet. Lows in the morning were around 7 to 8 degrees, so not too bad.

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Congrats cav, good luck TW and boar, hopefully you guys can get out and enjoy some more hunting. That doe was bitter sweet, it meant I was done for the season. This weekend sounds beautiful. Great job getting the younger generation involved.

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Got into one of my stand areas at 12:30 today...I knew that wind swinging to the east was going to make this stand perfect. Problem is, the deer knew that too, and I got busted creeping up wind to my stand at mid day!! This is not typically a bedding area. This deer was literally under my stand. Didn't see another living thing all afternoon. Getting frustrated...

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